Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Very cold, very windy

Back to Winter

And to my greenhouse for a little color.

New snow in the mountains to the East. 

Waiting to be planted outside.

Theresa's hand painted rocks,  FROM HER NEWLY OPENED ETSY SHOP,  bring a little color to the inside. 

Theresa writes a very special blog ART'S THE ANSWER.
Please visit her.

Aren't these beautiful!

Each hand painted stone a masterpiece.  

My greenhouse makes waiting for Spring a little easier. 

Have a great week my dear friends. 



  1. You are too kind Gina! I am so glad they bring some color to a strong winter that won't give up.

    1. Dear Theresa, I am so pleased with your masterpieces that I wanted to share.

  2. Theresa's painted stones are very beautiful and quite unusual!

    Gina,, our weather just doesn't seem to embrace spring warmth. Of course, I am delighted that we don't have snow, and do seem to be able to stay above the freezing point. (And don't have any tornadoes, like some places.)


    1. Dear Frances, Your New York Easter Parade photos were exceptional. Your weather is much better than ours...I can tell by the many flowers that are already blooming in Central Park. Lucky You!

  3. Dear Gina,

    I like the way you've positioned Theresa's rocks in a miniature garden — they almost look like rare eggs ready to hatch!

    1. Dear Mark, I am so pleased to see that Theresa is sharing her talents with us by way of her Etsy shop.

  4. Gina, believe it or not, it snowed on the island last night!! The mountains just outside my window are topped with the white, powdery stuff, while the wildflowers cover the meadows, below. I don't have such a pretty greenhouse, where dainty lovelies are getting ready for their debut, and where painted pebbles decorate the space, but at least I can visit yours, and smile.

    Happy weekend!


    1. Dear Poppy, Talk about being happy. It makes me happy each time I visit your blog. Your surroundings are so beautiful and your photos so exceptional. It is always a pleasure to visit with you.

  5. Dear Gina,
    when spring fails to show up early a greenhouse is a great way to get some much needed color with plants that oblige so beautifully.And then there is always art to help make a most pretty display in a splendid dish arranged imaginatively with painted rocks and greenery. Just lovely.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, My humble greenhouse does provide color and flowers during the long winter months. We had an early spring and now we are back to winter. We had dinner with friends last night and they lamented the fact that their tulips had all been eaten by deer. Same at our neighbor's garden and they started on mine. They haven't even bloomed yet. I went after the herd with a broom yesterday...they didn't even move but stood defiantly waiting for me to go away.

  6. Dear Gina,
    do not want to laugh about deer eating your tulips, but you with a broom against a herd...............that would make a great photo shoot.
    Hugs, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I must have looked pretty silly. It's the deer who won in the end.

  7. You are so lucky to have a green house. Beautiful blooms all ready to be planted in Mother Earth. Pretty painted rocks. (Be careful with that broom!)

    1. Dear Snap, I am so grateful for my greenhouse. Winters are long and even Spring surprises us with late frosts.
      The broom didn't scare them much. Must think of another tactic.
      Thank you for your visit.

  8. Coming to your blog, Gina, has been like stepping into another world! Your art is just breathtaking! You have a sheep tile in your Etsy Shop that Im keeping my eye on! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Debra, I will make sure that there will be a sheep tile in my Etsy shop for you. Thank you for your lovely compliment.

  9. Pretty blooms Gina and pretty decorative stones of many you painted..

  10. Hello Carolann, So glad you stopped by for a visit. I will take credit for the flowers but those beautiful rocks were painted by my very talented and charming friend Theresa Cheek of Art's the Answer.

  11. And I thought our spring would never come...we are just experiencing it now...hoping yours comes soon.

    1. Hello Donna, Soon I will be complaining that time is going too fast. For now we still have freezing nights predicted this week. How nice that Spring has come to your area.

  12. A greenhouse would certainly help with a gardening fix until spring arrived. The painted rocks are very pretty and would be nice in container gardens.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

    1. Hello Judith, You are so right. Theresa's beautifully painted rocks would look great in a container garden.
      Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday. I know that it is a lot of work for you but so appreciated by all of us.
