Thursday, March 14, 2013

Darn the Torpedoes, Full speed ahead!

How long has it been 

Since you have eaten a Torpedo Egg?  

What do you think?  Does this Torpedo Egg have a yolk?  And, if so, is the egg yolk round or is it oblong?

A new Plaque in my Etsy Shop.

Actually, two new plaques in my Etsy Shop.

Enjoy the rest of the week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. I've never seen a torpedo egg before. The yolk will be round but it may be a double yolker. Yea they really do exist.

    1. Hello Keetha, Chickens will lay unusual looking eggs early in the Spring or when they are very young. They could have a double yolk but those are usually in the normal and larger eggs. Thanks for stopping by. ox, Gina

  2. Gina, your newest plaque is a beauty.

    About that torpedo egg, I have not a clue. Better ask Hercule Poirot! Or...crack that eggshell and take a quick look.

    (I doubt that the layer of said egg would be able to tell you anything!)


    1. Dear Frances, Ha, I bet that you would have a better idea about chicken yolks than Poirot, He seems clueless about most every day life situations. You're right, no doubt my chicken was not interested at all in what she had produced. Thanks for the chuckle. ox, Gina

  3. I suspect that it will look like any other egg when cracked Gina - I wonder if it was painful for the hen? Beautiful plaques Gina - how do you enter your Etsy shop, I clicked on one or two images but none took me there?

    1. Dear Rosemary, I think that chickens would like all eggs to have this shape. Actually, chickens don't mind. They like sitting on their nests and look perfectly confortable laying eggs. What they don't like is when you reach under them to collect eggs. Their pecks can be quite formidable.

      I have provided a link to my Etsy shop. Or, you can always go to the Etsy banner at the top of my blog, right side, and click on Maiolica. That will take you directly to my Etsy shop. Or, you can click on the link provided within the text of my post. Thank you for asking. ox, Gina

  4. I think the mother hen had quite an easy time laying this egg! It's funny and it will probably be double yolked!

    The new plaques are absolutely gorheous! I wish I had your talent!



    1. Hello Anna, I sent your book to you yesterday, but to your New Yok address. Well, I opened THE EGG and it only had one yolk...and it was round. ox, Gina

  5. Dear Gina, I think an interesting question concerning a torpedo egg would be if a chick from one would be a little different. Wouldn't that be fun!

    1. I don't know Mark. Chromosomes have a way of sticking together and making the same things over and over again. We get all kind of eggs from our chickens...the kind you would never see at the grocer. I'm afraid to collect all of these aberrations and fool some hen that all of them are hers. Sort of like the kuckoo who lays her one egg into another bird's nest.

  6. Hello dear Gina,
    ah you intrigue me ! no...I must confess I have no idea what a torpedo egg is. That is until I read your comments above :-) and the name is quite amusing too...
    Bravo for your new beautiful delicate plates !
    Have a wonderful week end

    1. Dear Lala, I see that Spring has come to your beautiful part of the world. Please keep sharing your lovely photographs with us. It makes waiting not so long. ox, Gina

  7. Hopefully, spring is close by for you Gina! We are having nice weather in Texas and the bulbs are beginning to bloom. It is always a pleasure to see what you have added to your etsy store!

  8. Dear Theresa, I am so envious...your tulips are beginning to bloom. Here, we can barely see their tips showing through. But the sun is shining, so Spring can not be far away. Thank you for your visit. I always look forward to hearing from you. Happy St. Patrick's Day. ox, Gina

  9. Any updates on the torpedo egg?

    1. Hello Sean, Yes, an update. The torpedo egg has a yolk and it is round. The hen has come to her senses and is now laying ordinary eggs.

  10. Wow your very talented!I am new from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and follow me back! Have a great day,Nicole

    1. Welcome Nicole, thank you for stopping by and thank you also for your very nice compliment. It is so apreciated. Gina
