Thursday, February 20, 2014

Knee Deep in Alligators

(knee deep in Alligators) 
Taking a short break from blogging.

I have accepted a large project which will take about two months for me to complete. 

Many more to paint. 

Each hand painted tile has to be different. 

I will miss you (a lot). 



  1. Your project is exciting, and you must have a client with a fertile imagination (I'm assuming that decision of subject matter has been a collaboration)! We'll look forward to seeing the finished result! I see another magazine article in the future . . .

    1. Dear Mark, This is the kind of assignment I like. I have free artistic license to create. I will be painting tiles for two separate staircases.
      All to be installed in your home State, but way south of where you live.

  2. Dear Gina,
    you always seem to be ready for a challenge. I admire the fact that you are willing to take on a big project like this and see it through.
    Instead of visiting your blog I'll just have to imagine you in your light filled kitchen painting one fine tile after another until you return.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Exactly, one tile after another. I hope that I don't run out of ideas. I have been given free reign...the challenge is to make them all cohesive without them being too repetitive.

  3. Dear Gina, I will miss you too. I truly looks like you will be VERY busy. The pieces you have shown on the stairs are wonderful. Have fun painting and I will be thinking of you. Barbara B.

    1. Dear Barbara, I do enjoy painting tiles. Each and everyone tells a story. Unlike large murals, individual tiles are easily re-painted if something goes wrong in the kiln.

  4. Dear Gina,
    You will pop up again.. like some of us do. I have been absent for a while.
    What a stunning project and most magnificent commissioned to do.. Good luck. It's already looking beautiful.
    val xxx

    1. Dear Val, It feels good to take a break now and then doesn't it. I'm not going far. II will wait for my flowers to pop up and then I will be back.

  5. Gina, that line up of tiles is looking terrific so far! Keep your creative momentum going forward with that unique verve of yours.

    You are most kind to give us a peek at what you are painting. xo

    1. Dear Frances, Thank you for the good wishes ...I will need them as I get further into the project. As I get a little further along I will post a few more pictures.

  6. Dear Gina - this is a good time period to let your creative energy flow - those moments before your garden takes off. Love all of your tiles both real and mythical. Please share a glimpse of your commission when you have time. Happy making and painting.

    1. Dear Rosemary, You'er right, It is because my garden is not ready for me yet, that I took on this large project. Our snow is finally melting.....often I wonder how it would be to live in your climate where Spring comes so early.

  7. Dearest Gina - what amazing tiles - that home is going to look awesome thanks to you!
    It is a big job so I hope you are worn out by the end - stop now and then if possible to update us please.

    I must thank you for telling me to try Chrome. I downloaded it last night and yippee, PicMonkey is working well now, don't seem to have those problems which had popped up in Safari. Thanks so much for all your assistance dear one.

    Take care. I posted about my garden today - always a surprise where nature is concerned.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I am so pleased that you gave Chrome a try. Have you prepared your blog posts in Chrome? So easy.
      Good luck with your new painting project. My new assignment is coming garden is still asleep. Have enjoyed seeing pictures of yours. ox, Gina

  8. Oooohh! This is one of my favorite style tiles. I know you are happily painting away. Come back to us now and again, when you can.

    1. Dear Theresa, You are visiting Florence again! I wish that I could follow you as you go from one to another and each time more beautiful adventure. ox, Gina

  9. Dear Gina,
    Wow! What a wonderful project-- I'm green with envy that those lucky homeowners get to have so many of your beautiful tiles in their home!!! Enjoy all that painting time-- and please share the results!
    Warm regards,

  10. Dear Erika, I'm having a lot of fun painting these colorful tiles. There will be more than 200 tiles that will be installed in a riding arena. I've been given free reign in this project, all the more interesting for me.

  11. Querida Gina .soy una admiradora suya .que las alas de la creacion la acompañen .y nosotros podamos admirar. llevo muchos años pintando azulejos .y aqui en Madrid no lo valoran .aunque yo sigo disfrutando cuando los pinto . Hacer lo que te gusta libertad. Que te guste lo que haces Felicidad. un cordial saludo.

  12. Muchas Gracias Rosa, Thank you for your visit. I am so pleased that you like my tiles, especially appreciated since you are such a fine artist.
