Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Fish will spoil

Family is coming for Dinner.

The table is set. Champagne is on ice. 
They called from the Big City.  We decided that it was best that they not drive.

And here is why.

We made another date....the fish will spoil.

Have a great week my dear
Blogging Friends.



  1. Dear Gina - what a big disappointment for you all, but too risky in deep snow.
    Now I see that you do have time to do something silly like a snowball fight!!!
    Hope that you can freeze the fish for another time. The table looks simply gorgeous.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Mr G and I will just have to have another feast. Any excuse around here will do. Our family is coming on Saturday. No snow is predicted. I'm looking forward to our get together.

  2. Such a disappointment, I feel sorry of all who missed out on the feast at your house!

    On the other hand, all that snow looks lovely. I hope you are warm and safe and able to enjoy winter wonderland without power outages.

    1. Hello Merisi, We are all getting together in a few days. The menu will be different but in the meantime we can play in the snow.

  3. Beautiful images, your table is perfect with such beautiful centerpiece, sorry about the feast but your table is gorgeous.

    1. Hello Judy, We're not going to miss the party...just another day to look forward to. Thank you for your visit.

  4. Oh, wow. Mother Nature strikes again! :-( I'm so sorry. Funny how snow can be so treacherous, ruining the best laid of plans, and yet so pretty as in your photo of it here. That is, by the way, a LOT of snow!!! Your table was beautifully set. I hope your guests have a chance to enjoy it sometime before the holidays are over. Happy New Year to you and yours, Gina!

    1. Hello Alycia, the table is still set because everyone is coming in a couple of days. We are happy that it snowed. We need the moisture in the mountains but as you say, it can be treacherous to drive in. Thank you for stopping by andahappy New Year to you, as well.

  5. Well, you certainly made the right decision! I hope you have twice as much fun when the time is right!

    1. Dear Mark, It's going to happen in a couple of days. The snow is beautiful and so welcome. We were getting a little worried. We count on having the moisture in the mountains for the Spring runoff.

  6. It all looks so delightful Gina, like a fairyland table.
    Sorry that they family and guests couldnt make it.. but ,my gosh. Better to stay home than drive in that snow.. its so high.
    I can imagine that you must be snowed in.
    Hope you put the fish to some use. !
    enjoy the rest of christmas week.
    val x

    1. Dear Val, We encouraged everyone to stay put. I don't want anything to happen. Our roads are very dangerousw when we have had so much snow. On top of that it has been very cold. The worst kind of scenario.

  7. Thank goodness your family understands that Mother Nature has a very high priority when it comes to safe travel, and other than the fish will no longer be fresh, celebrations can be fun on a different day. When I was younger, here in the Northwest, we usually had invitations during the summer that always had that little phrase at the end: "...and if it rains, we will postpone the party until the next Saturday!" or something to that effect. Unfortunately for this child, we rarely had to end with a phrase like you have had to do: "...the snow is too deep..." etc. I love the snow and when I lived in Wisconsin and Illinois fairly recently, it was such fun to make an ice rink in the empty lot next door, make ice forts, and go x-c skiing in the nearby forest preserve! Of course, you have animals to feed no matter the weather so there are disadvantages as well. Your table setting looks very inviting.

  8. Dear Mary, Rain, Snow, Ice skating rink and cross country skiing all sounds fun. Weather dictates what's in store for us that day. Often we end up with memorable experiences such as walking in the silent snow, in the dark, and coming upon a large herd of deer. Happy New Year to you and yours. Thank you for your visits and comments. ox, Gina
