Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Seedlings, precious gifts.

Now is the time you might find.

Tiny seedlings, precious gifts from your garden.  

Such as this Hollyhock seedling.  Only about 4 inches tall and ready to transplant. 

Hollyhocks develop long tap roots and seldom survive a transplant.  They are 
 Bi Annuals blooming the second year.  

Transplant them when they are four inches tall, or less.   You will be rewarded with flowers the very first season.  

Unlike Hollyhocks, Aster seedlings are easy to transplant at any stage. 

Look around in your garden.  The wind, birds and bees may have left a present or two for you.

Have a great remainder of the week my 
dear friends. 




  1. What beautiful spring flowers Gina.
    I am realizing, that I am not very good with seeds. I have tried, some come up.. but i seem to be better with bulbs.
    love your new fish design tile..
    I can imagine you have some really super new designs ready to show us.
    happy days Gina. val

    1. Dear Val, Don't give up. You just haven't found the right flowers or plants. In your climate I would think that Asters would do well. Once you have them started they will never leave you. Now is the time to seed them while you are having so much rain. They make the most long lasting and beautiful cut flowers.

  2. Beautiful images Gina! I love the lovely pot and other lovelies in the first photo. Seedlings is so much fun, I used to love to do that.
    I'm happy you are still painting, you are so talented, my friend. We appreciate it a lot, as in our past ceramic company we hand decorated dishes, tiles and many other things. Enjoy spring.

    1. Dear Fabby, I do remember your beautiful hand painted dishes. And I love seeing them when you use them in your home. Spring is slow in coming in this area, hope yours is well on its way.

  3. Dear Gina - glad you are giving yourself time to explore your garden in between painting.
    I agree with you, it is amazing and exciting the quantity of seedlings you can find coming up in unexpected places in the garden from previous years.
    I have just finish sowing my seeds, fingers crossed that they will soon be poking their little heads out of the planting trays. I also planted my sweet peas in a pot outside this week - blue ones, which are new for me, I am hoping they will be a success.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Have you noticed that blue Sweet Peas have the most fragrance of all Sweet Peas. Did you plant the Chadsworth variety? Mine have sprouted in the plastic sandwich bag...I'm waiting for a day when it doesn't snow so that I can plant them along the "Sweet Pea Fence".

  4. Bonjour,
    Que du bonheur toutes ces fleurs qui une fois semées naissent de-ci delà... Les une avec difficulté, les autres si simplement... Un véritable plaisir des yeux !
    Tout comme votre art elles nous surprennent toujours. Votre travail est merveilleux.
    Grs bisous

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, I always enjoy your visits. How nice of you to stop by and always leave such lovely compliments.
      Gros Bisous, Gina

  5. Dear Gina,
    seeds falling from the bird feeder seem to be the only ones to germinate in my garden and they do not produce the wonderful colors I see in your pictures......... I do have Asters and Purple Coneflowers which come back every year and at the moment the tiny Grape Hyacinths are so very pleasing.
    Have a happy day, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I have seen many a sunflower patch growing under bird feeders. I also love Grape Hyacinths...any Spring Flower growing from bulbs is always such a wonderful surprise.

  6. Dear Gina,

    I like how in your last image you have painted a lighter and darker blue. I can't get too far away from my computer, but I imagine that at a distance that tile has some very nice dimension.

    1. Dear Mark, The light and dark was a happy accident. I could have corrected it but sometimes imperfection is what is needed to enhance the hand painted look.
