Thursday, November 21, 2013

Little treasures of gold.

The golden Acorn

So appealing and special for Holiday decorations. 

My charming friend Sieglinde sent these extra special acorns to me from Texas. 

We decided that we liked them just the way they are.  

But, you have known me long enough to know about my penchant for gold. 

A simple 2 step process.
It is the gold leaf , $12 (actually called metal leaf in craft stores) I use for craft projects. 

The Genuine Gold Leaf  ($80) I use for more important projects. 
The difference, metal leaf will eventually tarnish.  Real gold does not. 

More information in an earlier post and a link to a more professional approach when using real gold leaf.

But I couldn't help myself, I had to add a bit of gold to at least some of the acorns.
I used a gold pen on the acorn on the left.  Not shiny enough for me. 

Pour a little glue (specially designed for gilding, available in any craft store), into a small container and paint each acorn. 

Acorns painted with glue will slowly turn from white to clear. 

After about 20 minutes,  acorns will turn shiny and tacky.  
You now have about an hour to apply gold leaf.  

Lay on gold leaf and polish with a soft cloth.

Even one little acorn is charming.
And you have learned a new and golden craft. 

By Easter time you are an expert. 

Have a lovely remainder of the week my dear 
Blogging Friends, 


Your friendship is very important to me and I would love to see you here for a visit. 


  1. Thank you Gina...this post comes just in time ! I have been given some gold leaf and need to apply some on carboard for a décor...never did it before..You're right about the is best !! :-)
    xo Lala

    1. Dear Lala, Great Idea. Make sure that glue is tacky and not wet. For a flat board take the entire sheet of gold and pick up with soft brush to lay onto the board. Always use the same side as they are slightly different. Seal entire surface with a sepia colored sealer for extra richness. Have fun.

  2. Gina how lovely the little acorns look cloaked in gold.......they take on a richness that even Mother Nature would approve of I'm sure.
    This year we've had very few acorns - whereas last year there were millions in the garden - they would fall on the roof in groups when the wind blew and made quite a noise clattering down pst the gutters. This year silence!
    However, that said, I'm going out right now to squirrel around - prior to the real squirrels finding them all - to see if I can find a few. I do have 'gold' leaf sheets somewhere in my craft stash - it's old but hopefully still usable.

    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I was so happy to receive these beautiful acorns from my friend Sieglinde (Dahling1). You know what they say about Texas; these acorns are extra special and larger than any I have seen.
      Even though you're gold leaf is old it should work very well. Just make sure that the glue has not dried up in your bottle (it happened to me just before a presentation). And please, make sure that your gold leaf is not real gold.

  3. What a great craft to learn and use, Gina!!!!!!! I need to get out of my million-mile-a-minute mode and take the time to do something beautiful and lasting like this! I doubt I could ever gain the patience to do all those Easter eggs like you did, but a few acorns would do me just fine! :-) I'm glad you pointed out the difference between metal leaf and genuine gold leaf, too. I would want to do the real deal for keeps, but would probably want to practice with the less pricey of the two!

    Beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend ahead and a terrific Thanksgiving week! Take care, m'dear!

    1. Dear Alycia, Hope you will give it a try. Especially with the holidays just around the corner there are so many applications for gold and copper and silver. You will find all of those colors in your craft store, even a combination of all of them swirled onto one sheet.
      When you use genuine gold there are several extra steps in gold leafing. The link I included in my Easter post will give you all of the information you will need.

  4. Oh, dear Gina, the acorns covered in gold leaf look lovely. Thanks to your very easy to follow instructions I may just treat some of mine the
    same way. I have even used the bigger "cups" to hold candles and they could certainly be improved with gold leaf.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Well, my dear Sieglinde, you just made me the happiest girl the other day. First I receive a wonderful book, a few days later, those beautiful acorns, and a few days later, divine chocolates from our home country. I am speechless! I hank you from the bottom of my heart.
      PS I love your idea of using the acorn cups as candle holders. Can't wait to see how you use them. oxoxox, Gina

    2. Dear Gina,these very special acorns came your way because I thought you would appreciate something so unique. They are the
      largest acorns of any North American oak and they come from a tree called Bur Oak or Quercus macrocarpa ( macrocarpa meaning
      large fruit). The chocolates from Germany are a different story. They are your gift for your birthday this month and for your wonderful
      blog which gives me much pleasure throughout the year. You are unique and very special and I adore your golden touch.
      Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    3. Dear Sieglinde, I can only say Thank You, and another Thank You.

  5. Absolutely wonderful for Christmas decoration! Thank you Gina , I think I'll make some crafts foloowing your instructions and if they seem beautiful I'll show them on my blog.Thank you!

    1. Dear Olympia, They will turn out well and I look forward to seeing your version. I see that in one of your recent posts that you photographed acorns, different in shape and size. It will be interesting to see how they turn out.

  6. I love what you have done to the acorns Gina - a touch of gold is simply magic.

    1. Dear Rosemary, A little gold accent makes everything more festive , especially at Christmas time.

  7. Today I will begin the search for acorns since you have shown all the clever things that can be done with them...thanks!

    1. Hello Lulu, Good luck with the search. Thank you for your visit. It is appreciated.

  8. I think your acorns would make a delightful Christmas gift. You do have the Midas touch!

    1. Dear Mark, You might even want to try other metals, such as copper or silver or a combination thereof. All available at any craft store. But you have to promise to show them to us.

  9. I don't have enough to do already! We have two burr oak trees in our yard and I do cherish those large acorns. I will try to gild some after Thanksgiving! Thanks for the inspiration. :)

    1. Dear Theresa, You are so lucky to have burr oak trees in your garden. Pour yourself a glass of wine and take time out for a little bit of "getting into the Christmas spirit". You'll be so glad you did and you will have something special for the coming years. ox, Gina.

  10. Gina dear - I linked to this post of yours today so my readers could share both your golden acorns and your gorgeous posts and photos of your home and art. In my post you can see my paltry supply of acorns BUT at I have a few to guild.......except I haven't found my supplies yet so may have to go shopping at Michael's or A.C. Moore! I'll need something to keep me busy - that's a joke - in the coming weeks, and creating golden treasures may do it, LOL!

    Hugs - are you getting excited - will you share details later - hope so.
    Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, I am a faithful and enthusiastic reader of your beautiful blog. So, I noticed this morning your lovely post about your acorns and your cheeky squirrels. Again, such lovely photographs. Thank you so very much for giving me credit.
      If you can't find gilding materials, let me know and I will send you the makings. I have plenty.
      Yes, getting very excited and yes I will share details. ox, Gina

    2. Thanks Gina but I'm sure I have some tucked away in a box in the attic........that dastardly place in the house which is supposedly being cleared out and organized as I type! I did my part, the remainder is waiting for you know who.........he who is shirking his job because now he's truly retired he thinks everything can be done tomorrow! Now it's freezing up there so he has a new!!!!!!!

      You are a dear to offer me the supplies - I wouldn't dream of it because I know you are so busy!
      Seriously, I can always run to the store, but thank you so much.
      Mary X

  11. I am visiting from Mary at A Breathe of Fresh Air. Your gold acorn is beautiful! Thank you for the lovely inspiration.

  12. Welcome Penny, Thank you for your comment. Maybe you will give gilding a try. It is very easy.
