Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Happiest of New Years to you!

You must get out the Bubbly.

And celebrate.

Celebrate because you are alive. 

Happy New Year.

My gratitude to you, my dear friends, who grace my blog with your visits.  



  1. I will be joining friends later tonight.
    Bubbly will be flowing.
    Thank you Gina for all your lovely comments.
    Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year.
    val xxx

    1. Dear Val, I am so glad that you will have some happy times with your friends. I
      l'll drink a toast to you and wish you a great New Year. 0x, Gina

  2. Happy New Year Gina! Thank you for your optimistic message !

    1. Dear Olympia, Thank you for your good wishes. I look forward to reading your posts in 2014 and wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. ox, Gina

  3. The Bubbly is ready, but I must wait until evening.........
    Thank you, dear Gina, for enriching my whole year with your hand painted ceramics, your knowledge and the beauty of your photos.
    To you and Gene a very happy new year, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Thank you for sending pictures of your festive New Year's Eve dinner. I love the way you combined your hand painted plates with the gold chargers. One of these days I will talk you into joining Blogger so that all of us can enjoy your beautiful photographs and tasty recipes. Gene and I wish you and your family a most special, happy and healthy New Year. ox, Gina

  4. Dear Gina - we intend to have a quiet evening following the departure of our last visitors yesterday. We will crack open the bubbly, and H will open wide the front door on the stroke of midnight to let the new year in and the old year out. I think he picked that idea up when we lived in Scotland.
    Seeing your post is such a delight throughout the year - sending you and Gene lots of happiness and good health during 2014.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Open doors and letting the new year in and the old year out...I love it and have done just that. It is such a wonderful idea that I will, with your permission, make it part of our festivities from now on. Wishing you and H a great year ahead and I look forward to reading your very special blog posts. ox, Gina

  5. Lovely sentiments, and who could not keeping returning here to see all the lovely things you share with us dear friend.
    I too am SO happy I discovered your joyous blog - you make daily life special and colorful dear Gina.
    I will continue to stop by as this new year arrives, know you will make my days delightful.

    Will raise my glass of bubbly to you later this evening - we're taking a bottle to the hotel downtown!
    Hugs, and the happiest, healthiest New Year ever.

    Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, Thank you for the bubbly toast. I felt it coming my way. I look forward to reading your posts every day. One day we must meet. We would have so much to talk about. You're invited. Come in late Summer or early Fall and we can live off the land. The champagne is always on ice and a soft bed is waiting, up in the blue sky with birds singing all around. ox, Gina

  6. Happy New Year Gina...may it be wonderful for you~

    1. Dear Mary, How thoughtful of you to send such warm wishes. Hope you and yours will have a happy and prosperous New Year.
      ox, Gina

  7. Happy New Year, Gina! Friends and I celebrated with two movies at home and a bottle of asti spumanti, which I've always preferred to champagn. I hope 2014 is a happy and healthy one for you and Gene!

  8. And a happy New Year to you my dear friend. I also like Asti Spumanti, but then I like most other champagnes. Have you tried Spanish champagnes? They cost so little and are so good. Perfect for every day and maybe a good French champagne for very special occasions.
    Have a wonderful New Year with lots of good health and happiness. ox, Gina .

    1. Thanks for that tip, Gina — I'll give Spain a try!

  9. Dear Gina, I also rise my champagne glass to celebrate finding your wonderful blog and the new year to enjoy you more fully. After going through your archives I tried to contact the utah magazine to buy a back copy of the interview about you and your home in an alfalfa field. It sounded like it would be delightful, but alas I could not not find a current phone number so was fouled.If you could give me information to achieve this I would so appreciate it. I fell in love with your painting and truly would love to do that. We only have one ceramic shop and I explained what I wanted to do and all she would say is I can't do that. She suggested china painting and that is not what I want to do and she said we could not eat off of painted dishes. I live in a small town in Oregon but will get any book you may suggest that may help me. My son is giving me a kiln. If you could suggest where I can get supplies that would also help me. I hope this isn't too much to ask. I love color that you live with. I also want more color in my life. Thank you for being such an inspiration. It is going to be a good new year...Barara B

  10. Dear Barbara, The Utah Homes and Gardens magazine is no longer being printed. The Lady is wrong about not being able to eat from hand painted ceramics is "Ceramics and Crafts Warehouse. Also Bisque Imports. There are places which let you buy studio time (such as "Color me Mine". and others, where they will supply colors, ceramics and firing of your finished pieces. Check in your area, you might have to go to a larger city. That would be the least expensive way to start and gives you an opportunity to see if you like painting ceramics.
