Friday, January 3, 2014

Six Hundred it is!

Can it be?  600 posts?

It all began in July of 2009.

Have no idea what possessed me.

I think that I was walking in my garden, early one morning, with coffee cup in hand.

When it occurred to me that I wanted to share.

And not keep it under my hat.

Our life in the country.

with creatures great and small. 

Building a new house. 

Share with you my passion for growing flowers.


and Out.

Many recipes from my kitchen.

And painting recipes for walls.

And ceilings.

Easter Eggs.

And golden eggs.

Christmas Ornaments.

And printed paper.

The happy day I bought this rubble,

and turned it into a treasure.

Travel to Europe

And exotic places.

Painting at the Scuola d' Arte in Deruta, Italy.

Painting ceramics.  So, so many and now almost forgotten.

All sent off, never to see again, hopefully making new owners happy.

So grateful to each and everyone of you.
Thank you for visiting, reading and commenting on my blog.  



  1. Gina, your beautiful posts and generous sharing of information have brought much pleasure to this fan. How glad I am that you decided to enter the world of blogging.

    Best wishes for lots of fabulous discoveries and creations in this brand New Year. xo

    1. Dear Frances, You have been my loyal reader almost from the beginning. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also look forward to seeing more of your beautifully knitted creations. They are works of art and I am so delighted that you have opened an Etsy shop so that we can also enjoy your work.

  2. A most elegant beautiful post of past and present.
    Congratulations Gina... wow! 600 posts, that incredible.
    I always love going over to your blog. Its just so uplifting.
    You have a magnificent home and garden. Such a taste for beauty.
    looking forward to more posts and news between each others blogs.
    thank you Gina
    all the best for 2014..
    your friend in Portugal val

    1. Dear Val, And I look forward to more of your charming posts. How wonderful of you to share your life in Portugal with us. It is almost like being there. We are seriously thinking about including Portugal in our travels next Fall. We have lovely memories of previous visits.
      Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year..

  3. Sweet Gina, congratulations on keeping your beautiful blog in motion all this time - thankfully I found you last year! Of course I'm loving the latest post each time one pops up, but I'm always taking extra time when an old missed one looks so interesting that I just have to go back and read it too! I was hoping to cut back a bit this year (not a resolution, just a thought!) on blogging for far too many hours each day, but it's so hard when friends keep posting about interesting things, and sharing lovely photos.

    More greetings and best wishes for this new year - I know you'll keep us busy with so much going on and in full color, I love it all dear.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, How very nice and supporting you are. You always make time to leave such special comments. I agree with you, blogging takes a lot of time and I too am thinking about cutting back a little, Time slips away and I realize that I don't leave enough time for other things that I like to do, such as go for walks and work in my garden.
      I look forward to each and every one of your posts. and even if they are fewer I know that they will be special. So take a little extra time to do the things you like to do. We will be here looking forward to what you might share.

  4. Oh what treasures and I have been thankful to have seen so many of them when first posted, just amazing talent and such grand style and beauty...I always love it all...oh to have a hand painted tile...that must be a very wonderful treasure to own. Happy New Year Gina, I look forward to many more posts that you share in coming weeks and months~

    1. Dear Mary, "To own a hand painted tile" that is easy. Look around my Etsy shop or my blog posts and pick something you like. I would like to send you a tile as a gift. You have spent a lot of time and talent for your blog and I would be so delighted to thank you by sending you one of my hand painted tiles.
      Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

  5. That was a lovely compilation of your photos for your blog - congrats and kudos. I read you every week and I always learn something interesting and it all makes me smile. Thank you for well, just being you! MMR

    1. Hello Margaret, I am so delighted that you come over for a visit now and then. Thank you for your sweet compliment. I wish you a New Year filled with health and happiness.

  6. Dear Gina,

    I'm so glad you decided to share! All the aspects of your life that you've mentioned in this 600th posting are inspiring, and for me, visitint your blog is a lovely treat, like a fresh breath of air. Here's to the next 600!

