Thursday, April 10, 2014

It isn't fair

You have met my friend Anita. She is my friend who bakes the fabulously delicious and sinfully good Streussel Kuchen. Anita was visiting yesterday and it is customary that we go for long walks into the countryside. 

We gathered wild asparagus and ate it right then and there. Then we walked to our Spring and picked watercress and munched on it.

It is now that the story gets complicated.

Anita brought her sister-in-law Christina. Christina is the Pastry Chef for the finest French Bakery this side of the Mississippi. Not only are her pastries beautiful they are also irresistible. 

Of course, I had to take a picture of these little works of perfection. Safe enough, right? After all, they were all wrapped up in cellophane and tied with a pretty pink ribbon.

But then, I wanted to get them out of their wrapping for a close-up. And that is when I just had to have the yellow cookie.

And then I had to taste the green one.

And then there were none. 

AND then I packaged up the plate and sent it off. I sent it to a charming young woman who saw it in my Etsy shop.


Repost May 2010


  1. Just lovely - but almost too pretty to eat. Bet they were delicious though.

    Wild asparagus - how fabulous, but watercress is what I love - makes my favorite soup. Sometimes hard to find here in the shops - if I had a water source in the garden I'd be growing it. Hum, wonder if I could utilize the old fountain, the birdbaths, the galvanized buckets, haha!

    Have a special weekend with sun and Spring beauty all around you.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Wish I could send you big bunches of watercress. As long as your container has a little soil in the bottom you should have no trouble growing watercress. One of my favorite soups is watercress and French sorrel. Don't know why that combination is so delicious, but it is.

  2. What a lovely afternoon you all had Gina. Walking in the fields and eating wild asparagus.. We have it here too, but i have never eaten it uncooked. And watercress super.
    How could you resist those perfect little cookies.. they look divine.
    Super that someone liked your is so all of your work.
    wishing you a happy weekend.
    val xxx

    1. Dear Val, How nice of you to stop by for a visit. I see that your beautiful roses are more abundant than ever. Must be all the rain you have had and of course, your hard work.
      Raw asparagus is delicious but it must be very young, the kind that grows overnight after a big rain.

  3. Dear Gina,

    The violets on those cookies remind me of a friend who magically treats real violets with sugar and incorporates them into her pastry. (I would have eaten the cookies during the photoshoot too!)

    By the way, I like the design for that strutting bird, and I see you have used it several times. Have you ever made him into a peacock?

    1. Dear Mark, The strutting bird seems to be a favorite with everyone. I borrowed the bird design from many ceramics you see in Umbria and other places in Italy where ceramics are sold. Yes I have painted peacocks, it is another favorite when I paint ceramic tiles.
      Little violets are easy to preserve. Just dredge them in a little egg white and carefully roll into fine granulated sugar and let dry.

      Can't wait for your next post to see how you are progressing with your Pompeian Room.
