Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Artist Studio Tour and Plein Air competition

It was a beautiful day.
The Artist Studio Tour was a great success. 

Many people came. 
It was too beautiful to be inside.  My temporary studio was set up under a row of Mountain Ash trees. 

The plein air competition attracts more and more Artists to our little town each year. 

First Cash Prize in the plein air competition was awarded to 
 Doug Fryer, a fine local Artist.  This is the first in many years that a local artist won the coveted prize.  

Even grown ups wanted to pick apples.  
We have plenty.  

The Italian plums were not quite ripe.  

Winter Pears will grow some more. 

Sunflowers of every variety were blooming along the fence.

Interlaken grapes were ready to pick to the delight of
 little boys and girls. 

Wishing you a bountiful week ahead. 



  1. Bonjour,

    Comme prévu, après mes longues semaines éloignées des blogs, me revoici parmi vous ! Vous m'avez beaucoup manqué...
    Je suis heureuse d'ouvrir aujourd'hui la page de votre dernière publication.
    Une publication remplie de soleil, de fruits et de générosité...
    Je suis certaine que vous passez des moments exceptionnels.
    gros bisous et merci pour ce partage.

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, It was a beautiful day full of sunshine and happiness. The perfect day to spend with friends and also make new friends. To set up my shop outside and under a colonnade of trees was the perfect solution.
      Thank you for your visit and comment. It is so appreciated.

  2. Dear Gina - so pleased that the day was a great success especially after all your hard work. The fruit is ripening, the sun is shinning and all feels good. I do like Doug Fryer's painting.

    1. Dear Rosemary, The Doug Fryer painting was purchased by friends of ours who are taking it to their newest home in Paris. It will be perfect and fit right into the Parisian milieu. It is always a treat to see so many artists come to our plein air event...to see them painting for 3 days in the open countryside. Some really fine paintings are always the result.

  3. You live in such a beautiful area! It is nice to see the arts supported so well in your town. The tour looked like a huge success!

    1. Dear Theresa, Why not come and join us next year. You would be so welcome to stay with us. You would, no doubt, approach painting from nature in a very different way.
      Your most recent post about your work repairing the Zuber painted panels was very interesting and you did such an excellent job.

  4. Gina, thank you for letting us see some of what happened during this remarkable event. Obviously, there was much to inspire artists, with the weather making a great contribution, too. Grand to learn that the prize winning painting will have a new home in Paris!

    Your showing your own fine work outdoors was a fabulous idea.

    Will this event be held again next year at a similar time in August?


    1. Dear Frances, Wish you could see the beautiful paintings which were submitted for judging. Our town has held this event for many years. The plein air competition is always held in conjunction with the Artist Studio Tour, and usually in the last week of August.
      It has rained at times but not this year. It was a most beautiful day, the kind of day you can have only in late Summer.
      Thank you for your visit. I'm always so pleased when you stop by.

  5. Dear Gina,

    I like Doug Fryer's painting — abstract, yet at a distance could almost be photographic. The colors remind me a little of Corot.

    I'm glad to see that you're still making pottery with the bee design. I'll bet those pieces went very well, they have such charm.

  6. This is such a delicious post. Love your photos and words - always a joy. Thank you. F

    1. Hello Francesca, How nice of you to stop by and leave such a lovely comment. It is so appreciated.
      Thank you, Gina

  7. Dear Mark, It is interesting that several of our very successful and local artists are going in this direction.
    For some reason my ceramics, painted with bees, are always popular. Maybe it will be rabbits next year.

  8. Gina, What a gorgeous location for the Artist Studio Tour! Your pottery is beautiful and I am sure it was a big success. Thanks for joining the Open House party and have a great weekend.

    1. Dear Sherry, Thank you for hosting the Open House Party. It is very generous of you. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
