Monday, February 9, 2015

Friends stopped by.

And brought California Sunshine 

to this dreary Utah landscape. 

Clementines, how can anything be this wrinkly yet be so delicious!

I know the exact tree.  I have stood under it many times,
picking and eating to my heart's content.  

Thank you dear friends for growing and taking care of your beautiful orange grove and thank you also for bringing sunshine to our house. 

Wishing you, dear blogging friends, a week full of sunshine and happiness. 



  1. Dear Gina,

    I used to have orange trees in my back yard, but they lived a long life and finally expired. But while they lasted, it was so much fun to go out and pick oranges for the morning's juice. And what a treat it was for visitors. Those trees never lost their magic for me, especially since I kept re-seeing them through the eyes of guests.

    1. Dear Mark, I would be tempted to plant new orange trees. You are so fortunate in that your climate is so perfect for growing citrus fruit. I try to grow small citrus trees in my greenhouse, without much success. Every once in a while I get a few lemons and a handful of kumquats.
      I can well imagine how your guests enjoyed having fresh orange juice every morning. It isn't that oranges are not easily available, but it is the idea of picking them from your own trees that is so special and so rewarding.

    2. Regarding planting new orange trees: I was very fortunate that my trees lasted through almost six decades. Florida orange trees are prone to disease and mine were inspected by the state once a year. If my trees had been found to be diseased, every other citrus tree within a 2-mile radius would have been cut down! Fortunately, that never happened.

    3. How interesting Mark! Of course that makes perfect sense. You must protect your citrus fruit. What would we do without our morning glass of Florida sunshine.

  2. Dear Gina - we eat lots of oranges, and other citrus fruits at this time of year. I believe that the vitamin C helps our immune systems to work better at this time of year and hopefully protect us from coughs and colds. As you mention they are just like having little bit of sunshine sitting in a bowl.

    1. Dear Rosemary, I agree with you 100%. The health benefits received from fresh orange juice should not be overlooked. Our friend and benefactor who grows this beautiful fruit is 94 years old. He doesn't believe in making juice from his oranges but eats them whole and peeled. Telling us that the white and inner skin is what holds additional benefits..
      I love seeing them in bowls but I also know that they lose much of their nutrients in a few days. I have been told that they need to be kept in the dark and in the refrigerator in order to keep all of their goodness.

  3. Clementines! Beautiful in appearance, scent and taste. Oh, if they could sing or listen, I imagine those senses would also be lovely.

    I've just read Mark's comment, and envy him his orange tree memories.


    1. Dear Frances, The first time I picked Clementines from our Friends' trees I was so surprised to find such a tasty and lovely fruit inside. They look as if they need an extra drink of water so that they would fill out a bit more. But no, that is how they are supposed to look. Picking them when the sun has been shining on them all day is an experience I will never forget.

  4. Dear Gina,
    the sun is shining here but not on an orange grove. I have to make do with "Cuties" clementines from the grocery store. Not nearly as puffed and wrinkly but sweet and juicy nevertheless.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I love "Cuties". What a great idea they are. I loved their advertising campaign when they were first introduced to the market. It no doubt introduced many small children to this very friendly and colorful looking fruit.

  5. A lovely post Gina. Really full of sunshine.
    Clementines are my favorites. They are in our local village shop and look so healthy.
    super to have your friends bring some real nice ones for you.
    Enjoy your fruit. Look great in your gorgeous bowls.
    happy tuesday
    val x

    1. Dear Val, We are all so lucky in that we can buy so many things in our stores even though they are not indigenous to our area. I love to have bowls of fruit in our house, especially this time of year when flowers do not exist in my garden. And yes, we are so lucky to have friends who come this way every few weeks and are always so generous to share in their bounty.

  6. They are so pretty and we almost always have Clementines, or Cuties, or Halos in the fridge. Pretty, tasty and so good for you~

    1. Yes Mary, they are so good for you. It always amazes me to see Citrus fruit growing. Blossoms, ripe fruit and just newly forming fruit is all to be found on one single tree. What a triumph of nature.

  7. The beautiful fruitful gifts from your 'sunshine friend' certainly are the prefect natural decoration for your stunningly beautiful home dear Gina.
    How lovely to think you've stood under the tree and even picked your own - the blossom is so fragrant and pretty also.

    Time is getting close I think and my thoughts are with you and Gene. May the days ahead be full of fun and sunshine.
    Thank you so much for your caring words and good thoughts - I've start PT again and working on keep all my bits intact for the time being!!
    Love and hugs - Mary

  8. Dear Mary, Yes, time is getting very close and I am ready. Packing for a cruise is so different. What makes me think that anyone would care if I wear the same dress for dinner more than once? When driving through Europe by car it's all right if I wear the same thing more than once. My " travel colors" are similar to yours only I usually add a little taupe to the mix.
    Been thinking of you and hoping that your new physiotherapy is helping with your pain. See you soon. ox, Gina
