Sunday, March 10, 2013


Use one of the other doors.

Snow from the roof is coming down.
Going, Going!

And down in one big loud crash. 

Only a little snow left today.

Still plenty of snow out in the fields.

I can tell that the days are getting longer.  
 Our chickens laid 10 eggs yesterday!

And my greenhouse is coming alive. 

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. Hello from Athens, Greece !
    Your blog is so full of art, color, gorgeous photos! I have been following you for some time and I enjoy it very much! Thanks for sharing all these beauties !

    1. Dear Marie-Anne, Thank you for making yourself known. Thank you also for becoming my newest follower. ox, Gina

  2. You are so blessed to have a greenhouse! Lovely photos, and the snow in the fields and on the mountains is pretty, too.

    1. Hello Ricky Jill. My greenhouse is a simple affair. But it does help me get over the winter blues. ox, Gina

  3. Wow, gorgeous images! Your view is just stunning. I would love to visit with the chickens. And your flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing, lovely mosaics. Have a happy week!

    1. Dear Eileen, And a happy week to you, as well. We are very lucky to live in the country where the views are wide open and the skies are clear and the stars shine brightly at night. ox, Gina

  4. The flowers are very beautiful and those fresh eggs sure look good. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Dear Lavender Dreamer, thank you for your visit and welcome. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, as well. ox, Gina

  5. I love the photo of the bowl of eggs. So very lovely. Glad spring is coming round your way.

    1. Hello Lorrie, Great to see you here and thank you so much for your visit. The bowl is one I have painted and thanks to our chickens, we always have fresh eggs for us and to share with neighbors.
      ox, Gina

  6. It's such a treat to see your amazing home in all seasons, Gina. Your view over the fields is breathtaking! I would never get any work done because I'd be staring out all day long. :)

    Have a beautiful and hopefully warmer week ahead!


    1. Dear Georgianna, It's supposed to warm up this week. Spring is coming...I see signs of it. We might have to exchange views for a little while, I have always loved your most beutiful Spring bulb garden. Am looking forward to seeing your special photos this year.
      Georgianna, please leave your address so I can send you your book. I have comment moderation installed. ox, Gina

  7. What an extraordinary picture of that lethal snowy overhang!
    And I know I've said it before, but your landscape and views are quite stunning. Glad to see you're having some sunshine - it all looks perfectly beautiful.

  8. Gina, your blog is stunning. Seeing your eggs makes me feel guilty I have not collected mine in a few days. I am going to follow you and come back and spend some more time visiting your beautiful blog and checking out your beautiful ceramics. God Bless and keep warm. Spring is coming. Visiting from Met Monday. Love, Wanda

    1. Dear Wanda, Thank you for your visit. How many chickens do you have and what kind are they? Thank you also for your lovely compliments. You're right, Spring is coming...I need to be more patient. ox, Gina

  9. Dear Karen, That snow came crashing down only a few minutes after I took the picture. Glad to see it gone and to see most of the snow disappearing. Have a wonderful week and thank you for your visit. It is so appreciated,
    ox, Gina

  10. Gina, this post really does show the variety of your surroundings. That snowy overhang made a wonderful photo op, but I know you must have also been relieved to have seen it succumb to sun and gravity. Your vista is amazing...all that open space must be exhilarating and inspiring, too. And then there are the eggs, really fresh eggs! And those flowers celebrating spring early in the greenhouse...the colors are wonderful, and are bound to find their way into your painting.

    Thank you so much for sharing all this beauty with us. xo

    1. Dear Frances, I can see that Spring is possible. For a while it seemed that winter was going to be here forever. I do enjoy my greenhouse. It feels good to work in there while the sun traps the heat inside. Thank you for your visit. ox, Gina

  11. oh wow - do you really have a view like this from your house? magnificent! I would just stand there and look! Beautiful greenhouse blooms.
    Have a wonderful week. I am linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Jill and welcome. Yes, that is the view from our house. It is really spectacular when Spring comes and everything begins to get green. Have a wonderful week yourself and thank you for your visit. ox, Gina

  12. All that snow just hanging there elicits a "Yikes" from me, but I would say that your roof is at the perfect pitch — a self-cleaning one!

    1. Dear Mark, You're right...a flat roof just wouldn't do around here. We just have to be careful and watch what's going on above us.

  13. Hi Gina! I love the house and... snow makes everything look pretty, though... this year we have had too much of it! There is snow on the ground, outside my house and the sky is grey. I brought in the first daffodils: they were frozen, but they seem to be opening up.

    I am patiently waiting for Spring, but I know I might have to wait until we go to Italy!

    CIAO! Thank you for the lovely pictures!


    1. Dear Anna, At least you already have daffodils...nothing showing here but the snow is melting. You lucky girl, Spring in Italy! I can never decide if it should be Spring or Fall when we visit Italy. Our next trip is planned for December. ox, Gina

  14. Dear Gina - it must have been good to see the snow come down and to know that the better weather will soon be on its way with the "melt". It is interesting the way the snow has taken on the contours of the tiles, I expect it is because it has been up there for so long - probably frozen into shape.
    Love your first image of the beautiful red nasturtium.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Yes, the snow stayed on our roofs for a good while. That is actually a good thing...that means that our house is well insulated.
      Nasturtiums have become one of my favorite flowers. They are good and willing models and provide me with blooms all winter and also the rest of the yearin my garden. ox, Gina

  15. Hello Gina!
    How wonderful that the thaw has begun.....spring is just around the corner, for sure! Here in Michigan, flower buds are peeking through the earth, and the thaw is continuing. Expectations are definitely high! Your flowers look lovely and I'm sure they'll be joined by their outside cousins very soon.
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, The snow is melting here too and there are signs of Spring. In our desert climate it will come all at once.
      Love your new product, the folders. Very original and so practical as well as beautiful. ox, Gina

  16. Good morning Gina, You are so blessed, what a gorgeous home you have and the land where you live, is just amazing. Fresh farm eggs, yum, the best, and the flowers from your greenhouse, wow, how marvelous!

    1. Good morning to you as well Mary. We are blessed and we thank our lucky stars every single day. The greenhouse is a simple one but it does keep my Geraniums from year to year and will give me a few simple blossoms throughout the year. ox, Gina

  17. What a great big pile of snow that fell of the roof there Gina.
    I can see the snow, still on the far off distant mountains.
    I do hope we can see some spring coming soon. Its been so cold here.
    Your flower collage is beautiful.. so colorful ..
    Wishing you a happy week.
    val xx
    Thank you for your comments.

    1. Dear Val, I'm glad that I wasn't standing under the snow when it came crashing down. I hear it's been raining for days in your neck of the woods. Wishing you lots of sunshine from now on. ox, Ginaq

  18. Love that petunia... and the hanging ice, it's a guillotine ... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #6' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #7...

    1. Hello Madge, I'm glad that the snow is disappearing from roof and fields. We are all anxious to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Thank you for hosting Rurality Blog Hop. ox, Gina

  19. Gina, this is a fun post. Your images tell a sweet story. '-)

    1. Hello Sarah, It's good to see you here again. Thank you for stopping by. Hope your enjoying sunshine and that Spring is coming your way. ox, Gina

  20. Gina, Your home is so beautiful and what an amazing view of the mountains. Thank you sharing this at the Open House party.

    1. Dear sherry, thank you for letting us post on your beautiful blog and thank you also for being such a generous host. ox, Gina
