Saturday, January 10, 2015

January Thaw

Without fail,

every Winter we have the January Thaw.

We have lowered the pond by several feet. 

It's safer when having to rescue whatever or whoever falls through the ice.  

Take care. 



  1. It looks as if you are experiencing a milder winter too Gina - it is mild here, and most days the sun is shinning. I think the spring flowers will be much earlier this year.

    1. Dear Rosemary, You always have the earliest flowers and every year I am so envious. We will still have severe weather and very cold temperatures. But Spring will come.

  2. Dear Gina,

    It's good to see Hansel and Gretel back in the picture! Florida winters are warm by your standards, but as I've said before, our blood has thinned out over the years. That means that the Floridians are wearing scarves while the tourists are wearing tee shirts! This week the temperatures have been fluctuating between the 50s and the 80s, but my small masonry house keeps in the cooler temperature, and I've finally had to turn on the heater.

    1. Dear Mark, It is this time of year when I would like to head South. You are so fortunate to live in such a pleasant climate. Even if you have to turn on the heat now and then you can enjoy being outside. As I have said before, You Have it Made.

    2. Ah, but look at your majestic view!! I know you wouldn't trade that for anything, now would you?

    3. You're right Mark. But a few weeks away would not hurt at all.

  3. Oh goodness me, more beauty that takes my breath away - your views are so awesome Gina. Love your white geese. I was at the local pond yesterday when walking - just pesky Canada geese and two pairs of sweet Mallard ducks - but no breathtaking views like these!

    Hope all is well - Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, Our Pond provides ever changing vistas. It is amazing how weather, light and time of day or night give us a never ending movie in sound and color. Add to that the many birds and animals that show up and we could spend hours just watching the coming and goings of all these characters.

  4. Dear Gina,
    the sky and its reflection in your pond always makes a wonderful picture. How amazing that you have a thaw when the rest of the country has had such low temperatures. I see you are painting some beautiful tempting.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, We managed to not be touched by the cold temperatures...but they will be back. I finished the plates you see being painted. They are in the kiln right now. Tomorrow morning will tell if they are worthy. I will post pictures.

  5. Replies
    1. Dear Mary, Thank you for your visit. I am always so pleased to see you here. I am so pleased that you like my pictures of the pond.
