Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wishing you a happy day

on this very special day. Mother's Day!

My first day outside.  Where is my Mother?

I'm only 3 days old.  All this green is well and good, but.....

There she is.  She's keeping an eye on me. 

It's never too early to show them who is the boss.

That's right.  You're not my Mother. 

All this excitement deserves a nap.

I can take a nap.  My Mother is watching over me. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Moms.



  1. Hi, Gina - It's so amazing to see how big a three-day-old can be! But he seems immediately at home in the grass, doesn't he?

    1. Dear Mark, Our neighbor worried about this little calf for weeks. All the other cows had given birth but this one came a months later. When he finally arrived everyone celebrated. He is a happy little fellow.

    2. He sounds like me! I was two weeks late, but I've been making up for that ever since!

    3. Dear Mark, you must have been the Firstborn. Have a great week. Gina

  2. He is a dear little chap lying so contentedly in the meadow, but tell me Gina what has happened to the building in the background?

    1. Dear Rosemary, The building in the background. I don't know what it was used for. We have many such buildings in our little town. Farms which have been abandoned and left to the elements. Farming is hard work and does not have many rewards these days.

  3. Dear Gina,the calf is so adorable with the big sleepy eyes and the long lashes. The meadow with the yellow
    dandelion flowers looks just perfect for grazing. Many greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Green meadows and dandelions seem to go together t well...a sure sign that Spring has decided to stay. The pasture is just over our fence. We love watching the little calves play and wear themselves out.

  4. What a delightful post Gina.
    Sweet baby calf.. I love cows.
    Super photos. I can see snow on the mountains still , in the background.
    your views are spectacular.
    wishing you a happy Monday.

    1. Dear Val, The mountain you see way to the right is called Horseshoe Mountain. Oldtimers say that if we have snow in July we will have a good water year. And that means that we will have plenty of water to grow Alfalfa...the main crop in our valley.
