Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Morning Daisies

Daisies everywhere

Making a big show.

Happy Sunday Morning to you,
my dear Blogging Friends,



  1. Dear Gina,
    what a lovely, inviting picture................don't know why it should make me think of the song : Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do..................'ll look so sweet upon a bicycle seat made for two.
    It looks like a cloudy day in your region, just like here, but instead of daisies I have a small group of Purple Coneflowers in the garden.
    Have a lovely Sunday, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde,
      I have Daisies growing everywhere. I used to try and grow them in new places, now I just let nature take its course.
      Now you've got me singing that silly little ditty.

  2. Love those daisies, soooo pretty!

    1. Thank you Flowersand home. How nice of you to come for a visit.

  3. Oh my! I had a field of daisies one time, but over the years, other things took their place. They are beautiful Gina.

    1. Dear Theresa, Maybe you can have a small new patch of daisies. I will send you the seeds. I read once that one must toss out the entire daisy head. I will have plenty of them in a week or two.

    2. I would love that Gina! I need to slow down and read my favorite blogs more....! :)

    3. I will save you a few seeds as soon as they "ripen".

  4. Gina, thank you for showing us those friendly Sunday daisies. I imagine that they are just as lovely this Monday morning.


    1. Dear Frances, I'm hoping that they will keep us company for another week or two. I still like the simple little Daisy rather than the larger and frilly type.

  5. Dear Gina,

    Your daisies look glorious!

    Hey, wait a minute — I'm seeing three geese! Are we looking at offspring of Hansel and Gretel, or has a friend joined them?

    1. Dear Mark, You are correct. We have three geese. I don't like to share sad stories but early one morning we found Gretel. She had died during the night. We don't know why, she looked perfect. Hansel was inconsolable. We tried to find a female for him but all geese were paired up this time of year. So now we have Hansel, Lola and Clyde. Lola and Clyde had already been named and came from a farm that needed to reduce their flock.
      The other morning all three were gone. Hansel had taken them to the very same spot where we originally found Hansel and Gretel. They had been for a very long walk. Maybe he is still looking for Gretel. They seem happy to be back.

    2. I'm sorry to hear about Gretel. And I hope there are still good things in the future for Hansel.

    3. Mark, you are so nice to wonder about Hansel. He has been well accepted by the newcomers. They are like the Three Musketeers, always walking single file to and from the pond.

  6. NO KIDDING they were making a big show!!! That's amazing!!!

    I just read the story about Gretel, and I'm so sorry. I feel really bad for poor Hansel. He seems discombobulated over the loss.

    1. Hello Alycia, Thank you for your visit. Hansel is adjusting. He is being including in everything the two new geese are doing.
