Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I have not abandoned you

As usual, this time of year

I am preparing for  
the Annual Artist Studio Tour. 

See that red Poppy with the black and green center?

That is an Opium Poppy,  (papaver somniferum).

When I was a very young girl I spent a lot of time out in the country side gathering food for our many rabbits. 

Sooner or later I would run into a Poppy field. 

Often the pods were almost ripe but not quite. 

I would open a pod, empty the many seeds into my hand and hold my hand up toward the sun. 

Within seconds the unripe and green seeds would turn into black poppy seeds, yes the kind you would sprinkle onto baked breads and cakes. 

As soon as the seeds turned black I would eat them, all of them, 
all at once. 

Was that Euphoria I felt?

Wishing you a euphoric week my dear 
Blogging Friends



  1. Sooo glad to see you haven't abandoned us!!! The fglower arrangement is gorgeous and I'm so happy to see your artistic blog again.

    Big hugs to you, my friend.

    1. Dear Fabby, How nice of you to stop by and leave a comment. Sometimes we all get so busy that there doesn't seem to be enough time to get it all done. Thank you for your lovely compliment.

  2. Glorious flowers Gina - hope that your Annual Artist Studio Tour goes really well for you♡

    1. Dear Rosemary, Even though the Artist Studio Tour is a lot of work I always enjoy the interaction with my visitors. My flowers are at their best this time of year...it is so easy to gather a pretty bouquet in no time.
      Thank you for your visit. Hope all is well with you. ox, Gina

  3. Dear Gina,

    I can imagine how busy you must get in preparation for the Artist Studio Tour. We have studio tours in my town, and I'm always just as interested to see how and where artists work as I am in the work itself. Your flowers are amazing!

    1. Dear Mark, I have another week and one more firing to get ready for the event. I was asked if I can accommodate a big bus load of people along with the usual .visitors. They would like to park on Main Street and take the long walk down our lane. They must have liked the experience last year because they all had big smiles on their faces and they want to come back. Hope it doesn't rain.

  4. Hmm, interesting adventures you had as a child, Gina! Always love hearing your stories. And these photos are exquisite – like Old Master paintings. Wishing you great success on the Artist tour. xo

    1. Thank you so much dear Georgianna. When you give me such lovely compliments I am always so pleased because from your camera come the most beautiful photographs and the most beautiful flowers. ox, Gina
