Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rain, lots of it, finally.

No snow this time. Hallelujah 

Calves are becoming independent.

The Pond is overflowing, the extra water is irrigating our dry pastures.  

Daffodils are still going strong. 

Will you join me for a little quiz at the end of this post?

My greenhouse is holding little seedlings waiting for the weather to improve.  

My Oleander tree is making a comeback. It's been in the greenhouse all winter.  I have given it copious amounts of water this year.  What a difference that made.  

Little lambs don't mind the rain, their woolly mothers keep them close.  

Now, here is the Quiz.

You might think that you know this familiar flower.  

It's the growth habit that might confuse most gardeners.  

I purchased this particular plant more than forty years ago. 
I started with one plant and now I have only one plant left.

I was successful in propagating it before and I will do it again.  

Have a great weekend my dear friends. 



  1. Dear Gina,

    I'm not accustomed to seeing flowers such as these with fern-like leaves. I think you're actually going into that hothouse late at night and grafting plants together, so I'm calling this puzzle a trick question.

    1. Dear Mark, Thank you for the chuckle and it was a good one, the chuckle I mean. I have babied this plant for years knowing that they are almost impossible to find. No secretive midnight grafting going on at this house. Only hiding it from Mr G who has no respect for my oddities.

  2. Dear Gina - it looks like Phacelia campanolaria - California bluebells, but I don't think that I am correct, the leaves looks slightly different on yours - may be it is a hybrid.

    1. Dear Rosemary,
      You are correct. The flower looks a lot like Phacelia, a flower I truly love for its gorgeous blue. This flower is only about half the size. If you study the leave pattern closely I think that you will be able to identify it.
      Have a great Sunday. It's raining again and we are happy. We need the moisture.

  3. Dear Gina,
    the magnificent photo of your home across the pond reflecting the trees and sky is just, oh, so special. We have had lots of rain too, all week
    long. It is always so very welcome in a place like Texas. The closest I can come to giving a name to your pretty blue flower is only a guess, and it would be a variety of Veronica. However, the leaves seem to be different.
    Wishing you a happy Sunday, Sieglinde

  4. Dear Sieglinde, Thank you for sending your rain our way. Our Farmers call it the Million Dollar Rain. Everything is green and refreshed. The mystery plant is called Jacob's Ladder or more specifically it is a spreading Jacob's Ladder (Parlemoneum Reptans). It is the spreading part that makes it rare and unusual. Thank you for stopping by...have a great week.

  5. The reflection in the second picture is amazing!

    1. Hello Christine, Our pond provides us with ever changing vistas. Thank you for coming by for a visit. It is so appreciated.

  6. Such vivid and wonderful photos! Great captures.
    Please come link up at

    1. Hello Sue, Thank you for your sweet comment and thank you also for your invitation to join walk-on-the-beach.
