Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cooking School for Lovers

At the Gritti Palace Hotel

Venice, Italy

Our room at the Gritti.

Chef Giacomello' s talented hands at work.

Chef Giacomello, his assistant, and our class. 
Carlo Coco (on the left, in black) expert in gastronomic history, guidebook and cookbook author.
And Antonio (lower right), interpreter and Venice expert who guided us through the backstreets and historic sites of Venice.  

Mr G receiving his Award.

We also learned how to prepare:

White Chocolate Heart with Passion Fruit Jelly
Terrine of Giant Prawns in Curry-Flavored Pastry Case with Pumpkin cream
Banana Mousse with Chocolate Heart and Caramel Sauce
Saffroned "Chiche" in Truffle-Flavoured Robiola Cream served in Parmesan Wafers
Duck's Breast in Honey and Chili Peppers with Whisked Potatoes and Ribbon-shaped Vegetables
Champagne Mousse
Veal Fillet Medallions

Chef Giacomello taught us how to cook and bake with aphrodisiacs and 22 karat gold.

Each day we "tested" our recipes in Gritti's elegant dining room.

After our 4-hour stroll through Venice, each afternoon, we enjoyed a glass of Prosecco at the famous Gritti bar. 

Happy Valentine's  Day
to you, my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Gene!

    Just a very short and quick "Stipvisite" to your blog, will come back to see and read and enjoy all your recent posts! Sorry for being absent...
    Hope that you'll forgive me, my dear Gina!

    Ganz herzlichen und lieben Gruss,

    1. Dear Karin, I've been somewhat absent myself. Sometimes our minds become too occupied with other things. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in France? ox, Gina

  2. Dear Gina, Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mr. G
    Love the wonderful meals you learned to cook at the Gritti. I would love to start my meal with the
    Terrine of Giant Prawns followed by the Veal Medallions, and the rich Banana Mousse with Chocolate
    Heart.Replace the Prosecco with a lovely Champagne and I am all set......................
    I am enjoying your bowl, which I purchased from your Etsy shop, very much. At the moment it sits
    on the dining room table and holds some lovely variety of fruits.
    With warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, you're a girl after my own heart. I don't remembersome of themealsor tastes but vividly do I remember the fabulous experience. ox, Gina

  3. Happy Valentine's Day, Gina! I knew I could count on you to have a recipe for cooking with gold!! It looks as though you had a fine time in Venice, and you inspire us to not only sightsee, but to really immerse ourselves in local culture — I love it!

    1. Dear Mark, Hope you had a fine Valentine's Day. Been watching the news and freezing temperatures coming your way. Keeping fingers crossed for your citrus trees.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day, Gina!

    Venice, cooking with love and gold, such precious memories.
    I really enjoyed this repost. Thank you, Gina!

    1. Thank you Merisi. I know that you go to Venice quite often. You must know every little corner (winkel) and waterway. I would love to be your silent follower. xo, Gina

  5. Happy Valentine's Day Gina!
    Thank you for this wonderful virtual visit to Venice... It sounds like it was a fantastic experience. It brings to mind a recent recipe I saw for pumpkin risotto topped with gold leaf---such fun! I hope you and Mr. G have a wonderful day today, and that perhaps Prosecco and gold topped chocolates are in your future...
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, It was a fantastic experience, one that will always be remembered. Sometimes you have to commit to something outrageous and wonderful. It's strange but gold leaf has no taste, chocolates certainly do. ox, Gina

  6. This is such a perfect post for Valentines! Happy Valentines to you as well!

    1. Dear Theresa, Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I know that you also love Venice and have been to Italy many times. ox, Gina

  7. What more could a girl want than to experience such a tremendous cooking experience with her cherished spouse? And in Venice, besides! So happy for you and Mr. G.

  8. Dear Mary, It was a wonderful experience. Even though it was a few years ago it is still very vivid in our minds. ox, Gina
