Friday, December 26, 2014

It snowed

It IS a White Christmas

Only a few inches but it's snowing again this morning.  

Mr G is out working with his beloved 53' Ford Jubilee tractor. 

He will be gone all morning digging everybody  out.  

Later it's leftovers and reading by the fire. 

(My friend Sieglinde sent me a wonderful book). 

Are you enjoying your day after Christmas?



  1. Dear Gina,

    That looks like more than a couple inches!! I am enjoying the day after Christmas, celebrating Boxing Day with friends (any excuse to prolong the merry-making!).

    1. Dear Mark, And why not? Any excuse to celebrate with friends is a great idea.

  2. Dear Gina,
    these pictures bring joy to this day. This is what Christmas looks like! I have been raking some leaves which were blown all over the garden yesterday. Since we celebrate Christmas Eve our day was quiet yesterday, but today we will have a fresh duck for dinner, a favorite meal of mine. Love your shots of Mr. G. with the marvelous feathers in his hat and those very warm looking boots.
    Warmest greetings to you both, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, When we go for walks we usually run into a feather or two along the way. They all go onto whatever hat Mr G is wearing at the time. We need good and warm winter boots around here. Tecnica from Italy always save the day.
      Roasted duck was our Christmas Eve dinner. Then it was our lunch yesterday and will be soup today. We never tire of the taste. We have been asked if we cook any of the ducks or geese from our pond...wouldn't think of it, they are our pets and they know that they are safe with us.

  3. Perfect first Christmas picture. Love the colors.


    1. Hello Filip, I took the shot when it was just getting light to the East. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. Your area must be one of the few in the country that had snow...we sure didn't, it was about 50°! Beautiful photos, as always, Gina.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Hello Marigene, A lot of snow was predicted but only a few inches made it our way. Hoping for more...maybe Sunday, we hope.
      I'm so pleased that you like my photos. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  5. You are teasing me Gina - showing me the beauty of the countryside around your home, dressed in snow for Christmas and the holidays, talk about PERFECT! Mr. G looks like the squire in his awesome feathered hat and furry boots - bet your neighbors love to hear that vintage tractor chugging along the lane - how kind he is to help them dig out!

    ……… for you dear friend, snuggled by the lovely hearth with a great new book sounds even more prefect to me. Enjoy and stay warm.

    Mary x

    1. Dear Mary, Mr G loves to get on his tractor and make the rounds. It is so easy to clear snow with the big blade which is attached to his tractor. Makes fast work of all the country driveways and sidewalks.
      It was the perfect day yesterday, not much to do and reading a book about my lost homeland added just the right amount of nostalgia.

  6. What a super Boxing Day gift your husband bestows on your neighbors with his trust tractor. From your great photographs I get the impression that he's actually glad for this snowy opportunity.

    That setting by the fire also looks marvelous!

    It is strangely warm here in NYC. It can't last, but it's nice to be able to leave the gloves at home when going out for a walk.


    1. Dear Frances, Mr G looks for any excuse to take out his beloved tractor. It is truly a wondrous workhorse. It comes out of the barn summer and winter and is especially busy in the spring during planting time.
      Maybe some of our cold temperatures will be heading your way. I know that you are ready and will be wearing your beautiful and colorful hand knitted scarves.

  7. Sounds wonderful, Gina! Just rain here but still cozy.

    1. Dear Georgianna, In our dry climate rain is always welcome. I remember your beautiful roses and your lovely spring flowers, they all need rain to look as stunning as they are.
      Thank you for remembering us at Christmas with your beautiful Christmas card. Wishing you and David a most happy and successful 2015.
