Thursday, February 27, 2014

Moving right along

The first 

The Ice is almost all gone

Only a little strip left at the back of the pond.

Snowdrops and hellebore buds have appeared.

He stopped by.  We have named him Pasha.
We think that he might stay, 
no one wants to claim him. 
He is welcome.  

And I'm moving right along with my new project. 

Have a great remainder of the week my dear friends. 

Thank you for stopping by.  It means a lot.  



  1. How exciting to have you write a post today! I decided I would open up my link, just in case! see another coincidence (I've been reading other blogs and finding this is my week to have them!). I had a cat that "accidentally" came into my life many years ago and the name I gave him was, "Pasha" . It just came to me! I have no idea why or where or what led me to that name. He was all black and very needy for petting and snuggling! Now I have a Matisse but, today, I will be reminded of Pasha.

    1. Dear Mary, Our cat is named after a Pasha we knew many years ago. He was a Persian and all black. Our dogs are slowly getting used to sharing and soon peace will prevail again.

  2. Dear Gina,

    Your stairs project is looking very handsome! I think your client might often find his or her guests sitting on the staircase, examining all these animals at closer range.

    Pasha is a beautiful cat, and he looks quite tame. I think you've found the perfect name for him.


    1. Dear Mark, We were thinking of calling our new cat Stanley, after our sweet cat who left us a year ago. It didn't seem right. So, he is an all white Pasha.
      I'm having fun with painting strange animal tiles. They are my favorites.

  3. Dear Gina - Pasha is a handsome cat with a very fine shaped head, and a contented appearance about him - he does look as if he has arrived somewhere that he is happy to be.
    So pleased that your of tile project is making good progress, they are looking stunning.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Pasha must be part Siamese...he has blue eyes. He is truly a beautiful cat and so friendly. He settled right in and appears to be without worries.

  4. Dear Gina, I would keep Pasha too and you found him a great name! I love your hellebores and snowdrops and your magnificent ceramics as well!

    1. Dear Olympia, Pasha had made a stop by another house first. But they already had a cat. Our neighbors put up notices in our post office and on the local radio station. No one came forward. He is a very young and beautiful cat with a most charming personality. We are happy to have him. .

  5. Oh Gina, those tiles are delightful! Each one relates to the other but in its own individual way. Bravo.

    Pasha is a real sweetie. Do you think that Hansel and Gretel have left a signpost somewhere letting wandering animals know that they might receive a warm welcome round your place? Stranger things have happened. I would take it as a compliment.


    1. Dear Frances, Hopefully I won't run out of ideas by the time I get to 200.
      When you live in the country, as we do, little kittens are dropped off all the time. Sooner or later they all find a home. Country folks know that there is love and food for just one more.

  6. Gina, Pasha certainly took the correct turn at the signpost! He looks so sweet - hope he settles in well with your other animals and brings you opportunities to stroke and tickle while he purrs back.
    The pond scene, always picturesque, looks warmer now, and less snow on those distant mountains - so beautiful at all times of the year.
    I'd be lying if I said I'm not envious of a view from the windows such as that! The hellebores and snowdrops are exquisite together, the tiles coming along so beautifully - you are just amazing with your art projects Gina.
    Sunny, chilly here this morning - chance of freezing rain tomorrow - always changing. I've not planted anything yet but did go out and work a bit in the garden last Sunday, mostly cleanup chores - ended up with a poison ivy or some such rash (seems too early for that) around my neck - I so dislike that the outdoors brings such misery.............and I won't even start on mosquitoes which, hopefully, won't appear for a few more months!

    Glad to see you here dear friend - I posted yesterday on my seven years of blogging anniversary - how many lovely friends I've met during that time!
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, Oh no, I hope that it is not poison ivy. Better see your doctor. I've only had it on my foot and it took many months to finally get rid of it.
      Pasha is making himself at home. He is very easy to love. He has a very nice personality. He is busy checking the woodpiles and barn...he will be a good mouser.
      I haven't started anything in my garden. It's still too cold.

  7. Dear Gina,
    it is so wonderful to be able to visit you and to share in the new arrivals of geese, cats and sheep. The only visitor in my garden I do not wish to keep. An opossum roams the area outside the bedroom window at night and eats the remaining bird seeds.
    I am surprised that the snow has melted because here in Texas we still have mornings at 0 F and below. Very unusual.
    Your tiles are very beautiful and your imagination seems to know no limits.Thank you for sharing so generously.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Thank goodness, no opossums here. But then we have plenty of raccoons who terrorize our ducks, raid their nests and cause a lot of damage to our bird population. Our snow did finally melt but it is still very cold. ox, Gina

  8. What a beautiful world you have created Gina, inside and out! Pasha is darling..she has the sweetest face...enjoy your Spring....we are a long way from that...N.xo

    1. Hello Nella, It will be a while before Spring comes to our area. Luckily Pasha has acquired a very thick coat. He must have been an outside cat. With us he lives in the greenhouse at night. Hope he is not allergic to Geraniums.

  9. Hi Gina, always a delight, your project looks amazing and the scene along the water is so lovely. I love the cat, she reminds me of my Celeste~

    1. Hello Mary, Thank you for your very nice comment. My project is coming along, only 150 more tiles to go.
