Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friends are coming for the weekend.

Rain is predicted.

I was getting the survival basket ready for the hadn't been on the bench for two seconds, when Pasha claimed it. 
He is supposed to be an "outside" cat.  He pounces on every opportunity to be with "his people".  

The old bread dough trough holds old and new magazines.

Clouds are gathering for more rain.
Our guests might want to spend a little time relaxing and reading. 

Books can keep us company.

No matter how many times I have read them, there is always something new to discover. 

I try to have books which might appeal to everyone.

You have probably read all of them.

This is one of my favorite short reads. 

There is no end to the variety.

Some old books  are always full of "new ideas". 

A book here and there for the child in us. 

A book of Poetry by the bedside is a must. 

Dreaming of far-away-places is part of a visit.  

This book will keep you entertained for days. 

Are you sure you know Shakespeare?

And, there should be fresh flowers.  

Have a great weekend my dear friends, 



  1. Dear Gina,
    What would we do without books that take us to places we may not have thought of? Whether it is to someone's small garden, to the imaginative world another has created with words and poetic expressions, or to artistic images on canvas, walls or ceramics.
    I hope there will always be books.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I could not have said it better.

  2. Dear Gina - I am sure that your friends will have a wonderful time staying with you - rain or no rain.
    I noticed that you have Creating Small Gardens by Roy Strong - in two weeks time I am going on a private visit to his garden in Herefordshire with a small group of friends from my Fine Art Society.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Our world is really small isn't it. This book is sitting atop a coffee table in the middle of an Alfalfa Field in Central Utah, USA and you will be visiting the actual garden, halfway across the world. Will you share a few photographs with us? That would be wonderful.

    2. Definitely and with a bit of luck it might even be my first post with a new camera if I manage to secure one in the coming week.

    3. Can't wait. I know that the photos will be very special.

  3. Bonjour, Gina!
    The Book of Beasts sounds like a book I would enjoy perusing! Too bad I don't have any grandchildren (personally or neighbors) that I could share it with! From the covers there are many in your selections that could keep me occupied on a rainy day with a hot cuppa (!) Your guests will undoubtedly have many things to keep them occupied... I'm thinking of your colorful greenhouse, the wide open skies with that lake and the swans... I will be playing Bridge this afternoon after a morning of outside chores trying to stay focused and N O T thinking about your lucky guests being hosted by you. Have a fun time entertaining.

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Hello Mary, Playing bridge sounds wonderful especially on a rainy day. We all went to a Radio Show last night where handsome cowboys were reciting Cowboy Poetry. The laughter is still ringing in my ears.

  4. What a wonderful selection of books you have - something to suit every occasion - if it does rain your friends your friends might just be grateful to browse through your collection.

    1. Hello Elaine, Books are magical aren't they. They can make you sad and they can make you happy. Most of all they can take you to far-away-places where you can pretend or plan your next trip around the world.

  5. Dear Gina,

    I always enjoy knowing what people are reading, and it gives me a simple pleasure when I look at a library of a wonderful house in a design magazine and see that we share the same book. I don't own The Secret Language of Birthdays, but I've thumbed through it a number of times in book stores — you're right — it's very entertaining. I own a book on Moroccan style (because I'm in love with the work of Moroccan artisans), and if I were visiting Casa Gardner, I doubtlessly pick up the Parrish-Hadley tome.

    Rain or not, I know your guests will have a wonderful time.

    1. Dear Mark,You may make your reservation to the Garner Homestead right now. I have many more design books on Morocco for you to peruse. I think you would also like John Saladino and yes I also have many books about the glorious Italian Renaissance. So when it gets too hot in Florida it will be just right in the middle of an Alfalfa Field, in the high desert of central Utah.

  6. These are all so wonderful and brought me to my own home, and I have been reluctant to share things from inside, as I feel it is so inadequate and yet it is home and you inspire me. You always make us feel right at home as will your guests when or if they have already arrived~

    1. Dear Mary, Your home is home and there is no better place. Our guests have come and gone and it didn't even matter that it rained most of the time. It was wonderful to visit with friends. We even took in a radio show that was quite good. Remarkable because we are just a little cow town.

  7. In coming for the weekend. Lol What fun reading material!! Perfect for a rainy day.

    1. Hello Cranberry Morning. Thank you for your visit. How nice that you stopped by. Thank You. Gina

  8. Hello, I think your guest will be very happy visiting with you and the sweet kitty. The reading material will be great on a rainy day.. Lovely post, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

    1. Hello Eileen, Oh, you noticed the kitty. He is a little charmer. He was given to us because no one claimed him. He even kept our guests company.

  9. Gina you are a wonderful hostess...books, magazines and flowers....perfection!

    1. Hello Donna, It was wonderful to have a young couple come for a visit. Makes us feel younger. We had a great visit, rain or no rain.
      Thank you for stopping by. Gina

  10. You have a wide range of books for guests to read and adding flowers would make anyone feel welcome. I really like the photo of the kitty in the basket which I'm assuming is Pasha.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Gina.

  11. Hello Judith, Yes, that is Pasha the newest member in our family. He has the habit of showing up in places where you don't expect him.
    Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday.

  12. I am so glad I found you again! I didn't write down the name of your blog and I wondered if I would run into you again. Thankfully I did! I love the exquisite color in your photos, they are rich and the light is beautiful.

    1. Hello Janet, I am so glad that we found each other again. Thank you for your sweet comment. The admiration is mutual. Wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend.
