Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I dont' know what possessed me

My life changed on July 28, 2009

I started to blog.  But Why?  I hardly knew what a blog was.
I hardly ever said anything to anybody. 

500 blog posts later.
 Yes, 500 today, on Christmas Day 2012,
Now, I know why.
Have a most joyous
Christmas Day my dear
Blogging Friends.


  1. Congratulations, dear Gina! Your blog has always been a source of inspiration to me, so I personally am very grateful for the decision you made on that day!
    I wish you a wonderful and festive Christmas and so look forward to visiting regularly in 2013. Thank you so much for your very kind and encouraging visits and comments to my blog over the past few years!
    Karen xx

    1. Dear Karen, The pleasure has been all mine. I also look forward to visiting with you in the coming year. I admire your photographic skills and the diverse subject matter with which you keep us comng back, again and again.

  2. Dear Gina - so pleased that on the 28th July 2009 you started to blog. Congratulations on 500 posts, each one of them a magical feast of colour for the eyes. 3½ years later I must be one of your newer followers, but one of your most ardent fans.
    Hope you are enjoying a happy and special Christmas day with Gene.

    1. Dear Rosemary, The reason I keep blogging is because I have met so many wonderful people from all over the world. I am always so delighted when I see that you have published a new post. You have the special touch to make us want to know more. You have mastered the art of "seeing" the world through different eyes. Thank you for your friendship. Gina

  3. Congratulation, dear Gina!
    Now you know WHAT you are - far away from "nobo..."!
    And without blogging we would have never met, neither virtual nor real.

    And as you know - you where my first reader and a great help!
    So, in diesem Sinne:
    HAPPY BLOGGING! Let's keep going......however and whenever, well, in my case :) - :(


    1. Liebe Karin. Sehr vielen dank für deine guten Wünsche. Withot my blogging I would never have met you nor would Mr G and I been so lucky to stay in your truly beautiful Ferienhaus. We think with fond memories of our visit with you and we wish you a prosperous and happy New Year. G & G

  4. Congratulations on your 500th blog post and your fabulous blog! I am so grateful you are sharing your wondrous world and art and world with us. I am looking forward to the next 500 posts. Merry Christmas!

    1. I meant to write "your wondrous work and art and world with us" - I apologize!

    2. Dear Merisi, One day there will be a knock on your day so that we can follow you around on your daily morning coffee and crumpet sojourns. Take care and may the New Year bring you health and happiness. ox, Gina

  5. Wow! How have I missed you?! I am absolutely in love with your blog!! Your photographs are pure joy. I just came across your blog a few days ago and it is spectacular. I can't wait to see more.

    1. Hello Anon, Your comment is exactly the reason why I continue bloging. You have made my day. Thank you. Gina

  6. Dearest Gina..
    Congratulations.. wow 500 posts ..a great christmas present.
    It will be 2 years for me in april..
    I have enjoyed so much reading your posts and cant wait to see what you will be posting next.
    Its been a pleasure.
    Happy Boxing day and the rest of a warm and peaceful christmas..
    best wishes..
    more to come in 2013..
    val x x x x

    1. Dear Val, Thank you so very much. How wonderful the world of bliogging is when I can bring my early cup to the computer and visit with you all the way in Portugal. You are always so nice to take the time and comment. Your posts are so interesting and wonderful to read because they show us so much of your personal style and life experiences. Can't wait to know more. ox, Gina

  7. Congratulations to you, Gina, on that original decision to post a blog, and now, many thanks for the pleasure I have had seeing your posts over the years. You've a very unique eye and voice, and your generosity in sharing your experiences is marvelous.

    A very Happy New Year to you! xo

    1. Dear Frances, i try to picture you living in New York and yearning for just a little spot to grow a few flowers. I know that if you ever have a garden it will be spectacular.
      Thank you for your continued friendship. You make me happy with your generous comments and praise.
      Wishing you a New Year of health and prosperity. ox, gina

  8. Dear Gina - Congratulations on reaching your 500 milestone! Your blog is an inspiration because the way you lead you life is an inspiration! Here's looking forward to many more postings! Cheers!

  9. Dear Gina, Congratulations !! Wishing you many more beautiful entries! N.xo

    1. Thank you dear Nella, We share so many things...the simple and the complex beauty of flower for one. Thank you for your visits. I know that your life is busy, and so, your comments are very much appreciated. ox, Gina

  10. Dear Mark, and I raise my glass to you. You have been a wonderful friend. Your blog is inspiring and unique...a pleasure to look forward to. Take care and show us more of your very interesting world. ox, Gina

  11. Gina, Congrats on 500 blog post! I have enjoyed following along and I look forward to seeing more in 2013. I hope you have a blessed and Happy New Year. Thanks for linking to my party. xx, Sherry

  12. Dear Sherry, Thank you for your support and also thank you for giving us an opportunity to join your beautiful blog. Wishing you and yours a New Year filled with health and happiness. ox, Gina
