Monday, April 30, 2012

A few small and new niceties in my Etsy Shop

For so little money

Who wouldn't like a hand painted little soap dish?

Feel Royal and start the morning right.

Individual cocktail plates

You can never have enough bowls.

Have you thought of a Mother's Day present?

You might find it here


Sunday, April 29, 2012

I couldn't just go past them

The Rembrandts have opened.

Still closed in my garden.

Never mix Daffodils with other flowers in Vase.  Their sticky sap makes other flowers wilt.
(You can leave Daffodils in water for a day and then arrange them with other flowers)

 Have a wonderful Sunday my dear
Blogging Friends.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Not just another Tulip

This is The Rembrandt Tulip

Growing in my garden right now.

When arranged en masse you can't ignore them.

This is the exotic looking, highly sought-after Rembrandt Tulip.

Tulips were first introduced to Europe from Turkey
during the Dutch Golden Age (1568-1648).
By 1637 Tulip Mania was in full swing. 

More and more exotic looking tulips were being propagated.  They became the Collectors prized possession.  However,  the unusual stripes were caused by a virus, a type of Tulip specific virus, the mosaic virus.

A virus that could potentially destroy the Tulip culture in Holland and possibly the entire Dutch economy.

During Tulip Mania one tulip bulb could cost as much as a House.
That is why some tulip bulbs were ensconced in chicken wire cages and hung from the ceiling during winter months.


That is what I should be doing.  Moles, Voles, Mice and other critters are feasting on mine every winter.

But they don't eat my daffodils, they're poisonous.

Have a great weekend my dear
Blogging Friends.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The crown collection

Are you of Royal Birth?

I'm not either, I don't think.

But that doesn't stop me from eating with royal plates.

I continue to paint in my new minimalist style.
Mostly white with a little ornamentation, what the Italians call Bianchi or Faenza White Style.

However, just as the Leopard can not change his spots,  I can not ignore color all together.

Simple or Fancy, to set the table with "a uniquely yours" Crest Plate, is very affordable. 
Come for a visit and I will show you how to paint your own or I will paint them for you.  All you have to do is ask. 

 This Urn is waiting for your Initial, maybe even in Gold.

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.


Monday, April 23, 2012

The fabulous, the fantastic, the sensational Galax Leaf

The most versatile, the most wonderful, the Galax Leaf.

Bouquets of flowers are so much prettier when the rim of the vase is cushioned by a few leaves.  The Galax leaf does it most beautifully.

It only takes 2 Galax Leaves and a single flower to fashion a perfect Boutonniere.

Galax leaves come in bunches of 25 to 30 leaves.  They last in the refrigerator, without water, for months and are ready to use when you are.

They make the perfect Tussie Mussie, a lovely gift.

Galax Leaves grow in Forests of the Eastern United States

Galax grow mainly in the Appalachian Mountains. There have been concerns over the excessive harvesting of galax leaves.  Commercial production, galax propagation and container culture is being explored. 

Galax are an evergreen, herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Diapensiaceae.  Your florist will order them for you...they are very handy to have around.

Have a wonderful and successful week my dear
Blogging Friends.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Step by step, my secret weapon, the DUP cake

"The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers" Cake
also known as the DUP Cake.

Are you 18 years or older? Are you a lineal descendant of an ancestor who came to Utah before the completion of the railroad on May 10, 1869?  If so, you might win this cake!

Every year I am asked to contribute my famous, home made cake to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers (DUP) bake sale. The first year, it was auctioned off to a Professor of History from the "Big City". The next year a member of the DUP won my cake.

The very next year, I received a phone call the night before the bake sale asking me when exactly would I be bringing the cake. The caller was waiting for me at the front door. The next year, the organizer met me at the door and the cake disappeared.

The following year I received a phone call, aksing me to please bring the cake AND the cake recipe. My recipe? Oh no, I can't do that. It is a secret. But I will share my secret with you.

So simple, all you need is one pound cake, your favorite preserves and Butter Cream (recipe follows).

Cut pound cake (Sarah Lee or from Costco) into 3 or 4 slices.

Butter Cream: cream together 1½ sticks soft, unsalted butter,
2 to 2½ cups powdered sugar and
2 to 3 TB fresh lemon juice.

On first layer spread your favorite fruit preserve.

Next  layer spread butter cream filling, and last layer, more preserves.
Cover entire cake with the remaining butter cream.  Decorate with violets or little violas.

Have a lovely weekend my dear
Blogging Friends


Thursday, April 19, 2012

It may still be cold outside

In fact, it still freezes at night. 

My humble little greenhouse will have to suffice for now.

It is heated by the sun.

It makes it possible for me to save my geraniums from one year to the next.

I can grow enough different varieties to fashion a flower bouquet whenever the mood strikes me.

Every year I add a few new varieties.

The blue cement wall absorbs the heat from the sun.

Papaver nauticale  love the cool greenhouse.

Nasturtiums planted themselves. 

Soon all plants will go outside and my greenhouse will be just another sad little place. 

Have a great remainder of the week my dear
Blogging Friends.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Please give me your opinion.

I would love your opinion, please.
Out of the Kiln this morning.
Two different styles.

My "Tondino Plate" also known as Cardinal Hat Plate, painted in my usual gypsy style.
For more about Tondini plates see an earlier post here

Tondini plates can be recognized by their deep indentation in the middle.  It forms a generous well, perfect for holding delicious morsels. The rim is usually painted in many colors and with very ornate designs to better show off the center motif.

Lately I have been drawn to a more simple style.

Showing lots of white.

Soon our little town will be celebrating Heritage Days.
I will be setting up shop in the old school. Many of our local artists will do the same.  We sell to many visitors and donate some of the proceeds to a good cause, the restoration of the Old School House.

I have another month to get ready for the sale. 

I would very much like to know what you think.

Thank You
my dear Blogging Friends.
