Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Mornings around here.

Finally, it is warm and sunny.

We can spend the entire day outside.

I went for a  long walk through the open countryside.

Mr G decided that he better stay home and finish tilling the Squash Patch.

Our Alfalfa field was harvested 2 days ago.   I can now cut across the open fields to get back to my house.

The men are picking up the newly cut hay.  These bales of Alfalfa weigh a ton each and will be used for animal fodder during the coming winter months.    

Lucy and Charlie went with me on my walk and didn't get into trouble. 

I set the table with my newly painted plates and Mr G prepared his famous omelet. 

With Eggs from our happy chickens.

It was a happy Sunday Day. 

Wishing you, my dear Blogging Friends, a wonderful week ahead.



  1. Wow, what a beautiful place to live. Your farm is wonderful and the photos show it's beauty and that of the surroundings. I love the photo of the still life at the top. Have a beautiful week. Pamela

    1. Thank you Pamela. How nice of you to stop by for a visit. Wishing you also a wonderful week. Gina

  2. It all looks very pretty, relaxed and peaceful in your corner of the world Gina. The sun makes you feel so good, it lifts the spirits.

    1. Dear Rosemary, We can now get serious about gardening. Up until a week ago we still had very cold nights. Now, our flowers and vegetables can get busy doing what they are supposed to do. Have a great week and welcome back. ox, Gina

  3. You have a beautiful view. I love you new plates.

    1. Thank you and thank you also for your lovely complimant. Gina

  4. Nice to have a morning of sunshine and flowers, followed by a homemade omelet.

    1. Hello Lavender Cottage, The omelet was so good that I totally forgot to take a picture of it before it was all gone. Have agreat week and thank you for stopping by. Gina

  5. Gina you are so blessed, in so many way...your talent, the land where you live, the beauty that surrounds you and I am so thankful to know you and be able to share in our blessings. Have a wonderful week~

    1. Dear Mary, You are a sweet Lady. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It isso appreciated. ox, Gina

  6. love everything!

    Visit my blog? xx Miss Beatrix (

    1. Hello Bernadeth, Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week. Gina

  7. Dear Gina,

    The view of the mountains behind your house must often remind you of Europe — it's a beautiful sight! And your new plates are charming.

    1. Dear Mark, You're right. Hadn't thought of our area in that way. Maybe that is why so many Europeans have settled in this part of the world. Our valleys and hills were settled by mostly men and women from Scandivian countries.

  8. Very nice and original post
    I love summer too

    1. Thank you Nonna and thank you also for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  9. Dear Gina,the view from the distance of the line of trees leading to your house with the mountains in the background is unlike anything one usually finds in any state of the country.It is very beautiful. Your dishes look very lovely and familiar and I certainly enjoy my plates with this new design of yours. I only wash my plates by hand and love how they feel with the water running over them. You have such wonderful ideas for a design on a plate or a bowl and your colors are always very special, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, As far as your/my plates are concerned, we worked on the design together. You came up with the original idea of painting Hortensias. It is wonderful customers like yourself that makes painting ceramics such a pleasure. Thank you for your friendship. ox, Gina
