Tuesday, August 6, 2013

FREE. They are Free.

Sitting at the top of our Lane.

A box of cucumbers. 

We can only pickle, preserve and eat so many cucumbers and eat so many cucumber and watercress sandwiches.

Free to anyone who passes by. 
So, if you're in the neighborhood...

Have a great week my dear 

Blogging Friends.



  1. Darn! I just bought some English Cucs - otherwise I'd hop down the lane for some of yours! I'm sure they are delicious and grown with TLC.

    I'd love to touch and admire that golden tapestry pillow (?) peaking around the corner of that fresh vase of pinky roses and lovely lavendula!
    Thank you for sharing your garden beauty!!!

  2. Dear Mary, Come on over next time.
    That yellow tapestry pillow is from the gift shop of Versailles. In fact many of my favorite pillows come from Museum shops, from different parts of the world.

    1. I haven't been there physically for over a decade, but I have recently visited that gift shop online - but I don't remember that pillow! They've probably changed their inventory. It's gorgeous, either way!

    2. Dear Mary, That is one thing I have noticed, Museum shops often carry only one of a kind...maybe they keep more in the back. That way the items appear to be more special. For some reason I find that particular and elusive yellow in museum shops.

  3. Dear Gina - this has reminded me of a trip we made years ago whilst driving from Canada through New York State. We passed several properties with cardboard boxes by their gate stating FREE CUKES. We had no idea what cukes were at the time, so stopped the car to see what they were!!! I am sure yours will be snapped up quickly.
    If you are interested have a look here where Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall has some interesting cucumber recipes:-


    1. Dear Rosemary, Thank you for the cucumber recipe site. I will study it carefully. So many more cucumbers ripening in my patch and only from 2 plants.
      When you stopped at the cuke stand did you help yourself to a few? Hope you did because they are always the freshest and the best. ox Gina

  4. Only you, dear Gina, would have an umbrella like that — I love it, including the pink pole!

    1. Dear Mark, That umbrella has been around for a while. But unfortunately the wind took it the same day and deposited it who knows where. I have posted a picture at the Post Office. Maybe it will be returned. I hope so or I might have to find the new owner (our town is very small) and give them the picnic basket (don't want to break up the pair) which is painted the same way ,,, a giant watermelon.

  5. Gina, seeing these summer garden posts of yours make me want to make a vow to have a garden of my own in 2014.

    I know that your cuke giveaway offers find grateful takers.


  6. Dear Frances, I know that you have wished for a little garden for a long time. I hope that your wish comes true in 2014. I will be here to give you lots of encouragement. ox, Gina

  7. Oh Gina-- I feel so cheated to be so far away and unable to take advantage of your free cucumber stand!!!
    I love the artful display-- very very Gina!
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, Wish you lived just around the corner. There would be fresh eggs for breakfast and carrots and beets and potatoes and cabbages and tomatoes, and of course flowers, for your table. Have a wonderful weekend. ox, Gina

  8. I agree, free is very good! I've picked up produce in the neighborhood that would have gone to waste otherwise...

    1. You're right Madge, Free IS a good thing.

  9. I hope your umbrella does not end up on the wanted list at the post office! I love your lettering of "Free"...slightly medieval and slightly wonky.

    1. Dear Theresa, My umbrella is still on the WANTED list at the Post Office. A hastily drawn sign, drawn on a marble sample cardboard with India Ink was all that was left. Even the vegetable box disappeared. I can't believe that the wind took everything.
