Friday, February 15, 2013

It was only supposed to be routine

It's the New Year.

Routine blood tests.

Some numbers didn't look right.

A few more tests.
More anxiety, more waiting.

All is well...we are grateful.

Have a great weekend my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Well, thanks for scaring the socks off me!! I stopped by for the first time in awhile, to be greeted by THAT! So glad all is well. Do take care. Jacki Salinas

    1. Dear Jacki, It's always a good idea to remind oneself to keep up with your doctor visits and other health check ups. Thank you Jacki for your concern. ox, Gina

  2. Gina,
    i am so glad everything turned out fine!
    The flowers are all so loverly. May your weekend be filled with joy,

    1. Dear Merisi, Thank you for your good wishes. All is well now. I see that you have had new snow. Probably has melted by now and we can enjoy your lovely and uplifting colors in your beautiful phototgraphs. ox, Gina

  3. What a relief Gina - things like that make for very anxious moments - was it you or Gene? and has your snow gone yet? Gorgeous flowers and colouring.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Yes, anxious moments indeed. It was a strange week for both of us. But all is well now. We still have lots of snow on the ground and more predicted. Spring takes its time around here.
      I couldn't believe that you already have so many beautiful flowers growing in your garden. My flowers came from Costco. ox, Gina

  4. Dear Gina,
    I always feel fine before a routine visit at the doctor's office, but not so great when I am told that I need more of some things (exercise) and less of other things(chocolate) :-(
    I am so pleased to hear your good news that all is well after some anxious waiting, and may it stay that way for a long,long time.
    Best wishes, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Oh my, giving up chocolates would not be welcome around here. I keep hoping that working in the garden and going for a walk every day is enough exercise...but probably not. Thank you for your good wishes and comment. Have a great weekend. ox, Gina

  5. Bless you my friend, that had to have been a rough go, until you knew. I am so thankful for you, that all is indeed well. These flower images, just fantastic, love the brilliant colours, and they are the same ones that would choose to purchase, for display upon my old table;') Happy weekend to you!

    1. Thank you Mary for your concern. I found the Stock flowers at Costco. Every now and then we leave our little valley to go shopping up north, as we call it. My flowers are still under a foot of snow. And a happy weekend to you, as well. ox, Gina

  6. Dear Gina,
    I'm so sorry that you went through such an anxious time, but even more, relieved that it's over and that all is well. Phew! I hope you get a chance to enjoy some joyful, relaxing time with your family now.

    With warm wishes to you all,

    1. Dear Erika, Yes, it is very unsettling. Sometimes I wonder if one should just keep ones head in the sand and hope for the best. Obviously not a good idea. Thank you for your good wishes. ox, Gina

  7. Dear Gina,

    I am glad to hear all is well! I went through a scare like that when I was only in my 30s, and I had to go through quite a long wait. Regardless the ending, one gets a different perspective of life. In part, it is that we should never take our good fortune for granted. Again, I'm glad all is well.

    1. Mark, it's so true. While waiting you realize that some things are not important at all. I'm sorry that you had to go through such a long waiting period. It's also a good time to assess your lifestyle and make a few changes, if necessary. Thank you for sharing. ox, Gina

  8. Gina, as another of your readers who's had some scary moments awaiting test results, I send you lots of good wishes. Celebrate your good news.


    1. Dear Frances, I'm so sorry that you also had to go through scary tests and the inevitable waiting to hear period. Wishing you all the best and good health to boot. ox, Gina

  9. So sorry you had to go through some anxiety over this. Glad all is well now! Doctor visits are not my favorite things to do. :)

  10. Dear Theresa, You're rght, Doctor visits are no fun and add white coat syndrome to that and you practically have to be taken by force. Thank you for your good wishes. They are so appreciated. ox, Gina

  11. Just getting back on my computer to catch up. I, too, was shocked and then very relieved. From my readings, more and more false positive results have been occurring in medical tests. Results can be stressing enough without going into the tests knowing that they still may be wrong. Again, I am so happy for you. The less stress in our lives the better!!!

  12. Dear Mary, Thank you for your concern. So nice of you to comment. You're right, stress can make one ill. Best not to let it take over. ox, Gina