    1. Dear Mark, I'll drink to that! The next 600 may take a little longer. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. Who would have thought that blogging would bring such a fine gentleman into my life and all the way from St. Petersburg, Florida!

  7. Happy New Year, Gina! Thank goodness you made the decision to start your blog. Your incredible home and garden and all your adventures are a pure delight, unique and inspiring. Wishing you a fantastic 2014! xoxo

    1. Dear Georgianna, Your blog, with your excellent photographs, made me aware of the beauty all around us. You take us to many parts of the world and you tell a story through your lens that is mystical and beautiful all at the same time.
      I wish you and David a happy and prosperous New Year.

  8. Dear Gina - I am sure that when you began your blog in July 2009 you never imagined that you would produce 600 glorious posts. Each post being not only a feast for the eyes, but a banquet for the senses.
    Do I recognise Marrakech in your exotic places?
    Look forward to seeing more of your 'uniquely Gina' colourful photos in 2014.

    1. Dear Rosemary, See below, I did it again, put the answer in the wrong place.

  9. Dear Gina,
    that you saw something beautiful could be made out of that rubble shows your strength of vision.From there to the completion of your most
    amazing home and garden alone is a story worth reading about. Your hand painted ceramics, of which I am a very proud owner, have given
    me already much pleasure, and also to those who have admired them at my table. To be able to visit a blog as visually gorgeous as yours
    is a daily gift and I can not thank you enough for your generous offerings.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I am so pleased that you like your (my) plates. They do look wonderful in your beautiful setting. I especially love the way you decorate the table with them and the way you choose other lovely pieces you own to go along with them.
      The old cabin was across the street from our original old house we used on weekends when we still lived in the city. I bought it for $500 and Mr G told me that he wanted nothing to do with it. But he relented and we moved it to our farm and "fixed it up".
      It was everyone's favorite and still is. We sold the old homestead when we built our new house.

  10. Dear Rosemary, You're right that is the La Mamounia Hotel in Marrakesh. And you are also correct in that I never imagined that I had that much to say. Of course, I don't really say that much. I leave the storytelling to my photographs.
    I thank you for the lovely compliments you have given me. They make me very happy for I must thank you also for taking the time to write your wonderfully interesting and beautiful posts. They have taken me to places I have not been and made me want to follow you to the next place.
    A happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours.

  11. Dear Gina,

    I wish I could tell you how I stumbled upon or was referred to your blog.

    All of our reading and writing does take time, but so does friendship. When you have shared with us your thoughts and views of your home, your environment, your walks, etc. it is like being with a friend and it means a lot to me.
    You have enriched and inspired me in many ways during the past year and I am hoping that you will continue in your past traditions as I enjoy reading about your ducks, your pond and your flowers! (too many things to mention - !!!)

    Your talent and the ideas that you have posted has certainly been a worthwhile endeavor that I have eagerly communicated with many of my friends! One dear friend has a daughter in the floral business and there have been many occasions that I have called to say, "Linda, you've just got to read Gina's post today and be sure to share it with Julia!"

    Thank you for your beautifully thoughtout and photographed postings. They are a work of art in themselves.

    1. Dear Mary, I am bowled over by your most complimentary comment. You are right about takes time. Blogging has given me an opportunity to meet (sometimes in person) some of the most interesting friends. I am so pleased that my postings have given you inspiration and a bit of color to brighten your day. Thank you for YOUR friendship. ox, Gina

  12. Dear Gina, I a new-bee at finding your blog. I had been traveling blog land and was discouraged by the anemic landscape until I came to an alfalfa field in the country and was wakened to the beauty of color and gracious living. Thank you for deciding to share yourself and life with others. Barbara B.

