Sunday, September 16, 2012

You can never grow too many onions or have too many walls

Every wall holds enough onions for many winter meals.
This bunch would make several servings of French Onion Soup.

And these are perfect for a fine onion galette.

This fragrant bunch will go into the cellar.

And these onions we will share with friends.

Walls are good for many things.

Happy Sunday to you my dear
Blogging Friends.


Thursday, September 13, 2012


A calorie conscious, well known Chef, asked his television audience:
what would you omit, the butter or the preserves from your toast? 
In unison, they all duty fully responded:  the butter, of course.

Preserves only.

No Thank You!  I would rather have none.

I must have butter on my toast AND my home-made preserves.

It's what I look forward to.  Every morning, a cup of coffee and a piece of toast with a moderate amount of unsalted butter and a BIG dollop of my home - made preserves.

And a very Good Morning to you  my dear
Blogging Friends.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mystery Flower

Can you identify this Flower?

It's blooming in my garden right now.

And have you tried the "Overlay" feature in PicMonkey.

I must have too much time on my hands.  Actually, I don't.  My garden is burgeoning with all kinds of vegetables which need attention. Today its tomato sauce.  The sauerkraut is ready, it's been ageing for a month, beans were put up two days ago, beets can wait till we get back from Europe, and so can the cabbages.  Carrots will be covered with straw to last through the winter, onions are drying on top of the soil, potatoes need a light frost to set their skins.  Winter squash is also ready to harvest. 
I know that I have forgotten something...I will find out as soon as it gets light and I can go out and see.

Happy rest of the week to you my dear
Blogging Friends.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Pesto, Pesto do your very Besto

Pesto, Pesto.

I grow my Basil  next to a row of coriander that I let go to seed for next years' production.  The coriander shades the basil, stunting its growth and keeping it from bolting.

I don't have a recipe.  You don't need one either.  Combine the following ingredients in a blender:
chopped basil, olive oil, pine nuts, garlic cloves, lemon juice and salt. 
There is no right or wrong.  Trust  your own taste buds, they will tell you how much of each ingredient you should add.

I add a few pistachio nuts at the end for a little extra crunch.

On the other side of the coriander grows my basil, shaded from the sun and heat.

Place 2 tablespoons of pesto inside a small sheet of saran wrap. Twist both ends and place in freezer.  The next day place pesto twists into plastic sandwich  bags.  Take out individual twists as needed.

Do you need to know what the "G" is all about?
They are a different recipe, concocted by Mr. G.

Note: our brilliant Lawyer friend Steven, showed us how to make these little pesto twists.

If this is your first time making pesto, here is a little help:
3 cups of chopped basil leaves
1/4 cup pine nuts
2oz Parmesan cheese (optional)
3/4 tsp coarse salt
5 TB olive oil
1 TB lemon juice
2 med garlic cloves
Combine and mix in blender.

If you want to make the BEST Pesto ever, leave your electric mixer in the cupboard and chop and crush all ingredients by hand. 

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pigeon Hollow

The Mail must go through.
The last two men who had carried the mail had been killed by Indians. 
Hans Jorgen Hansen said he would carry the mail.  He would do it without fail, as the mail must go through.

Hans had a fine mare.  She could outrun any horse the Indians had.  His horse had a keen instinct, she knew how to avoid any Indian ambush.
Hans told the authorities that he had a 16 year old son by the name of  Niels Peter who could ride as well as any Indian. 
They took turns carrying the mail between Ephraim and Spring City.

Most rides were uneventful as the country was wide and open in the mid 1800s, and still is.   They could see in all directions. 
But near Spring City was a place known as Pigeon Hollow.  Throughout the Hollow were clumps of sage brush and cedar trees. There was always danger of an Indian ambush.

But the faithful little mare always sensed their presence.

She would race through the Hollow.  The disappointed Indians  would come racing out from behind in hot pursuit trying to overtake them.

When Niels was far enough away from his pursuers he would rein up to a stop, turn and wave to the Indians.  The Indians too would bring their mounts to a rearing halt, brandishing their weapons.  It soon became a game. 

Pigeon Hollow road today. 

I have watched this house crumble and soon nothing will be left. 
Did Hans Jorgen and Niels Peter Hansen live here? 

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

They all came from an old bucket

The Flowers.
They were long forgotten.  The Seeds.

They showed up in the Barn, during Spring cleaning.  They must be more than five years old.

Mr. G said that he had an "open spot" next to the peppers and cucumbers.

He threw out the seeds, raked them in and they grew.

And they grew.

So, so many of them.

 Thank you, Mr. G.
You're Awesome!
