Monday, September 22, 2014

This is a very short story.

It has to be a very short story because it is a story about a


There, he is trying to hide. 

He is the tiny monster that eats my Salpiglossis.

He waits until they are in their full glory and then he eats their roots...
and I can never catch him.  

He does the same to my pansies.  They are perfect one day and then the next day they are dead. 

And I don't even know the little beast's name.  DO YOU? 

Need to see another picture?

He is a tiny worm (see the acorn on the left).  When disturbed he turns into a tiny ball.  

I really have better things to do than take pictures of worms.  

I have to pack my suitcase for Gay Paree.

Au Revoir

my dear friends.



  1. Bonjour,

    Pas très sympathique ce petit ver car il fait de gros dégâts ! Vos fleurs sont si magnifiques !
    Gros bisous♡

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, Why not try growing Salpiglossis. They are worth the effort. Thank you for your visit and for leaving such a nice comment. I think that we both have a special affinity for pretty flowers.

  2. Gina, these are millipedes and found just about anywhere. They apparently enjoy munching on plants for moisture when conditions are dry, even coming into the home at times. We've had infestations here in NC on more than one occasion in the past few years - everyone gets them, and especially if the house is built over a crawl space (ours is) where they can get in easily through vents etc. Google millipedes and you will see your little worms with all their many legs! Thankfully they don't bite and eventually curl up and die. Sorry your beautiful flowers are taking a beating from these tiny devils.

    Hope the packing is completed - again Bon Voyage dear.
    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary,
      So, they are Millipedes! I didn't know that there are so many different kinds of Millipedes. I only know of the fast moving/larger Millipedes.
      My flowers are fine this year because I had all of the soil replaced in my flower beds. I found a few under my Geranium pots when I moved them into the greenhouse.

      Now I have to be careful not to get the little beasts re-introduced into my soil.

      Thank you for identifying this little monster for me. Now that I know what he is I might be able to find a way to keep him out of my flower beds. ox, Gina

  3. Wishing you a wonderful trip to Paris .. So sad the millipede eats your flowers.... maybe if you put a little salt around the might help. it works with snails.
    Your flowers are beautiful Gina.
    Bon voyage.. see you when you get back.
    xxxx val

    1. Hello Valerie, Who knows maybe salt will do the trick. I will investigate. I get rid of my snails by putting beer into a small dish. But you have to get up early before they sober up because they crawl right back out.
      Thank you for your good wishes. Hope you're having a great Indian Summer. It has been beautiful here. ox, Gina

  4. Dear Gina,

    Your photograph of the millipede trying to hide reminds me of the child who, in hiding his head, believes that he is invisible.

    Have a wonderful trip!

    1. Dear Mark,

      That millipede did not like being out in the open and definitely not on white paper. Many creatures are like that. That is why it's a good idea to wear discourages the mosquitoes.

      Thanks for the good wishes.

  5. Gina, that little worm must be from a long line of worms to whom long ago nature gave a mission. Is it not strange that evolution still allow such beautfiul flowers to fall prey to this tiny worm. Yes. I also wonder what role this worm and his/her predecessors play in the big picture.

    I doubt that I'll find an answer to that one. And so, let me now wish you a bon voyage. Have a fantastic time in beautiful Paris.


    1. Dear Frances,

      Could not have said it better. It's a good thing the little beast is small. I would hate to think what damage such a voracious eater could do to the Universe.

      Thank you for your lovely send off.

  6. Love this post - don't know the name of the "little beast" - but the images are GREAT!

    1. Dear Karin, My friend Mary (above) tells me that they are Millipedes. I'm glad that I know what they are called. Now I can figure out how to un-invite them.
