Monday, September 23, 2013

Hansel and Gretel

They were abandoned.

By someone who didn't want them

About a mile from our house, in the middle of a 10-acre Alfalfa field, they stood, terrified. 

 They're domestic geese, they can't fly.
They didn't know how to hide from the coyote, the fox and the raccon.  
They stood there, without water,  for I don't know how many days waiting for their owners to come back.

We slowly herded them to our pond.  They responded easily to our hand signals.  
The geese stayed for one night, cleaning their feathers and quenching their thirst.  They left the next morning. 

We found them.  They had returned to the very same spot in the Alfalfa field. 
Again we walked them to our pond.   It only took half the time. They had already memorized the route. 

That was a months ago.  They have stayed.  We named them Hansel and Gretel. 
We will take good care of them. 

Have a great week my dear 
Blogging Friends,



  1. Oh, how sweet Gina! We had Boris and Natasha....abandoned as well. They lived with us for many years and for Christmas, we bought them minnows to eat.

    1. Dear Theresa, Boris and Natasha...great names. Is there a Russian connection? And minnows to eat for Christmas! Did you feed them live minnows? I didn't know that minnows are a treat for Geese. How interesting.

  2. Dear Gina,
    I can not decide what I like better.................. the splendid story of these very fortunate geese who have found a home with you or the fantastic shots of your pond with the clouds above. The colors you see all around you are terific and those delicious apples look ready to be picked.
    Have a great day, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, The afternoon was stormy but there was sunshine all over the pond. And yes, our apples are ready to pick. Friends will come from the city and we will get out the old apple press and make apple juice..

  3. Dear Gina - not only the story but also your magical pictures are like a fairy tale, but one with a happy ending.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Our new pond residents appear to be happy and it looks like they're going to stay. The lighting over the pond was very special. One of those magic afternoons when Mother Nature is showing off.

  4. Those reflections you've captured really struck me! Beautiful!
    Is it true that humans abandoned the geese?

    1. Dear Mary, Even though the field where we found the geese is very remote, there is a small country lane nearby. Geese don't like to walk very far so we think someone drove them to the lane and let them out. They headed for the field to get at least some cover.
      They stayed there because Geese are very loyal. They just knew that their owners would come back for them.

  5. Gina, I do love happy endings, and it's grand to see that your H and G only needed a second invitation before deciding that you and yours were going to deliver a very happy home.

    Who could possibly have abandoned these lovely animals?


    1. Dear Frances, The previous owners must have had a plan. I can't imagine them leaving their geese to fend for themselves. Geese live to be forty years. Hansel and Gretel are especially beautiful and they seem to be so happy in their new environment.

  6. Absolutely beautiful photos, Gina, and a beautiful, sweet story. Another example of how you and Gene have created such an incredible oasis filled with wonders.

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend.


    1. Dear Georgianna, It makes me so happy to have you comment on my photographs. Coming from you, who knows how to make magic with a camera, it is especially appreciated. Thank you for your friendship. ox, Gina

  7. Bonjour,

    Quelle belle histoire... les photos qui l'accompagnent sont très très jolies... Votre coeur est généreux et j'aime ça!
    gros bisous

  8. Bonjour Martinealison, It was easy to be generous. These geese are such beautiful creatures. This particular pair has a very friendly disposition and we are happy to have them.
    Gros bisous, Gina

  9. This was breaking my heart until the end...whew, I think I was about to get on the next plane ;) I am so happy you took them in and they finally stayed! I had an encounter with a pair a couple of years ago and wanted to write a children's book about them...they were Phoebe and Rolf ;)~

    1. Dear Mary, Geese would make good subjects for a children's book. They are so intelligent and each and everyone has been blessed with wonderful characteristics. If you click on the goose picture on the right you will read a great story about our other resident geese.

  10. Dear Gina - It's so touching that Hansel and Gretel went back to the field for the owners who never came. But I know they'll be happy with you, and that you have earned an extra jewel in your halo!

    1. Dear Mark, You are right, it was touching. And I'm so glad that the pair went back to the same spot so that we could find them again. It is seldom that we go that direction. It was meant to be. Our new geese have the nicest manners. They don't chase our dogs and they are friendly and so far are not interested in raiding my flower beds.

  11. Such beautiful pictures and a sweet, sad story. Glad they found a home.

    1. Hello Red Couch Recipes and welcome. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is so appreciated.

  12. Dear Gina, Your story and your photos are so moving and inspirational. It makes me happy to focus on the good, kind actions of people like you. I hope your geese give you much pleasure as you watch them. Linda

    1. Hello Linda, Thank you for your visit. Our new pond residents seem to be very happy. They swim, proud as swans, all around the pond, getting acquainted with every little corner.

  13. I love this story and your beautiful pictures......thank you for saving these geese.....sad that they returned to the field hoping for their owners to return.........if you can't take care of animals, don't get them in the first place...

    1. You're right Sweet Violets. Little goslings are so cute and make such loyal buddies. But they live to be forty years old and most people can't take care of them. They are very happy where they are. They are no trouble when they have a big pond and plenty of food.

  14. I too love the beautiful story and the pictures are so great, what fun I would have if I were there to see such beautiful surroundings...Phyllis

  15. Hello Phyllis, Thank you for your lovely comment. It is so appreciated. Hope you will come back for a visit. ox, Gina

  16. Hello Tablescaper, Our two new pond residents have been a joy to watch. They have the most charming way about them.
