Monday, December 22, 2014

There is more than one way

to tackle the largest Lakota squash we grew this past Summer!

We need to cut this squash into pieces so it will fit into our oven.

 Winter squash needs to age for about 3 months.  A cool place in the cellar is a good spot. 

Instead of using a large kitchen knife it occurred to Mr G that 
his hand saw would do a much better and a much safer job.  

The seeds will be scooped out and saved for next year. 
(Or you can roast them, they are delicious). 

The above Lakota is a 10th generation squash from our field. 

Large pieces will be baked at 350 degrees for one hour and a half.  
The meat will be soft and creamy, like mashed potatoes. 

Individual packages of baked squash are frozen to use in breads, soups and as vegetable side dishes. 

They will provide many meals. 

 You can't just grow a few squash.  Our ducks, geese and ground critters all like the little seedlings in the Spring.  So we grow many plants hoping for only a few survivors but often end up with too many. 

Next year come by and when you see boxes of squash at the top of our lane, please help yourself. 



  1. the squash are beautiful! I know your kitchen must smell eternally fragrant with all the wonderful food you cook. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy eating your squash.

    1. Dear Theresa, Maybe this coming year you will come for a visit. We can paint and we can cook and we can go for walks.
      Wishing you a most beautiful holiday and wishing you health and happiness in the New Year.

  2. Snap Gina!!!! I was doing similar today, Bob helped me cut through another huge pumpkin - because I hate to throw them out - and I roasted half with shallots and olive oil, pureed it and stashed another two bags in the freezer for soup later. The other half will be roasted on Christmas Day along with parsnips and potatoes - another dish will have brussels sprouts and carrots. I love veggies, Bob too, but I'll also bake a small ham for him!

    I must find my way down your lane one of these days my dear - I think paradise must be waiting along with the awesome squash!

    Have a truly beautiful Christmas, and very best wishes, good health and much happiness in the coming year.
    Thank you also for the beauty you have shared here all this year.
    You are definitely a special lady and your posts always make my day brighter.
    Love and hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, I need to come by and take a cooking lesson from you. I love all of your recipes, especially adding parsnips and shallots.
      Mary, have you visited Utah? We live in central Utah, only a few hours from four National Parks and the Grand Canyon is only a little further down the road. You can make our Guest Cottage your home base. We would love to see you here for a visit.
      In the meantime I wish you and yours health and happiness. Thank you so very much for your friendship.

  3. Dear Gina, healthy living is what I see on your blog. To grow your own food and to preserve it for meals later on is the only way to eat food that is pure.The soup looks so delicious. It also means a lot of work. Mr. G always wears such nice shirts.
    I think you may just be lucky and have snow by Christmas. I hope you do.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, One way for us to stay out of trouble is to work in our garden from March to September. It is very satisfying to see and enjoy the end results.
      Mr G likes Pendleton shirts, the light weight wool used in what is called the "Sir Pendleton" shirt. They are perfect for this winter weather.
      We missed a good chance of having a white Christmas. It rained all day yesterday. More moisture is predicted and it is getting colder. Keeping fingers crossed.

  4. Wow, Gina, you've got the Blue Whale of squash! I'm voting for the thick soup in the lower right photo — it looks like a full meal, and good for any time of day!

    1. Dear Mark, Our squash patch is always full of surprises. We never know what we have grown until the squash leaves freeze and expose what they have been hiding underneath.
      I know that the bowl in the lower right looks like it is filled with soup, it is actually bread batter ready to go into individual pans and ready to bake. You are right, squash soup is a full meal and is very satisfying.

  5. Such a super squash Gina. So big. I love traditions.
    I too make soup with squash, but i buy just a small portion.
    It all looks lovely Gina.
    Love the photo of mr G..with the saw.
    Wishing you both a very happy Christmas.
    Thank you for your friendship.. its always wonderful to visit your beautiful home, there in the middle of the alf alfa fields.
    Hope it snows for you , and you have a white christmas.
    love val xxxx

    1. Dear Val, Every time you post pictures of your surroundings I am ready to hop on a plane for a "I must see for myself" kind of trip to Portugal.
      We have tried all kinds of implements for cutting up squash, and have finally found the right solution. It is surprising how well squash freezes in individual bags, especially if you use a "foodsavers". I don;t know if you have such a pulls all of the air out of the plastic sack.
      Wishing you and yours a very special Christmas. I know that you will be surrounded by family and friends. Nothing is more important.
