Friday, May 31, 2013

Sauerampfer, the tangy Summer Salad

Sauerampfer- French Sorrel Salad,
tangy and different.

A refreshing Summer Salad.

Sauerampfer, It is always such a pleasure to see it so early in my garden.  Brings back wonderful memories.  When I was a little girl I would find it growing wild in meadows near our little village in Germany. 

There is no recipe.  It's whatever is growing in my garden. Young  French Sorrel leaves, chive blossoms, violas, nasturtium leaves, young sage leaves, horseradish blossoms and watercress from our Spring.  Balsamic vinegar and a good olive oil dressing, sea salt and pepper to taste.  Add a few curls of Parmigiano Reggiano. 

French Sorrel is a pretty plant in your garden and easily available in most garden shops.  

Have a great weekend my dear 
Blogging Friends, 



  1. Oh Gina, absolutely gorgeous, bright, cheerful colours and this salad looks so fresh and good. I doubt I could fins some of what you had in your salad, but the dressing sounds like one that I can readily use and enjoy!

  2. Gina, thank you for your visit and comment over at my place. Now that I've seen this close up view of what French Sorrel can add to a spring salad, I am going to be on the look for it at the farmers market. I'm sure I've seen it before, but didn't appreciate what I'd seen.


  3. Hi Gina,
    will you have a July 15-July 16 2 day workshop this summer? I live in Montréal, Canada, and have started doing ceramics in November. Love your work. I have dabbled, experimented with commercial underglazes and Mason stains.I am looking forward attending one of your future workshops. Please let me know of what possibilities there may be of you teaching me the basis of majolica painting on ceramics.
    Best Regards

    Élise Somers

  4. Hello Elise, You can come for a 2 day workshop anytime in July except for the 3rd week in July. The college workshop will not be taught until late Fall/early Winter. If either dtes don't work for you, there is a possibility for late June.
    Let me know what will work for you and I will make sure that I have a spot open for you. Often I teach one on one workshops, a good way to take advantage of your time, especially since you will be coming all the way from Canada.
    Regards, Gina

  5. What a beautiful and colorful salad! Looks delicious! Have a happy new week!

  6. Oh Gina
    there's nothing quite like that first Spring salad!
    The new leaves are so sweet and delicate, little is needed to dress them.
    Very scrumptious photos, it's breakfast time where I am and salad would fit the bill perfectly!!!
    Your 'fungi' storage jars are lovely!

  7. Too pretty to eat. It could be poster art for a kitchen.
