Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Very promising

What's Summer without a Beet Salad? 
(partial repost August 1, 2014)

Instead of round beets grow cylindrical beets next year.  

They cook evenly and slice evenly and taste terrific. 

Bake them or boil them, but don't peel them. 
(Baking intensifies their flavor)

Also, leave the tops and roots intact, 
that way they won't bleed. 

When al dente let cool. While still warm twist beets in both directions.  Skin will come off in one piece.  

Season with coarse salt, toss in small amount of Balsamic vinegar
Finely chop medium sized onion and add to salad.

Have a lovely weekend my dear friends. 



  1. Gorgeous photos. Watching and waiting for my Daffodils to bloom...enjoy your day!

    1. Hello Millie, Thank you for visiting. Watching and waiting is almost as good as seeing.

  2. Dear Gina,
    The last of the masses of brown leaves from our Red Oaks are covering my Daffodils.Yesterday was a hot day and the leaves kept falling like rain all day long. The photos of your Daffodils are always a welcome sight and your bouquets are so pretty.Spring is in the air and all the pleasures of a garden will return.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, It is amazing how the oak trees retain their leaves all winter. I'm always so glad to see them go, finally. I like how you phrase the coming of Spring "all the pleasures of a garden will return". And so it is.

  3. Gina, the sincere bouquet is lovely. The sunlight fills your beautiful room with a very welcoming glow, that is definitely not a winter light.


    1. Dear Frances, Spring has finally come to our area. Even the Apricot tree is in full bloom...maybe a little too early. Keeping fingers crossed. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. Wow, your home and decor is just beautiful! I have a ton of daffodils in bloom now and you must be so excited about yours too! Your bouquet is just gorgeous.

    1. Hello Stacy, What a lovely comment you are sending my way. Thank you so much for your visit. Enjoy your daffodils.

  5. Gorgeous chairs, Gina! The flowers are now blossoming around here, finally. Hoping winter has passed for another 9 months.

    1. Thank you Marigene for your sweet comment. Like you I look forward to the coming seasons. It's all uphill from here.

  6. What a living room! And such a great crop!

    1. Hello Olympia, I am so pleased that you like my bright and happy colors. Soon my Daffodils will be blooming en masse, a show I look forward to every year.

  7. Such a beautiful room Gina - and I love your mix of daffodils and hellebores, unusual together but perfect.
    My daffodils are doing well now after a couple of sunny and very warm days - but it's cooling off again and although officially Spring is just around the corner, I know we'll probably have a few more frosty mornings to look forward to! I looked at plants yesterday but could not be tempted to buy any yet - April 4 is our last frost day here so I need to wait a while longer.
    Hope life is good - and you are enjoying memories of your recent cruise etc. We're off to Washington DC for a few days soon then will be traveling in Europe in April.

    Thinking of you.
    Warm hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, You are wise to stay away from purchasing new plants this early. I have to do the same. I may have to buy a few primroses and pansies.

      Your traveling plans are so exciting. My two most favorite places! Washington DC and central Europe. We will be heading for Europe after our garden is put to bed, late September and early October. We enjoyed our cruise but traveling by car through Europe is our favorite way to vacation.

  8. Lovely daffodils Gina - I have the feeling that Spring for you is much earlier this year. Did you send your seasonal snow to other parts of the States? I know that we both share a great love of flowers, and especially these early spring ones.

    1. Dear Rosemary, How did you know? Yes we sent our seasonal snow to other parts. We have had warmer and then again colder weather. Not very good for our fruit trees. They are blooming much too early.

      We do share a great love for flowers. I always look forward to seeing your stunning close-up photographs of your lovely garden and beautiful and unusual flowers.

  9. Dear Gina, your living room is beautiful, and now I understand from that gorgeous upholstery that no matter what happens, you can live with blooms all year long. I like that there is white space within the design of the upholstery, so that the flowers are all the better defined.

    1. Dear Mark, The fabric is French and hand block printed. The rest of the upholstered pieces are also French chintz, hand block printed, and Lavender, also with flowers. The room is a happy and sunny room, even when the weather is blustery outside.

  10. small but sincere....what a sweet description!

    1. Dear Theresa, Your beautiful and hand painted rocks from your Etsy shop are proudly displayed. They look quite at home.
