Monday, March 18, 2013


You can't have Corned Beef and Cabbage
without horseradish sauce.

Horseradish roots, not so pretty are they?
This is what they look like this time of year.  They are just beginning to show new growth.  

In the Summer, the large horseradish leaves serve as a cushion for flowers along the rim of my water jug.  

The horseradish plant is quite invasive.  Encircle the plant with a ring of rocks or plant into a container.

Back to making Horseradish Sauce.  
Clean and peel roots and cut into small pieces.  Soak in Rice Vinegar to prevent them from turning brown.  Grind in blender.  Add coarse salt, rice vinegar and honey to taste.  

Have some homemade Mayonnaise on hand if horseradish sauce is too hot.
Mix to taste. 

Horseradish mixed with Rice Vinegar, Mayonnaise, salt and honey.

For the strong at heart nothing else will do but straight horseradish ground up and served as is. 

The broken tips will be replanted right away. 

 Back into the ground.

In no time the roots will grow again and even surprise you with  pretty flowers.

Now, to go along with your Reuben Sandwich, which you will fix yourself on the day after St. Patrick's Day, you did make some Sauerkraut last Fall, didn't you? 

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. You have made my mouth water Gina,
    How I could just eat a corn beef sandwich with some horseradish and a little lettuce..
    Its difficult to buy here.
    I can only get it in a little shop in the Algarve.. although i believe there is an english shop in Lisbon now.
    We used to grow horseradish way back.. but i buy it ready made now.
    I love it with a beef sandwich too.
    great post and photos.
    a happy week for you too Gina.

    1. Dear Val, When you have a hankering for Horseradish nothing else will do. I can forgo the Corned Beef, once a year is just right. I see that your garden is getting a lot of attention. Happy planting.
      ox, Gina

  2. There's no doubt that I would prefer your horseradish mixed with mayonaise. The more I see of your recipes, the more I think that you are a kitchen scientist!

    1. Dear Mark, I'm no Alchemist in my kitchen but I was brought up making do with what is in the pantry. Often it works but not always.

  3. Hi Gina! THe book you sent me has arrived! Thank you so much... I can now become and expert stenciller! You are so kind! THANK YOU!

    I was very interested in this post: I didn't know you could actually grow horseradish! The plants look a little bit like irises, don't they? I must say: you have a great kitchen! We don't have a kitchen in our new house in Italy, yet. We'll have to buy everything the day we arrive.

    I will post regularly from Italy, with pictures of the new house. It's quite exciting, then, at the same time, I think that maybe it would have been better to have had a normal life!




    1. Dear Anna, I am so excited for you. I have noticed that in most Italian houses the entire kitchen can be moved leaving nothing for the new owner. No doubt that has influenced our kitchen designs in the US where pieces of furniture have replaced some of the cabinets.
      Horseradish is quite a beautiful plant. It is very large and imposing. If it didn't take over so I would suggest it for your new garden. ox, Gina

  4. Gina, Thank you for gifting me the painting book about unusual finishes. It arrived safely on Saturday!
    Your blog reminds me of the wonderful horseradish sauce my Mother and Father were fond of making and sharing. They needed to go to a neighbor's home to use his heavy-duty blender and to my recollection it was pretty-much an all-day affair! They were a lot like you: nothing was fun unless it involved a little elbow grease and creativity (blending the right amount of mayo comes to mind!). I may have to celebrate St. Patty's Day today after hearing so much about other's Corned Beef & Cabbage celebrations at my french class! And I will then have the classic Reuban sandwich as you suggest with the leftovers in another day or two!!! (Always one of my favorite combos in sandwiches)

    1. Dear Mary, Making home made horseradish sauce takes no time at all. About half an hour, that's all. It's the Mayonnaise that takes the extra time and it is so temperamental. It doesn't always turn out just right. Probably depends on the weather. Like making bread, if the humidity is up you better adjust your ingredients. Hope you get to enjoy that Reuben sandwich today. ox, Gina

  5. Those beautiful images have just enticed the senses. I do enjoy horseradish sauce, as well as a fine Rueben sandwich and can just imagine now, that first bite, when it hits my nose and then after that, pure enjoyment;')~

    1. Dear Mary, Horseradish sauce is addictive. I know what you mean by "hitting the nose", It's a little bit like eating a very hot pepper, only different. ox, Gina
