Thursday, May 16, 2013

Exclusively delicious

Italian Gelato

Imported and hand made in Italy.

My friend Barbara wrote about this heavenly Gelato last week.

Immediately, I had to see if I could find it in our area.  Wonders of all wonders, it was only 120 miles away.  And friends were coming to dinner who would bring it.  

This is Vaniglia del Madagascar.  It is simply divine.  

For desert we had Affogato all' Amarena, Vanilla Gelato with cherry sauce and sweet cherries on top.  Not only was it out of this world but when you open it,  swirls of cherry sauce and sweet cherries are artistically placed on top.  

Barbara likes Bacio, chocolate hazelnut which tastes exactly like the Perugia Baci chocolates. 
Other flavors are Pistachio, Capuccino, Panna Cotta, Fragola, Tiramisu, about $5 for a pint. 

 I have tasted 3 different varieties 
For breakfast, lunch and dinner, one better than the other.  

Hope you can find some in your area. 



  1. Dear Gina,Gelato for breakfast, that sounds like a sweet deal, and I shall try it as soon as I find this special treat.I have a CD by Paolo Conte,a man with a most unusual voice. One of his song titles is Gelato al limon and it always makes
    my mouth water when I listen to it.
    Love the great view from your terrace, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Hope you find some of this very excellent Gelato. What is amazing is that it is made with milk,not cream. That way you can have a double helping. ox, Gina

  2. An impressive recommendation, but I am even more impressed that you have friends traveling 120 miles to dine with you!

    1. Dear Mark, It's the chance to visit the country that brings our friends this way. Besides, these particular good friends of ours have a country house just a few streets over.

  3. You always make me smile; in this case chuckle, Gina! Why wouldn't one try different flavors of Gelato (and direct from Italy!) for each of the three main meals of the day? Lately, I've been listening to my Putumayo ITALIA disk when I've been driving around town! My workout partner is Italian as well. I'm currently reading the third in the trilogy of Renaissance Italy by Sarah Dunant and loving her style! It IS the time for ITALY (always - right!).

    1. Dear Mary, You make me feel guilty. I should be working out after all this decadence. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for stopping by. ox, Gina

  4. Gina, as warmer and warmer weather at last reaches us in NYC, it will soon be gelato season. I have an excellent place in my own neighborhood, but know of others in different NYC areas. All authentic. Some are also not at all pretentious about being authentic. They get my order.


    1. Dear Frances, What a lucky lady you are. To have several choices of authentic Italian gelato! How fun it would be to sample them all. Enjoy your weekend. ox, Gina

  5. Gina, this is what I call living wonderfully ! ice-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner :-) and if the vanilla is from Madagascar, then it can only be excellent...Here, alas, the weather is not too warm to have ice-cream right now...opefully next week !
    Have a wonderful week end, dear Gina
    xo Lala

    1. Dear Lala, I don't even wait for weather to be warmer...I need to learn how to say no. Have a wonderful week and thank you for stopping by. ox, Gina
