Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tradition, The Mutton Roast

How many years before a Tradition becomes a Tradition?

Saturday Morning September 14, 2013.

It's early morning.  Slowly roasting under a blanket of metal sheeting, a Mutton roasting for 10 hours. 
See the steam rising?

23 years ago, the first Mutton Roast at our Country Farm house.
The Mutton was roasted in a hand dug pit, first wrapped in chicken wire with herbs and spices and then tightly covered with wooden planks and a layer of dirt, and left to roast for 10 hours. 

Did I tell you that it was a black tie affair?  

We had just introduced our niece Susan to our Friends' son, Johnny.
There was chemistry right from the start. 

Now, three handsome boys later.

And we celebrated our 23rd Annual Mutton Roast last Saturday, 
for many years now hosted by Johnny's Mother and Father.

The wood is already stacked up for next year's Mutton Roast.

To be roasted in a pit which Johnny's Father built. 

It's 7 o'clock in the morning.  The Mutton was uncovered and brought up to be cut into serving pieces.  

 Champagne is on ice, another tradition. 

 Mr G is still the head honcho.  He is the farm boy who knows how to cut a perfect butterfly steak.  

Celebrating Life.

While remembering a fallen friend. 

 We enjoyed each others company and the abundance of nature.

Have a wonderful week my dear 
Blogging Friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    you give us wonderful glimpses into your life in
    the country and the gathering for Mutton Roast for
    23 years certainly sounds like a Tradition. It is
    a great Tradition to value and nurture family and
    friends and to remember those who are missing from the table.Thank you for sharing this event with us.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, So nice of you to take the time and leave such a lovely comment. Living in the country is not for everyone but it certainly suits Mr G and myself. Wishing you a great week.
      ox, Gina

  2. For this southern California girl/woman's eyes it looks divine...

    1. Hello Ann and welcome to the country. You live in a wonderful part of the world. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Dear Gina - what a lovely event - definitely a tradition, those three handsome boys have known it all of their lives. A lovely way for family and friends to keep in touch and share some good food and fun together in a glorious setting.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I have watched those boys become young adults. They are the kind of boys every parent would love to have. The first born has just begun college. Oh, how time flies. ox, Gina

  4. Hello dear Gina,
    How I love this ! Good company, beautiful food, slowly cooked and gorgeous premises...not mentioning the black tie affair :-) I do love this kind of tradition...bravo to you and your friends for keeping it alive...it's a beautiful spirit !
    xo Lala

    1. Dear Lala, I didn't realize how many years it has been since our first Mutton Roast. So many things have changed yet, in some ways, it feels like it was only yesterday.
      I wish you lots of success in your upcoming soiree. ox, Gina

  5. Oh hello Gina!
    Such a long time-- I've missed your wonderful posts, and am thrilled to have come back to this, one of your best ever! What a wonderful tradition-- you have a beautiful family. It surely must have been a day to remember, with everyone counting down the days until next year! Thank you for sharing and inspiring us once again...!
    Warm regards,

    1. Dear Erika, So nice of you to stop by for a visit. Those big stacks of wood you see near the fire pit are branches from trees we have had to cut down...it's a good sign that there will be a next year. Have a wonderful remainder of the week and thank you for your visit. ox, Gina

  6. Dear Gina,

    What a romantic story, and how nice that friends are now kin! I like that you have so many traditions throughout the year, but I think what draws so many people to your site is that it's so evident that you celebrate every day. And that's a life well lived.

    1. Dear Mark, Could not have said it better. We are very lucky to have found this wonderful spot in the country. We never know who is going to show up next, whether two legged or four legged.
      Have a great weekend.

  7. What an incredible tradition! Your photos are lovely, I swear I could taste the cool champagne and smell the smoke from the roasting mutton. I could definitely feel the love and friendship here too, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Jenna, Had you been nearby you would have been invited. Thank you for your visit, it is so appreciated. Gina

  8. Oh what a wonderful tradition! I wish I were close enough to be included. You are such an inspiration, Gina. Take care, Jacki

    1. Hello Jacki, had you been nearby you would have been invited. Thank you for your visit and thank you also for taking the time to comment.

  9. I love everything about this post....the story/romance, the history, the family, the traditions, the photos.....just everything!!! You have epitomized all of the aforementioned just beautifully!!!

    Love/hugs/blessing & please stop by to see my new blog re-design,

    1. Hello Lana, I'm so glad to see you back and blogging again. I will be visiting.

  10. Fabulous tradition! Your photos always are so stunning. The story of the mutton roast and your family is wonderful. I love the part of how the wedding and children were part of the tradition. I always know when I view your blog it will be the most interesting and terrific posting! Have a great week!


    1. Dear Pam, you are so sweet and thank you so much for your lovely comments. I feel so special after reading what you have had to say. Thank you. Gina
