Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's St Patrick's Day

Will be cooking Corned Beef and Cabbage today.

Have to see if  

 the Horseradish roots are ready to harvest.

Snowdrops were brave enough to poke their little heads through the snow. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day my dear 
Blogging Friends,



  1. Dear Gina - enjoy your Corned Beef and Cabbage today - you must be so delighted to see the little snowdrops poking through the ground.
    I am intrigued by the pot! with the stone on the top - is it Oriental?

    1. Dear Rosemary, Yes, the little glass vase came from the Orient. I don't know much about it. It was a present. I was told that the small and detailed images were painted on the inside. I wonder if they used a technique where the artist painted an image onto a gel like product and it was then inserted into the bottle? ox, Gina

  2. And Happy St. Patrick's Day to you both, dear Gina! What could be better than Cabbage and corned beef (Ron's comment)!
    Beneide Dich tief um Deine Schneegloeckchen! And it looks like all the snow is finally gone at your place???
    Will go through quietly your recent posts sometimes during the week.....was too busy here with tiding up garden, house...all depends on the unstable weather here. It was freezing cold, then a few days of sunshine and now rain, gray and cold again....what a Spring!
    Thank you so much my Dear for your comments! Very, very much appreciated! Ron sends his greetings as well!
    We both think of you and Gene!

    1. Dear Karin, Greetings to you and Ron. Wish you could have been here for the big St. Patrick's feast. I agree with you. What a Spring! The only good thing about it is that our fruit trees have been held back because it has been so cold. We had zero fruit last year. Hoping for a better growing season this year. ox, Gina

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Sunday dear Gina. Yummy corn beef and cabbage, enjoy it! The snowdrops are lovely and how sweet poking their little heads thru the snow..that means spring is coming your way. Have a nice week too.

    1. Dear Fabby, Love your St. Patrick's Day dishes and table setting. I am ready for Spring. It has been a long winter. Enjoy your wonderful weather. ox, Gina

  4. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Gina — I will be having my corned beef and cabbage tomorrow.

    1. Dear Mark, You still have your dinner to look forward to. Will you be cooking? Don't forget the mustard and horseradish sauce. ox, Gina

  5. Hi Gina! I am not sure whether here in Uk Irish people eat corned beef and cabbage! I don't know...

    I wanted to thank you for my book on stencilling. I asked my husband to check his mail and... he found it! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I can't wait to see it, and maybe I will get a few ideas for our new house in Italy.

    He will be back as soon as he's paid his taxes, so it shouldn't be long!

    You are very kind, Gina!

    Enjoy your evening and your meal. I love corned beef, but here in UK, it's not the same as in America. Here it's like a kind of pressed meat, sold in slices, like salami. I like it, though it's supposed to be old fashioned. Nothing like the good stuff in America!




    1. Hello Anna, Your welcome. Do you spend the Summer in Italy? How lucky you are to have such wonderful places to live. Maybe you will share pictures as you are working on your new house.
      The Corned Beef and Cabbage was delicious...but so rich. One can only enjoy that feast once in a great while. ox, Gina

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Gina! Your snowdrops are precious! We had our corned beef and cabbage (and potatoes and soda bread, oh dear) last night. Hope you have a lovely celebration.


    1. Dear Georgianna, Can you grow Snowdrops in your climate? I would love to see them in your beautiful photographs.
      I forgot about the soda bread. Is that a traditional part of the St, Patrick's meal?
      Georgianna, please send me your mailing address, you won one of my flower books, one that was not illustrated in my blog post. ox, Gina
