Friday, August 2, 2013

A juggling act.

This time of year I keep the jam pot boiling and my artist brushes busy.
It's a juggling act. 

The fruit is ripening and needs attention. 
Red Currants first and then the apricots. 

My owl didn't show up this year.  The marauding birds have become very brazen. 
They have eaten every single cherry from our tree.  

Can't make Kirsch Likör this year. 

Have several commissions for hand painted tiles. 
Have finished some of them. 

Rows and rows of vegetables need to be harvested.
Dilly beans, or what I call cocktail beans,  go into jars next. 

A hundred flower pots have to be watered every single day.

 Pots get moved around to add color where needed. 

Choke cherries need to turn black before I can harvest them. 
  Have to cover the tree with netting to save them from the birds. 
Choke cherries make the finest pancake syrup. 

Weeds are outgrowing the crops.
Must pull a few. 

But there is always time to sit and admire Summer.

Hope your Summer is going well my dear 
Blogging Friends. 
I appreciate each and every one of you.  Thank you for your visit.  



  1. Wow, that owl is gorgeous. Does he really visit your home and get that close to you? How amazing.

    1. Hello Andrea, The owl lives in our old trees. Sometimes there are two. They talk to each other, very early in the morning, when it is still dark. I don't know why she didn't protect our cherry tree this year. I guess that she was tired of the job. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  2. Your photographs are exquisite! You have created a home surrounded by beautiful color. What bliss! BTW I love your hat in the last photo...

  3. Hello Vivian, You are so nice to let me know that you like my photographs. And that hat is an old one. I used to have another, in a straw color, on a windy day it flew off from my head and I could never find it.

  4. Dear Gina,
    Jars with your own fruit and artistic labels, Kirsch Likör in the finest crystal, tiles so beautiful that I would like to order a set and redo my kitchen,vegetables to rival a painting, and the most colorful pots of Geraniums: It's a wonderful life............How do you find time for this great presentation, I wonder?
    Have a great weekend, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It's true, Summer is a busy time around here. But it is also a lot of fun. This country life does not suit many people but it is perfect for us. We work hard and then we also take time off to be with friends.
      Thank you so much for your lovely compliments. They are so appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend. ox, Gina

  5. Hello Gina

    There is a sense of prosperity around your home. I love how you jar and preserve your harvest.
    Your painted tiles are beautiful too
    Continued joy
    Helen x

    1. Thank you Helen, Canning and preserving is not as difficult as it may seem and there is so much satisfaction in doing so. And, once I had the design figured out, the process of painting the mural was easy. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  6. How great to have made your jam.. and put your own labels on the bottles.
    Your garden veg.. look so healthy. I am now getting some from my neighbor.. and its great.
    Your pots are divine.. they look stunning Gina.
    You really do have a beautiful homestead.
    I wish my flowers could look so healthy. I would be watering all day.. but the heat kills them off.
    Love your tile design.
    such a shame you won't be able to make the Kirch.. I love it.
    fantastic photos Gina.. wishing you a wonderful weekend.. val x x

    1. Dear Val, It is a good thing that we have our pond and the spring from which we can pump water in the hot Summer months. We live in the desert, the days are hot but the nights are cool. I couldn't keep flowers in pots growing if we didn't live here full time. So, we are tied to this place for a few months. But it is all worth it.
      The tile mural is for a clients' new kitchen and I had a lot of fun designing and painting it.
      Thank you Val for your lovely comments. They mean so much. ox, Gina

  7. Dear Gina - what a cornucopia of wonderful goodies. I now know how it is that you can withstand being snowed in during the winter - you have your own bountiful store cupboard.
    Love your pomegranate tiles, they remind me of a William Morris design.
    What a big task watering all your pots must be - we have the same problem but I have nowhere near as many as you to tend to.

    1. Dear Rosemary, How astute of you! You recognized the pattern right away. The Interior Designer gave me a piece of William Morris wallpaper and I designed a large kitchen mural from it. The original Morris design is painted in a diagonal striped fashion. I changed it and made an espaliered fruit tree out of it.
      I love your idea of cooking preserves without the thickening agent. I will be picking a few more apricots and will try it out. I like our preserves to be a bit more liquid...thank you for sharing. ox, Gina

  8. Dear Gina, I'm just bowled over by the abundance of your flowers, fruit and vegetables - no wonder you are so busy!
    I hope that in between all this hard work you will find many times to sit and relax on that gorgeous verandah ...

  9. Dear Karen, Not to worry. Our friends make sure that we take time out for celebrating the season. We find a lot of excuses to just sit and admire the scenery. Thank you for your visit and comment. It is very nice of you to take the time.

