Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mon Bouquet du Jour

I was so happy to see my flowers still blooming upon our return from Europe.

 However, only two days later everything froze.

This happens every year and I should accept it without complaining.  We have a very short growing season. 

In a protected corner I found a few tender Nasturtiums blooming.
The Simplicity rose is a hardy little rose which will bloom into November in our area.

 Like the Tulip, the Nasturtium actually grows while placed in a container filled with water.

 However, unlike the Tulip, the Nasturtiums will  grow roots after being submersed in water for about 2 weeks.

Closed Nasturtium buds will grow and open while in water.

 Tiny root fibers will form. You can now pot them up in a pretty container filled with potting soil.
For me, during cold winter months, I am able to cut and enjoy many bouquets of lovely fresh flowers. 

 Many chefs and innovative home cooks like to include the leaf and flower of Nasturtiums in salads and other culinary endeavors. 
Note:  I just can't make myself eat ANY flower .  I feel that I need to apologize to the pretty little things. 

Nasturtiums are long lasting cut flowers.  They are charming by themselves or they can easily be paired with many other flowers. 

 Have a great remainder of the week my dear
Blogging Friends.




  1. Hello Gina,
    I am a new follower,(via Mark Ruffner) and just wanted to tell you that I'm enjoying both your work and your beautiful posts. I am also a craftsperson, with a background in metalsmithing and bookbinding. If you'd care to see our work:
    Again, thank you for sharing your work-- I hope to add it to my own collection someday!
    Best regards,

  2. Such beauty, the flowers that remained, delightful and then those you have brought inside, must bring you smiles as they did me~

  3. Gina, thanks for the tip on Nasturiums. I didn't know they would continue to grow. Great tip on nurturing them through the cold season for a little cheery spot of color. Thanks! I did know they are edible.

  4. Hello Parvum Opus and welcome. So glad you came over from Mark's blog. All Things Ruffnerian is one of my most favorite blogs.
    What interesting art forms you have chosen for yourself! I'm looking forward to getting better acquainte3d.

  5. Thank you Mary. The world would be a very sad place if we had no flowers.

  6. Hello Darlene, I can see that you are also a flower lover. Welcome to my blog and thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated.
