Friday, May 10, 2013

It's a Jungle in there.

In my Greenhouse.

It's too early to take the Geraniums outside.  

Nasturtiums are even more tender.  They have provided me with lots of flowers during the winter months.  Don't want to lose them now. 

New Lemons are growing on my Tree.  I hand pollinated the blossoms.  My greenhouse is filled with their intoxicating perfume.  

This petunia doesn't know what color it wants to be.

Pear blossoms are beginning to show.

My show is only 2 weeks away.  I will be painting every day. 

Have a wonderful weekend my dear 
Blogging Friends. 



  1. Your blooms are so beautiful Gina and clever you for getting so many colours and varieties to enjoy even if the weather is not quite right for them outside yet. However, looking at your pear tree blossom, I do believe that it has almost caught up with ours already.

    1. Dear Rosemary, When it is cold and dreary outside I always have a bright spot to go to in the winter. Some of my Geraniums are more than 10 years old. I keep cutting them back and they are always ready to go outside towards the end of May. As you can see my trees are still quite bare. Judging from your beautiful photographs I see that Spring has arrived in your part of the world.
      Happy weekend. oxoxox, Gina

  2. Dear Gina, I know your greenhouse is acres and acres, but it sure seems that way! Good luck on your show!

    1. Dear Mark, You're right. My Greenhouse is quite small and a very simple affair. So many plants and flowers are not suitable for this unheated greenhouse but Geraniums and other hardy plants are able to winter over. Thank you for your good wishes. Every show is different and I never know what will be the best Seller this year. Gina

  3. Lucky you, that you have such a fantastic greenhouse.


    1. Hello Filip and Kristel, thank you for your visit. I have enjoyed reading about your travels around the world. Looking forward to your next posting. Thank you also for becoming my newest Follower. Gina

  4. Hello Gina! What a wonderful show of colour, in your greenhouse! I can smell the scent, just looking at the pictures! Thank you for sharing these vivid images: a feast for the eyes and the heart!
    I can't wait to get to Italy and buy a few plants for my new house, which will be perfectly happy outside, all year round, growing in the sun!

    I would love to be able to paint every day! You are lucky!



    1. Dear Anna, I am excited for you. What a thrill to be able to plan for a garden and live in Italy where you can enjoy flowers and vegetables all year round. I am so looking forward to following your journey. ox, Gina

  5. Your geraniums are delightfully stunning.. Its taken me a few years to understand how to treat them and keep them going through winter. This year i have won.. I take them onto the patio and keep them out of the cold and rain.. cut them back and then feed them.. I want more now, seeing all yours.
    How flowers make us so happy.
    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos of your flowers Gina.
    Happy painting.
    xxxx val

    1. Dear Val, Yes, you have discovered the secret. Keeping them over in a protected place is the answer. And as you have found out, cutting them back and then, early in the Spring, feeding them is exactly what I do. They will look a bit ragged coming out of the winter months but they soon recover. Happy planting. oxoxox Gina