  10. Hello, dear Gina! My, your summer activities leave me breathless! But what a bounty of beauty and marvelous crops. And your new tiles look so stunning.

    We are enjoying a fabulous summer with perfect weather. We had a little bit of rain yesterday but otherwise every day has been sunny and just the right temperature. I have somewhere between 50 and 60 containers that also need watering each day. I enjoy that ritual as it gets me out into all the nooks and crannies of the garden.

    Wishing you and Gene a wonderful weekend !xo

    1. Dear Georgianna, I'm so happy to hear that you also like to garden in containers. Watering each and every one of the them forces one to notice the details. It is a time to relax and enjoy the scenery.
      I'm always so happy when you stop by for a visit. Have a wonderful week ahead. ox, Gina

  11. Dear Gina, If you were your own employer, you'd doubtlessly need to pay yourself overtime! But I'm glad to know that you still allow yourself breaks on a porch with a lovely view. I've said it before, but I do enjoy your sense of packaging — that pyramid of jam jars should be in a place like Harrod's!

    1. Dear Mark, You give me too much credit. I only tackle jobs I like. Speaking of Harrods, I remember being awe struck at the variety and abundance of goods. What a place!

  12. Your potted flowers are so beautiful. I'm sure they're worth the trouble of all the watering.
    When I was a child we picked choke cherries every August and my mother made choke cherry wine. It looked beautiful and tasted awful!

    1. Hello Pondside, Choke cherries are not good to eat. And I have yet to taste home made wine that is drinkable. But choke cherries make the most unusual and most tasty syrup for waffles and pancakes. Thank you for stopping by. Gina

  13. It seems you are busy but what bounty and beauty surrounds you!

    1. Hello Podso, Yes, we are lucky where we live. We have lots of room to grow wonderful flowers and vegetables...and weeds. Thank you for your visit and comment. Gina

  14. What a beautiful and colorful post. I am sure your jam is delicious and the tiles are beautiful. I am glad you are taking some time to enjoy your summer. You do have a lovely view! Have a happy week!

    1. Thank you Eileen and have a wonderful week yourself. You are right, it's important to take time and enjoy the summer. Thank you for your lovely comment. Gina

  15. A healthy looking harvest and the nicest labels on the jars.

    1. Thank you Lavender Cottage, Computers make it so easy to make your own labels and if you are a Blogger than your images are ready and waiting. Thank you for your visit. Gina

  16. Your garden is so beautiful and to be so busy canning foods from them. I have alittle garden myself, but the weather was not kind to it this year.

    1. Hello Betty, It is so disappointing when you have worked so hard and then the weather does not cooperate. It's been very hot here but does cool down during the night. It is very nice of you to stop by for a visit. Gina

  17. Hi Gina,

    Abundance, artistic articulation and appreciating summer are all boldly evident in your breathtaking images! How lucky you are to be living in such a beautiful atmosphere! Glad you take the time to enjoy your gifts.


    1. Hello Poppy, Sometimes abundance is not such a good thing. It makes one obligated to preserve and cook what is in season and what is so prolific. Thank you so much for your generous comments. It is so appreciated. ox, Gina

  18. Oh how've created a little Eden here. enjoyed seeing your artwork, too.

    1. Hello Vee, Thank you for commenting on my tile mural. It sort of gets lost with all the colors of the summer garden. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  19. Wow, you have been busy. The chokecherries are always eaten by the birds here. Have a blessed week:)

    1. Hello Garden of Threads, So far our choke cherries are safe. We had a big windstorm the other day and a large tree broke in half and the top branches covered the chokecherry bush. For now, the birds can't find it.

  20. Lovely photos! The veggie collage is making my mouth water!

    1. Hello Karen, Wish you could come by. You would be so welcome to have from my garden.

  21. Love the stair photos with the beautiful flowers ~ Wonderful photography for Mosaic Mon too ~ thanks, xxooo

    1. Hello Creative, I have such stairs all around on four sides of the house. They present a challenge because some are in deep shade and some in bright sun.

  22. I looked about my window a little bit ago, and rain is coming. I see no sunshine, only gray skies for the day and then...;) I see your post. The colours of fresh fruit, vegetables, your hand painted creations, gave me my morning sunshine. It is always such a sweet pleasure to visit you Gina. You are busy, yet you have great joy all around you and I am glad you share so beautifully~

    1. Dear Mary, what a sweetheart you are. You give me way too much credit. But I am so happy that I brightened your day. No doubt, by now, sunshine has returned to your area. ox, Gina
