Monday, April 13, 2015

Wishing you a happy week.

A few charming little pansies to lift your spirits. 

Have a great week dear friends, 



  1. Dear Gina,
    this photo looks just like a lovely painting as, indeed, it is lifting my spirits on a very dark morning. Thunderstorms rolled through the area and washed the flag stones in my garden with precious rain. Wishing you a wonderful week too.
    Happy greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, How lucky you are to get a bit of rain. It does brighten everything and is so needed early in the Spring. Hopefully we will receive a little moisture, that has been predicted, for the next couple of days.

  2. Dear Gina, I will try not to babble but I am on sensory overload, just found your blog on Sat.from a reference to chickens on another blog.......I love it all, ceramics, recipes, bummers, must be ten women! Your husband is no slouch either, your family cornered the creative gene pool! My love is Baurernmauleri ( never spell it right) I am self taught, I flew to wine country a few yrs. ago to take a class from Socttie Foster, for teachers which I am so very not! It was wonderful. God willing someday I can take a class from you. I did tiles for the area behind my stove 23 yrs. ago, pretty simplistic but they made me happy, then my husband gave me a new kitchen for our 50th anniversay and I had to change it but NOW, I am gong to paint tiles and replace the "professional" ones. Already this morning I tracked down a kiln I can use only three mi. from my home. I LOVE that you are not spring chicken, I am 79 and just full of enthusiasm; I spent six hr.s over the week end on your blog just mesmerized. Your red cabinet in the kitchen? I have it in our mountain cabin, it is coming down the mountain to go in my have given me courage as well as inspiration. I love the floral style on the cabinet doors. I don't copy, but sure do things in the "spirit of"...................I did a McKensie-Childs chair a couple of yrs. ago, not allowing myself to peek at his stuff but just to go with what I liked about his works, thought I would hide it in the garage but it is wonderful and sits in our family room to give make me smile when I look at it. You do live an abundant we are meant to do. I thank you profusely for your generous, wondrous, thrilling blog. Oh dear, I believe I babbled. I am so grateful to you. Cheers from Ca. Donna B.

    1. Hello Donna, Babble all you like. Who wouldn't like to receive so many accolades? You almost got it right. It is Bauernmalerei. If I have inspired you then I am happy. You are smart to look for a kiln that you can use rather than going to the expense and trouble to have your own.
      You are obviously very interested in many different art forms. I would be so pleased if you were to come this way so that we could paint ceramics for a couple of days. It sounds like you will need a few tiles for your new kitchen. Summer is a great time to come for a visit. And after you have painted a few tiles you can always spend a few days in our National Parks...they are only a couple of hours away.

  3. Gina, the colors of those pansies are accented perfectly by the forget-me-nots. (I think that they are forget-me-nots...perhaps I have forgotten.)

    I finally did see some daffs in bloom when I walked across Central Park today. Another couple of days and I think that the Park will be putting on quite a show.


    1. Yes, they are forget-me-nots. They have such an intense blue. I know that there is a pink variety but, in my opinion, they just don't have the same impact.
      I'm surprised that Central Park is not in full bloom. I now have the pleasure of looking forward to your wonderful photographs that I know you will share with us.

  4. Bonjour,

    Simplement magnifique !

    ❀ ✺ Gros bisous ✺ ❀

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, How wonderful that you like my little but sincere bouquet.
      Gros bisous.

  5. So delightful to see these beautiful pansies today on your post Gina.
    indeed they lift one's spirits.
    a lovely arrangement.
    I have never picked them for vases.
    val xx

    1. Dear Val, Pansies don't last very long in a vase but since they are usually so abundant then why not enjoy them in the house. That is when they really shine. Pansies do last a little longer if you pick them with many leaves attached rather than just with a single stem.
      Congratulations on your new little foal. She is a beauty.

  6. Dear Gina - Your arrangement is beautiful. The Forget-Me-Nots remind me of a lovely rock garden my father had, one that was covered with those beautiful little blue flowers. Thanks for the happy memory!

    1. Dear Mark, Isn't it interesting how certain flowers bring back happy memories. I think that is why I love flowers so much. Often it only takes a certain scent lingering in the air that transports us to a happy place in our lives.

  7. What an amazing photo with the fresh flowers and the painting in the background (ands your whole blog is wunderful)
    Welcome as new reader on my blog :-)

    1. Willkommen Mascha. I am so pleased that you stopped by. Thank you also for becoming a new Follower.
      The painting you see is one that a friend started to paint but never finished. It has come in handy for using as a back drop for some of my flower photographs.
