Friday, October 19, 2012

The perfect Ferienhaus in the Perigueux

This perfect Vacation House sits in the beautiful countryside of the famous Perigueux region of France.

It is owned by Karin and Ron known to us from the very special blog "La Pouyette".

Every nook, every corner holds a unique and beautiful surprise.

  Interiors are elegant and rustic at the same time.

 Small meandering roads take you through the peaceful countryside and charming villages.  The perfect places to just "follow your nose" and let the GPS get you back on track when you're ready.

Where empty and stately manor houses appear at every turn. 
And where hidden farm houses, offer Foie Gras made by the prideful owner using his most secret recipe.   A short stop at the local Boulangerie every morning completes the Picnic.
Where ancient stone walls, covered with lichen, mark ancient boundaries. 
And if you take the smaller highways you might run into a Brocante or two.
My goodness, only three Euros, of course it's now mine. 

The La Pouyette Ferienhaus is replete with everything a traveler could wish for.  Nothing is missing.  Everything is perfect. 
Karin's  'almost black'  rose.
It was a special joy to watch Karin prepare dinner for us in her ancient farm house kitchen.  I was admiring and marveling at Karin's considerable skill and efficiency in her kitchen.  No wonder, amongst her many talents, such as collecting fine Antiques, restoring ancient farm houses, Interior Designer,  Karin also owned and operated a restaurant in Germany. 
La Pouyette is the perfect place to use as home base while visiting the Dordogne of France.  
Did I tell you that it also has a swimming pool? 
Thank You Karin and Ron.    
Happy travels my dear
Blogging Friends.


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  1. Oh my dear Gina!
    This is wonderful! I'm honored! What else can I say.....
    Ron and me, both of us, enjoyed the time and hours with you and Gene very much! And when you've left we really missed you! Have not seen Ron talking so much like on one evening with Gene, and as you rightly said - they both could have gone on for ever!
    Thank you so much, Gina, for this special post!

    I'm in Germany since yesterday for my "half-term" wallpaper change :) and will spend some time to visit the blog world and for - finally writing comments!

    Nochmal - ganz herzlichen Dank fuer Euren Besuch und diesen post with very beautiful photos!
    Very fondly and many greetings, also to Gene,

  2. Dear Gina - I can see that you were in heaven. So much that you have shared with us I recognise as being similar to your own taste. The plate you bought, what a bargain - 3 euros. It all looks idyllic, and I am so pleased that you and Gene enjoyed such a lovely vacation.

  3. Perigueux has a nice memory for me, also, because while walking through the quaint ville there were just too many beautifully painted blue-louvered shutters on the white/grey buildings that I loved so much thatI have many photos of that walk one day in June back in '95.
    I was lucky enough to return later in 2001 and once again enjoy the church that is so much like Sacre Coeur! Also, this is the place where I first tried those automatic city toilets! That was an experience!!!
    Unfortunately for me, there were no brocante fairs going on and likewise I didn't return with such a distinctly painted plate, like you did. We also didn't find such a wonderful place to stay with such friendly proprieters...

  4. Dear Gina,
    What a wonderful post. It took me back to the times that I visited France and its beautiful countryside.
    Reading your post, makes me want to visit again. Your photos are superb... i can see you fell in love.
    A full day's drive and I am there!
    I love your plate.. a bargain 3 euros.How could you resist.
    I will take a visit to "la pouyette"..
    happy weekend

  5. Gina, your photos of la pouyette and the surrounding countryside are so splendid, I truly wish that I could somehow magically climb through the laptop screen! Your holiday must have been so much fun.

    I would love to see even more photos. Your brocante find is a gem.


  6. Dear Karin, You don't know how many times we were ready to come back and knock on your door to see if you would take us in for a few more nights. We spent a few more days in the Dordogne and should have used your beautiful guest cottage as home base.
    Veilen dank für unsere schöne zeit mit euch beiden. Viele grüsse auch an Ron. ox, Gina

  7. Dear Rosemary, Mr G and I have it all figured out (we should after more than forty trips to Europe. Mr G is the driver and I'm the navigator. Now with a good map and gps (we had two of them) it was a piece of cake. I think that it was our best trip ever.

  8. Dear Mary, Automatic city toilet?, Oh my, have not run across that new invention. I guess you don't mean those strange white platforms. Who ever invented those strange and unsanitary devises needs to go back to school.
    So glad that you also enjoyed your trips to France and the Perigueux.

  9. Dear Frances, I'm so glad you like my little glimpses into a part of the world that most travelers don't get to see. Wish I could take my blogging friends with me.

  10. Dear Val, How I envy you! Only a days drive away from so many interesting parts of the world.
    My new plate appears to be from Spain. It is hand painted and when the seller told me that it was three something I thought she meant thirty Euros. That is what it would have cost had I found it in Italy.

  11. Hi Gina - From your photographs, it looks as though you had a fun-filled vacation and stayed at a lovely place. I'm partial to that yellow-topped urn in the second photo.

  12. I love the mix of all that stone with natural accessories. Doesn't hurt to run into a brocante or two as well! Lovely photos.

  13. Dear Mark, LaPouyette is a fabulous place. Karin had so many great artifacts in the vacation cottage. Every piece of furniture was hand selected for a specific location from her
    vast collection of antiques. When you go to the Dordogne I highly recommentd her place as a home basefor the region.

  14. Thank you Theresa. There is nothing like travel to rejuvinate your interests whether it be in the arts or architecture or even ancient history.

  15. Hi Gina,
    I am so glad you were able to visit Karin & Ron's lovely homestead. We, too, fell in love with it. Pieter & I just said tonight we need to get back to Europe soon.

    Hope all is well with you! We are still awaiting our first frost, but right now we are staring Hurricane Sandy in the face. Already had a day of rain & wind and it's just starting! I have 2 children in its path. fingers crossed....


  16. Dear Annie, It's so nice to hear from you. I remember your post after you visited La Poyuette. It's a beautiful area and we are so glad that we visited with Karin and Ron.
    Yes, keeping fingers crossed for you and your children.

  17. Wow, that looks like an amazing antique market,i would love to visit this place, thanks for sharing

    I'm inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?

    1. Hello Noel, Thank you for the invite. What is amazing about France is that you will find such colorful and interesting brocante everywhere. But you must look for the country roads. Thank you for your visit.

  18. You got an an amazing photo of the sky. Beautiful sky photos elude me.

  19. Hello Sizzle, Sometimes nature cooperates and one can take even a good shot with a very simple camera. Thank you for stopping by, it is so appreciated.

  20. Schöne Bilder und schöne Landschaften, wäre es toll, für den Sommer dort zu sein. insel lopud
