Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let us out!

We are ready to be planted outside.
We are ready to dazzle.
But wait, maybe we should reconsider;

nothing but WHITE.

Hellebore don't mind.

For now we can wait inside. 

And keep "The Painter" company.

Have a great remainder of the week my dear Friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    dazzling colors indeed.............those Petunias and Geraniums look wonderful. I did not know that Hellebore can take the snow and I just adore that photo. Your tiles are so very special and the variety impressive.
    Wishing you lots of sunshine to melt away the snow, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I know that my flowers and plants are grateful to be in my sunny and warm greenhouse. Still very cold here, in the low 20s, The snow has melted. Do you remember the saying "April, April der weiss nicht was er will"?

  2. Gina, those flowers should be counting their greenhouse blessings. Not more snow! With today's NYC warmth, I thought that we'd perhaps put all those flakes behind us.

    It is clear that your sheltered flowers do inspire your tile painting.

    Stay warm and inspired. xo

    1. Dear Frances, My little greenhouse gives me a lot of joy during the cold and dreary winter months. There are always a few cut flowers available for the house and breakfast/dinner table.

  3. Dear Gina,

    Yes, don't be hasty, for Mother Nature loves to surprise! I remember one spring in Pittsburgh when there was a full-blown (no pun intended) blizzard in mid-April!

    1. Dear Mark, It is not unknown for us to have a frost as late as early July. But often we have glorious days when brilliant Spring flowers outshine those grown in more moderate climates.
