Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Enough of this

Enough of this constant Weeding and Watering.

Our Artist Studio Tour is just around the corner.

I must paint.  I have to settle down and paint something new. 

Just out of the kiln, a new Tondino Platter.  

As long as the vegetables can still be seen and still grow among the weeds I should not feel guilty and be happy with the abundance which our garden offers. 

Have a wonderful remainder of the week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 




  1. Super fruit and vegetable displays.


    1. Thank you Filip and thank you for your visit and comment.

  2. I am so, so bad...I have a sure cut way, not to have to weed, or harvest anything...just forget to keep up with everything, with all of the busy life stuff and then one day, you think...ahh, I need to water and everything is shriveled up and dead...I am so happy that others have better ways of taking care of these beautiful gifts in a very wonderful way~

    1. Dear Mary, Don't give up. It only takes one success story and you will be hooked. At least try growing a couple of tomato plants in pots, near your door so you won't forget to water them.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Linda, your comment and visit is so very much appreciated. Have a lovely week.

  4. Gina, I loved reading about the potential for seed collecting that you reported in the prior post. Nature is a magician, amongst other talents.

    The green leaves in this post's photos are gently accented by the golden yellow blossoms. It's a wonderful contrast to see some examples of your own creativity in the composition.

    What great inspiration you must gather from each season's gifts from nature.


    1. Dear Frances, What a lovely comment!. You are always so kind. I know that you appreciate nature's bounty and long for a little spot to grow your own flowers and vegetables. You can "borrow" a couple of acres from me.

  5. When its time to paint and in the mood.. then its time , as you say to leave the garden and other things and paint.. wishing you lots of inspiration.
    your veggies will always be there.. and weeds can always be pulled.
    I am a little the same at the moment.. preparing for the wedding.
    Your new design Tondino platter is fabulous..
    happy painting Gina..
    val x x x

    1. Dear Val, I am so pleased that you like my new platter.
      I have been following your preparations for your daughter's upcoming wedding. It will be a fabulous affair. Hope you will share lots of pictures with us. ox, Gina

  6. I like the look of your new platter — it almost has the look of a trellis. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the tour!

    1. Dear Mark, While you're on vacation I'm painting, painting and painting. Already looking forward to hearing about your trip.

  7. Beautiful work Gina, and your images are gorgeous.

    1. Than k you Judy, You are always so generous with your compliments. It is so very much appreciated.

  8. I love the beautiful colors in the pictures, you did such a great job on these...

    1. Dear Phyllis, Thank you for your visit and your very nice compliment. Have a great weekend.

  9. I love your blog! Just found you over at Tablescape Thursday blog hop. Your photos are amazing and love the ceramic plate! (I am also a big fan of Italian painted Majelia!) Am a new follower on Bloglovin'
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage (http://cairncottage.blogspot.com/)

    1. Dear Ann, Thank you so much for your visit and lovely compliment. It is so nice to meet another fan of Italian maiolica.

  10. The colors on your photos just blew me away!! So vibrant! Very Pretty.

    1. Dear Ann, I am so pleased that you like my photos. I use a very simple Kodak camera. Photo editing with PicMonkey helps a lot.

  11. Hello again Ann, Your comment made me so very happy. I don't have a fancy camera and so your compliment means a lot.

  12. Dear Gina,
    you are always original in your decorations with what is at hand, like Savoy cabbage leaves and squash blossoms.The design on your Tondino plate is quite colorful and original too. Good luck with your visitors tomorrow and I hope there will be plenty of fun for you along with sunshine. Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Being able to head out to the garden to find props for photos is easy in the Summer. Our garden is always ready to oblige. The Artist Studio Tour isthis coming Saturday. Hope it doesn't rain because I like setting up my shop under a canopy of trees. ox, Gina

  13. Hello Gina!
    Your Tondino platter is absolutely gorgeous! I'm sure it will be the hit of the tour! Those veggies and squash flowers are beautiful as well-- they're sure to compete for your lucky visitors' attention!
    Enjoy the visit!
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, It is always interesting to see what my visitors like. I try to paint different pieces to please young and old. I also sell my (famous, my quote) apricot preserves. Maybe even my champagne grapes will be ripe. I share all of it. ox, Gina

  14. Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!! Go forth and conquer...the weeds will fade away!

    1. Hello Alycia, Thank you. I will go conquer, the weeds, that is.

  15. I would love to see what you create for the artists' tour. Your pieces are quite wonderful and natural elements work so well with them.

    1. Hello Linda, Thank you for your visit. You can see many of my ceramics in my Etsy shop. Just go to the top of my blog and click on the Etsy square. It will take you directly to my shop called CountryVillaCeramics.
