Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Day.

A happy day yesterday when I discovered a few blooms in my garden. 

All of a sudden

Snowdrops are blooming in little clumps. 

And so are Hellebores.

Hellebores look so fragile.

But they push themselves right through the ice and snow. 

Who needs roses when one can have Snowdrops and Hellebores.

But then, why not have it all.

Happy blossom discovery days to you my 
dear Friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,
    Daffodils are pushing through the ground in various spots throughout my garden. The beds are still full of dry oak leaves, and many are still clinging to the branches of the Red Oak Trees, all brown and dry. Inside a bouquet of Lilies makes me happy and so does the presentation of your delicate Hellebores.
    Warmest greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, How pleased you must be to see those happy Daffodils in your garden. Like you I have been bringing Lilies home from the Florist. They are so rewarding and will have to do until our gardens decide to wake up.
      Thank you for your visit and thank you also for your lovely comment.

  2. Oh Gina, how exquisite are these early blooms - and your photos are perfection. Nature never fails us, and you are wonderful to take time to share these lovelies with us!
    Happy day - busy I'm sure!
    Love, Mary X

    1. Dear Mary, Have you tried growing Hellebores in your garden? I would think that your climate would be perfect for them. All they need is a little shade during the warmest part of the day. They will reward you by multiplying and always the first flower to bloom in the new year.
      I am always so pleased to hear that you like my photographs.

  3. Dear Gina,

    Your flower photographs are always so handsomely staged and shot. I think your Hellebores would make good subject matter for your ceramic decoration,

    1. Dear Mark, Don't know why I have not thought to have a Helleborus or two appear on some of my ceramics. They are perfect models with their distinct shape and interiors. You always give me such good ideas. Don't be surprised, when in the future, you will see them on a plate or bowl.
