Saturday, September 20, 2014

He will never make it!

This little upstart of a Lakota squash.

There he is, only 2 days old.

Little further up on the stalk is a blossom wilting and the newborn, one day old squash. 

There are only a few blossoms in my Squash Patch.  All of the energy of the plant is going into making great big and beautiful Lakota Squash.

This fellow is one of the smallest. 

Those out in the patch are way too big.  I couldn't carry even one into the house.  

 Cucumbers "got away from us".  These are too big to eat and so they will go to the pig farmer down the road.  

My Asters showing off. 

As you might recall, I collected these aster seeds more than forty years ago.  

The Ancestors of my asters were growing through a fence by Lake Maggiore,  Italy.    

Little worms were eating my Salpiglossis, a flower I must have in my garden. 
 After removing all of the old soil, so far, the little beasts have not shown up this year...but they will, they always do. 

The "sky blue"  petunias have the most intoxicating scent.

It is easy gardening when your flowerbeds meet you half way. 

They go all the way around three sides of our house.  

"Madame Butterfly" snapdragons add a burst of color. 

Cosmos are taller than I am (which is not saying much). 

And I'm off to Paris.  

Thank you for reading me and thank you also for sharing with me your time and your creativity. 



  1. So lovely and colorful, dear Gina!
    Beneide Dich um Deine Astern!!!! Particularly this time of the year, when there is not very much flowering here at La Pouyette.
    We had some beautiful ones about 20 years ago.....they just have disappeared....
    Having still in mind to get some from Germany, some in my favorite colors, some who carry on flowering until end of October, will talk to you.
    Looking so much forward to seeing you soooooon!!!
    Bon Voyage, karin

    1. Dear Karin, I will bring seeds...every color from white, to pink, to blue to lavender. I have plenty to share. Let me know which is your favorite. See you in a few days. oxoxoxox, Gina

  2. Just like are off to Paris! Your flowers are so lovely and the photos of the squash might have to make their way into some art project of mine. Enjoy your travels and come back soon.

  3. Dear Theresa, Yes, just like that. Been looking forward to a vacation all year. I will send you additional photographs of the squash branch. I was so surprised that the cut off plant is still looking good, in fact it has continued to grow in water, little squash and all. oxoxoxox, Gina

  4. Dear Gina - wonderful colourings in your garden - the flowers are looking spectacular as are all of your magnificent squashes.
    Have a marvellous time in Paris. At the moment, in Europe, we are all enjoying a lovely Indian Summer, fingers crossed that it continues for your visit.

  5. Dear Rosemary, Thank you for your lovely comments. We have also had the most beautiful weather. The summer went too fast and I'm not ready for it to end. This is harvest time and we should be staying put. Must make a not to postpone our annual trip to Europe for a few more weeks. oxoxoxox, Gina

  6. Dear Gina - All your flowers, and especially your asters are just amazing. Looking at your clever flower beds, I imagine that you might do some gardening actually sitting down — I know I would! Have a great time in Paris and come back safe and sound.

    1. Dear Mark, the amazing part about the story of these Asters is that they came from Lake Maggiore. I almost lost the entire crop one year. This year I have a bumper crop. Enough seeds to share with my friends.
      The flower beds are too deep to sit by. No matter, it is still easy gardening.
      Thank you for your good wishes. After Paris we will be driving south to the French Riviera and then east into Italy, finally ending up in Montelupo (Near Firenze) where I will paint for a day or two and also visit the fantastic ceramic museum. Then back to Paris and home.

  7. Nothing prettier ever seen in garden magazines or movie sets - wow Gina, the flowers are so beautiful and of course your home is awesome and I always enjoying seeing it from different aspects. My asters are growing from your seeds, deep blue ones on a small bush - I need to clear out my beds though, the shrubs are too large now and preventing the sun from getting to most seeds I fear. We plan to get assistance from a gardener soon - it's too much for us to handle now! I may have to order more seeds from you later.
    The photos of your squash and blossoms are amazing - like beautiful paintings. I know it must be hard leaving right now - everything appears to be at peek blooming.

    Paris should be perfect as they are having Indian Summer in Europe right now - I pray it will last for your visit and that you have a wonderful time. Anyway, let's face it, Paris in any weather is splendid!
    Bon voyage my dear - enjoy each moment.
    Warm wishes, Mary

    1. Dear Mary,
      To get my flowers to look this good I had to have the old soil removed. We had an expert gardener (an agronomist) do the work for us. It paid off. There will be lots of aster seeds for you. No need to order them...I will send them to you when I return. The seeds will be nicely aged by then. My Asters are different than those you buy in little seed packets. These offspring from Italy are sturdy and prolific. They do best when they get plenty of light. but I have had them showing up, helter skelter, in the most unexpected places.

      You are correct. It is hard to leave my garden this time of year. We have had the most beautiful Indian Summer.

      Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I'm so happy that you like my flowers. oxoxoxox, Gina

  8. Your flowers are beautiful as is your home.I enjoy your blog very much and aslo enjoy your work as an artist. thank you for showing us all of this!

  9. Hello MEME, Thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment. I am so pleased that you liked your visit.
