Thursday, September 5, 2013

On the way to the Carrots

 We pass by the flowers first. 
On our way to the carrots.

And the cabbage Patch.

Someone has been pulling our carrots.

Ahaa, caught you!

It's Lucy.

And she has taught Charlie.  

Nothing else will do.  
They're just crazy about carrots. 

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends.



  1. ;) and those carrots are so good for them and for we humans...funny...nice shares~

    1. Hello Mary, Our dogs also like nice and crunchy lettuce. They would probably eat Sauerkraut if I let them.

  2. How cute is that - carrots are good for them. My friend gives her dog carrots for treats and she love them. . Thanks for sharing - love your dogs, is Lucy a Border Collie?
    Have a great weekend - love your flowers.

    1. Hello Mary, Lucy is a Brittany Spaniel and the sweetest dog we have ever had. She is 7 years old. We've had her since she was a tiny puppy. Charlie is a mix. He was rescued by the Police and that is where we found him. We don't know anything about him except that he loves cowboys and Dodge Trucks. He loves to herd all kinds of animals. Sometimes I ask him to help me get the chickens back into their coop. He is a fantastic guard dog.

  3. How hysterical - carrot-nabbing dogs -love it! Also love the sunflowers - such happy faces. Great post. Fx

    1. Hello Francesca, I can always count how many carrots Lucy has pulled...she leaves the carrot tops on the lawn. I could put chicken wire over the carrot rows but that would spoil the fun.

  4. Gina, as always you've shown us beautiful images, and this time introduced me to those carrot loving pups, Lucy and Charlie.

    Guess I have never been around dogs and a garden with carrots at the same time...this is a very amusing introduction to a particular taste.


    1. Dear Frances, For a long time I didn't know who was raiding my carrots. They also pull their own peas and green beans. Lucy and Charlie are our constant companions. They keep us entertained.

  5. Replies
    1. Hello Pretty Dishes, Thank you for your compliment and thank you also for your visit. Have a great weekend.

  6. I've always been amused by dogs who enjoy fruits and vegetables. Our family had a dachshund that ate pickles!

    1. Dear Mark, Maybe a Dachshund is in my future. I think that they are such charming little dogs. Our dogs have not had an opportunity to try pickles, Who knows.

  7. Dear Gina,
    what perfect cabbages, carrots and dogs. Everything looks healthy and well cared for. It always amazes
    me how you have created with Gene such a wonderful home with gardens, barns and animals. The Italian plums from your previous post made my mouth water. Do you ever make a Pflaumenkuchen vom Blech??? Sometimes I find these plums in the Supermarket and I always bring enough home to make this cake which never lasts very long.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Yes I bake Pflaumenkuchen and I also make Pflaumenmus. Do you add Streussel on to your Pflaumen cake? How do you make your cake. With yeast or without? Zwenchenkuchen was always my most favorite cake. It is a simple cake but so delicious.

  8. Dear Gina - I had no idea that dogs like to eat carrots - but they do look lovely specimens. Your beautiful flower collage has the appearance of a still life painting. I expect much of that bountiful crop of vegetables will be preserved for the winter months.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Our dogs also like green beans and little snow peas. Whenever the mood strikes them they head over to the garden and check out the rows to see what is ready to eat.
      We preserve and can much of our produce. Our favorite winter food is Lakots squash. I can use it in breads and cakes and just baked by itself is a wonderful treat.
      Thank you for the encouraging note about growing fig trees in pots. I have wonderful memories of having a picnic under a fig tree in a vineyard near Tavarnella val di Pesa, Italy.

  9. How fun to see your dogs enjoying your garden. I have squirrels who like to pick blueberries and strawberries and eat them, all the while looking cheeky. Beautiful flower collage.

    1. Thank you Lorrie and thank you also for your visit.

  10. Such pretty sights on the way to the carrots!

    1. Hello MarmePurl, I can never decide which I like best, flowers or vegetables. I guess, for now, I will insist on having both.
