Saturday, December 20, 2014

Polar Bear Express and Downhill Races

What do 
Polar Bear Express, Downhill Races and Honeymooners
have in common?

Polar Bear Express.

They are plaques which have been added to my ever growing collection of Christmas tree ornaments.  
Painted by Sophie Soprano, my every day walking partner. 

Also known as Lynn Farrar of Spring City, Utah.

The Honeymooners.

These charming Christmas plaques are details taken from Lynn's larger oil paintings.

Downhill Racers. 

Lynn paints in 2 different styles.  When her paintings are signed by Sophie Soprano you know that you will enter a fairy tale world. 

There is another side to Lynn, the serious painter who signs her work  "Lynn Farrar"

Come visit her at "Sophie's Black Sheep Gallery" on Main Street in Spring City, Central Utah, 

or contact her via e-mail

Are you ready for Christmas?  



  1. Dear Gina,
    Thank you for this post with the most joyous little snow scenes. I have already contacted Lynn to see if these Polar Bears are available as cards. I adore them and they speak to the Dreamer in me. I am not ready for Christmas, but I never am. Then the 24th arrives, my husband goes out that morning to buy delicacies for the evening meal, and all works out beautifully in the warm glow of the candle light.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, Your Christmas eve celebrations sound so warm and inviting. It is so nice to hear that you will set aside the evening to celebrate with delicacies and candle light. Frohen Heiligen Abend!
      Lynn's cards are available for purchase, including the Polar Bear Express. How nice that you contacted her. She will get them in the mail to you before we even go for our next walk.

  2. Dear Gina,

    Your friend's art is delightful! It takes a very special talent to paint a skiing fox and make it look absolutely believeable.
    Yes, I'm all ready for Christmas. Now I get to sit back, sip my coffee and enjoy the tree.

    1. Dear Mark, Why am I not surprised that you are "all ready" for Christmas. What kind of tree do you decorate? Will you post a picture? I'm curious to see what a Christmas tree looks like from Florida and from a fine artist to boot.
      Lynn's paintings are a delightful change and so original. One of my favorite scenes are pigs on bicycles holding umbrellas.

    2. Maybe I shouldn't admit this to a Christmas purist such as yourself, but last year I bought a reasonably realistic artificial tree that stands about 4 feet high. In years past, I decorated my tree with childhood ornaments, but starting last year, I have adorned the new one with a recent collection of antique ornaments that are all silver or gold glass pinecones. I'll have a close-up later in the week.

    3. Dear Mark, I hope that you have kept your childhood ornaments. And by the way, I am not a purist.

  3. Dear Gina - I love the humour in Sophie's humanised animals - delightful, so pleased to see them. The carpet slipper wearing rabbits, the amorous sheep, and the skiing fox. I am just going to pop over and see her other work.
    I am having a very relaxed lead up to Christmas as we are going to my youngest son's house on Christmas Eve for a few days.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I am so pleased that you like Lynn's whimsical art. When you see one of her paintings, and not just a small detail, you realize how really wonderful they are.
      How nice that you are going to be with your family during the Christmas Holidays. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
      ox, Gina

  4. I really love your friend's beautiful art Gina - bet the two of you have plenty to share when walking!

    Getting caught up now, wrapped gifts this evening and, after the Christmas Eve party I throw, I'll be ready to enjoy Christmas Day and Boxing Day and cooking just for the two of us. Then will get ready for a granddaughter's wedding - all before New Year's Eve when we head downtown for First Night celebrations!

    What a wonderful time of year - and this morning we actually had snow flurries which put us in the holiday spirit. This evening after the wrapping was done, a glass of port with Stilton and crackers, in front of a blazing hearth, added even more spirit, haha!

    Enjoy your Christmas and New Year holidays dear friend.
    Happy Christmas - hugs, Mary

    1. Dear Mary, It sounds like you are doing way too much. I know that you love being with your friends and family on Christmas Eve. Throwing a party is a lot of work. And then there will be the wedding. I don't know how you get it all accomplished.
      I have been admiring your beautiful Christmas decorations...all so original and pretty.
      You are right. Lynn and I enjoy each other's company. She is the perfect walking partner.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family. ox, Gina

  5. Gina, thank you so much for introducing us to Lynn's beautiful, imaginative art. What a Christmas treat!

    I am now almost, almost ready for Christmas.


    1. Dear Frances, I knew that you would like Lynn's art. I wish that everyone could have just a little piece of her art hanging somewhere nearby. Near enough so you can look at it and let it lift your spirits when needed.
      Merry Christmas, so happy to know you. ox, gina
