Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mon Bouquet du Jour

It's a Jungle out there.
A jungle Bouquet. 

Grapes and Morning Glories fight for attention. 
There's no room to walk past. 

Morning Glories are winning.  

I will be painting.
Glaze is applied next, pencil sketch lines disappear during firing.  Will fire to 1790 degrees Fahrenheit.  

Glaze and powder pigments fuse during 24 hour firing schedule. 

You won't see much of me next week. 
I will be painting and painting for the Artist Studio Tour.

Have a beautiful weekend and a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 




  1. Bonsoir,
    Je suis heureuse après mes longues semaines d'absence de reprendre contact peu à peu avec les blogs...
    Une belle surprise aussi de découvrir cette dernière page de votre publication avec de merveilleuses photos et notamment aussi celle de votre art.
    Je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses pour la semaine prochaine qui sera très créative pour vous.
    Gros bisous

    1. Bonsoir Martinealison, You are so very nice to give me such wonderful compliments. I'm glad that you're back from your, what looks like a fabulous vacation. You are a very talented artist. Thank you so much for your visit. Gros bisous, Gina

  2. Dear Gina,
    a colorful and well planned jungle indeed.I love the blue color on your plate with the proud bird.I guess
    the Artist Studio Tour is not today but next weekend and I wish you lots of luck with all the visitors,

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I would like to take credit for what you call "a well planned jungle" but I must confess that it all happened by serendipity. Thank you for your good wishes. I'm keeping fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate, not just for me but for our little town.

  3. Dear Gina - hope that you manage to achieve all that you set out to do next week - it is important to get yourself into the right mood, and you sound as if you are raring to go.
    Loving my Morning Glories at the moment too - each day they give me a little thrill of excitement when I see them - yours look glorious, no pun intended.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Just think, your morning glories will open just as mine are getting ready to call it a day. Wish their beauty was not so fleeting so that we could enjoy them a little longer.
      I'm looking forward to this Saturday. There will be many artists in town for the plein air competition. And our local artists will open their studios. It is always a very eventful day and a lot of very good art will find new homes.

  4. Great last picture, good combination.


    1. Thank you Filip. How nice of you to stop by and comment.

  5. The brilliance of the colors are so beautiful Gina. Hope you having a wonderful summer!

    1. Dear Tina, Thank you Tina for your lovely compliment. I was thinking of you just yesterday as I was moving one of my large plants out of the wind. The plant happens to be in one of your beautiful planters. ox, Gina

  6. Hello Gina, and many thanks for your visit and comment over at my place. I love knowing the name of "my mystery flower" and how the plant's seeds get dispersed. I'll now have to take another walk over to the Shakespeare Garden to take a closer look that petite beauty.

    And on the topic of beauty...this post of yours has so many beautiful sights. I love the garden space competitors. Each is lovely in its own way.

    Seeing the close up pre-kiln view of your painted plate was so very interesting to me. The blue is exquisite! I liked seeing how you sort of make pencil notes and then let your deft handling of brush and paint flow.

    Best wishes on a huge success for this week's special event. xo

  7. Dear Frances, Policemans Helmet or Indian Balsam is considered to be a noxious weed. It loves shady and wet areas and spreads easily. It can reach 10 feet. It is perfect for a difficult area where little else will grow. It is an annual. All you have to do is gather a few seeds and throw them to the wind. You will be awarded with plants where you least expect them.
    I thought that my readers might like to see how a pattern is developed. It's a lot easier than you think.
    Thank you for your very generous compliments. Have a great Sunday. xo, Gina

  8. What an abundance your garden gives you in summer, Gina. It's always hard to believe, seeing these photos, that not long from now your landscape will be frozen white! I think I would really enjoy living with these very distinct seasons you have. Your plate is beautiful. I have a very treasured set of Portuguese plates in similar style, though they are much less finely painted than yours.
    Good luck with all the painting ahead!

    1. Dear Karen, Fall is already upon us. I wish that time wouldn't fly so fast. Our growing season is much too short and sometimes I wonder why we work so hard to see everything freeze in September. Snow and "frozen white" is beautiful but a bountiful garden is my idea of a perfect season.
      I would love to see a picture of your Portuguese plates. Maybe you will feature them in one your posts. I would also like to know the history on how you acquired them. There must be a story attached to your plates. ox, Gina

  9. You are constantly showing us so much beauty!!!

    1. Hello Things and Thoughts, Your comment makes me very happy. After all, that is what blogging is all about.

  10. Dear Gina,

    I didn't know that pencil lead would disappear in the firing! That must make one all the more confident to venture into more complicated designing.

  11. Dear Mark, Your observation is right on. What can appear to be a difficult design can be broken down into sections. Adding to and embellishing the basic design only takes a little extra time.
    The one thing you can't do is to inadvertently drop a spot of pigment onto raw clay. That is why you see little painted bugs on some painted porcelain plates.

  12. Gina, The vignette is beautiful and I love your new plate. I still hope to visit and take your course once my life calms down. Your work is gorgeous and I always appreciate you sharing it at the Open House party.

    1. Thank you for hosting Sherry. Thank you also for your visit and comment. It is so appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend. Gina

  13. Your garden flowers are so beautiful and a great inspiration. The ceramic plate design is exquisite and your talent is so impressive. Have a great week and hope the tour is successful!


    1. Thank you Pam for your good wishes. I also want to thank you for your lovely compliments. It means so much. Gina

  14. What a lovely blog. I can see why your garden flowers provide such inspiration. I love gardening as too. I am going to take some more time and go through your old posts. You must be a great photographer as well.

    1. Dear Denise, You give me way too much credit. I have a simple Kodak camera. But like most of us we take many, many pictures, hoping that at least on or two photos are useable. Thank you for your visit and comment.

  15. Love your little jungle.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Dear Tablescaper, thank you for hosting so that we can share and learn from each other. It is very nice of you to take time out to comment on my post. Have a wonderful weekend. Gina

  16. I love seeing your colorful jungle, and I know your plates are going to be fabulous. Best wishes for a successful studio tour.

    1. Hello Sarah, Love your blog. Wonderful photos and interesting posts...just what blogging is all about. Thank you for your visit.

  17. Gina, your work is beautiful. I hopped over from TT and I am glad I did. Your work is a feast for the eyes. Ginger

    1. Hello SavannahGranny, Thank you for your lovely compliment and thank you also for your visit. Have a wonderful Labor Day holiday.

  18. How pretty! I am holding on to summer, it is very summery here!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!
    Don't forget to remove your word verif. Thanks!

    1. Hello Kathleen, Thank you for your visit. I agree with you, wish Summer would last a bit longer.