  13. Dear Barbara B, You gave me a little chuckle, "anemic landscape" . Mine are usually peppered with lots of color. That doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the elegant beiges, greys and whites, it's just that those colors would be lovely and maybe, one day, I might even have a neutral room. But somewhere in that room would be a large and colorful fresh flower bouquet.
    Thank you for your visit and your encouraging comments. It is so appreciated.

  14. Wow your collage is amazing. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thank you Kim. How nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. Happy New Year!

  15. I so enjoy your blog and study each photo carefully,that you are a artist makes it all so wonderful! I hope you post for a long time to come! thank you so much!

    1. Hello Meme, You are so nice to give me such a lovely compliment. The nice thing about blogging is that it isn't a job. I can quit whenever. But for now I will continue, maybe a little less posting is in order.

  16. Congrats on your 600th post! I have enjoyed your photos of 2013. I look forward to see more beautiful photos and post in 2014.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

    1. Hello Eileen, Nice to see you here again and I appreciate your very nice compliments. Hope all is good in your life and I wish you a very happy 2014. .

  17. Hi Gina,

    Your collection of colourful collages, a beautiful representation of your 600 posts, is immensely inspiring! I look forward to going back in time to catch up on all the wonder, especially of your breathtakingly beautiful home and garden! Enchanting!!

    Congratulations on your achievement!


    1. Thank you Poppy. I am so flattered that you like what you see. It is mutual admiration. I have enjoyed and look forward to reading your beautiful blog posts.

  18. You have shared many interesting things and places through your collages here. Starting a blog was a good way to document what you've done and 600 posts is a great achievement. Congratulations.

    1. Hello Judith, Thank you. It is very nice of you to comment and leave such a wonderful message. You are right, blogging gives you an opportunity to go back and help they help you remember what has worked and what has not.

  19. Hello Gina
    I found your blog via Mary’s and what a treasure I’ve discovered!
    You left Mary a comment about up-loading images, so I’ve come to read your post “Lesson Learned”!
    But now I’m totally captivated – your first two mosaics on this post are magical – bursting with colour.
    I want to race to my garden centre and grab all those annuals in every vibrant shade of pink, blue, purple to bring a colour explosion amongst my quieter palette of whites, creams, pinks and soft blues!!!
    Your painted ceramic tiles are exquisite Gina.

    I’ve been debating the blogging “time” thing too and like you I used to walk every day and spend much more time in my garden. I have decided to cut back on computer time – I’ll see how it goes!
    The problem is there are so many lovely blogs out there created by talented people like you Gina – it’s hard to resist taking a peek!
    I’m now following you – you’ve really inspired me - thank you!
    Wishing you a Happy New year and may all your dreams be fulfilled in 2014.

    1. Dear Shane, Welcome and thank you so much for becoming a follower. I love your "quiet" palette of whites, creams, pinks and soft blues. Nothing could be more beautiful.
      You know when you put together a mosaic, you get to cheat a little. All crowded together anything would look good, even pretty weeds.
      I am so delighted that you like my hand painted tiles. If you only knew how easy it is to paint them you would try them yourself. Materials are easy to purchase and someone in your area (even your university) would fire them for you in their kiln.
      I have decided that I will take more time away from the computer, as soon as it gets a little warmer. It was only minus one degree a little while ago. But the sun is shining.
      Thank you for your good wishes. They are so appreciated. I hope that 2014 brings you and yours all the Best. Gina

  20. You have a great and colorful blog Gina and I am so glad I came across your blog for it surely lifted my spirit seeing all the vibrant colors. I have just been going over your different entries, enjoying them and finally came to this one where you indicated several of your posts... 600 and now more. Thought it appropriate to write here even if this is an old post.
    Thanks for your work and may you cheer more people with your color, arts and all the things you love and share. :)


    1. Dear Beth, How nice of you to stop by for a visit and leave such lovely comments. There must be some gypsy in my veins for I love color and especially color in flowers. Whenever I see a room my eyes always end up somewhere in a corner where a bouquet of flowers is waiting to be admired. Have a wonderful weekend. ox, Gina
