Monday, August 11, 2014

An ordinary day

Most of the time
I have the luxury to do as I please

I can pick flowers for my kitchen window.

I can bake a quiche for Lunch.

With greens from our garden.

And eggs from our chickens.

Prepare stuffed peppers for dinner.

Drop off a bucket of sunflowers at the local florist.  She will remember when I need a little 
pick me - up -rose - bouquet in the middle of  winter.  

I can paint a few more tiles.
(These are the last tiles of the phase 5 project)

And then I can sit back in the evening and do nothing.  

How about you?  

Can you take time out and enjoy the view?  

Hope so.  

Have a great week my dear friends.



  1. I have the same quality of life.
    I cook when I want, go see friends when I want.. pick my roses and make arrangements,
    Walk with my dogs,
    Have friends around.
    Life is good Gina. I thank our dear lord .
    I enjoy everyday . Each and every one holds something new .
    Such super photos Gina.. Your sunflowers are so beautiful.
    Stunning tiles.
    Indeed a good life, we are blessed
    Happy Monday.

    1. Dear Val, I couldn't have said it better. We are very blessed. The best part of the day is always the morning. I never know what the day is going to bring.
      Thank you so much for your sweet compliments. I am honored. ox, Gina

  2. Dear Gina,

    My days are spent journaling, reading, painting my mural, exercising and visiting with friends — in no particular order. I find that several of those activities are so restful and introspective that one could say that I spend much time meditating as well.

    I'm looking forward to see your tile project installed — I hope that's something your client will want to share!

    1. Dear Mark, No wonder I always look forward to your blog posts. You live the perfect life and it shows in your art. I need to take a page out of your book, become more introspective and learn how to meditate.

      Hopefully there will be a few photos available when everything is completed. I will share when that happens.

  3. Your photos are beautiful, Gina! I am in love with the covered dish you are baking your stuffed peppers it one of your own creations?
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Hello Marigene, Thank you for your visit and very nice comment. I did not trow this wonderful and covered pot. It was made by our famous Potter, Joseph Bennion. He has established afinel studio in our town and that was many years ago. Look him up on the internet...I think that he has a website and possibly, you can purchase something similar from him.

  4. Querida Gina ,me encanta su blog. me gustan sus azulejos ,sus flores ,sus fotos .que bonito pintar azulejos ,verdad ,cada uno una pequeña obra de arte.felicidades , que siga tan creadora y nosotros lo disfrutemos .
    la deseo lo mejor . un abrazo. ROSIM.

  5. www . ROSIM Y SU ARTE.

    1. Hello Rosim, How nice of you to stop by and comment on my blog, flowers and Azulejos. I enjoy painting them. For many years I have admired the beautifully hand painted ceramics from Spain. While visiting Spain I have brought back a few hand painted Platters. They are among my most favorite treasures. Thank you for your visit.

  6. Hi Gina,

    Your day sounds a lot like mine: filled with flowers, (your sunflower bouquet is charming!!), cooking with goodies from our garden, and baking both savoury and sweet delights. With regards to art, your 'little mini paintings' are very pretty and precious; you are truly gifted, my friend. I, on the other hand, enjoy reading poetry, and spend my free time concocting little poems for Poppy View, which takes care of my creative cravings! In the summer, I like to sit by the pool and chat with friends across the world, read a magazine, or daydream, while in the cooler months, I make it a point to take my daily afternoon walks around the village, both for exercise and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your spectacular photos of your 'ordinary day'.


    1. Dear Poppy, We are so lucky in that we can spend our days doing the things we love. yes, it is wonderful to spend a day or two with friends and it is also wonderful to go for walks by ourselves or with a loyal dog or two.
      I have enjoyed your poems which accompany your blog posts. I know that it must be a lot of work but you have the satisfaction of having shared your considerable writing talent.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. ox, Gina.

  7. It is nice to be able to do the things that we love. What a luxury! I love your tiles! What a wonderful project!

  8. Hello Martha, Thank you so much for your visit and lovely comment. It is so appreciated. Have a great remainder of the week.
