Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mon Bouquet du Jour

And a little quiz.

This bouquet is made up of 3 different flowers. 

There is the Forget-me-not.

Can you identify the rest?

Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Remember, Life is short try to live it to the fullest. 



  1. Hellebores and Astrantia perhaps?
    Whatever Gina, a glorious bouquet of colors and textures - and your arranging of them in the cut glass vase, with pears along side, and the painted background, is just perfection.

    I'm so behind with comments to everyone - just now beginning to feel better from the nasty virus I returned home with. BTW - I was stunned by Germany's beauty - the countryside and villages we sailed/drove through were absolutely wondrous. I WILL be posting as soon as I catch up - we spent many days in Germany and visited everything, from a Rhine castle and a glass-blower, to waiting for the ship in a sunny late afternoon field of buttercups and daisies - that's an entire story of its own!!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear.
    Love, Mary

    P.S. Some of your hollyhocks are growing well now by the front porch - I think of you as I watch them get taller daily!

    1. Dear Mary, I hope that you took lots of pictures of the "field of buttercups and daisies". I'm so glad that you are beginning to feel better.
      Possibly your Hollyhocks will bloom this year. It takes 2 years for them to bloom in our climate. And, I hope that some of them will be that glorious peach color, which, by the way seems to have disappeared from my garden.

  2. hahahahaha - Gina, the only flower that I figured I knew WAS the forget-me-nots - and then you had to go and give that one away!!!
    I would love to enjoy that arrangement today as we are continuing our string of grey, cloudy and really no-good-no-fun-days !!! On a second look I'm wondering if the light green ones are hellebores? I could also enjoy that pear right now; it is beautiful, too!

    Mary in Oregon

    1. Hello Mary, We have had the same rainy weather. But in between we have had white puffy clouds and the bluest of skies. You know more about flowers than you give yourself credit. Yes, those are Helleborus, only in this photo they have gone to see and may not be recognized by most.

  3. A beautiful, beautiful bouquet Gina - I like Hellebores when they are turning to seed too, and the deep pink Astrantia is lovely - I only have the white tipped with pink.

    1. Dear Rosemary, Of course you would recognize every one of the flowers. I'm looking forward to seeing the flowers in your garden. They are always spectacular. And now that you have a new camera....

  4. I really do love the combination of colours and flowers and not to forget the wonderful background. The Astrantia major variety is a beautiful red one, I have only the pale pink. I had the red one too, but after some years it was disappeared.

    1. Hello Janneke, I moved this particular Astrantia to a new place in my garden. It has more shade and has turned a darker red. Flowers are always full of surprises aren't they.

  5. Dear Gina,
    such a wonderful combination of flowers, vase and canvas in your first photo. Just so very lovely and almost like a Redon whose painted vases with flowers I have always admired.
    Warm greetings, Sieglinde

    1. Dear Sieglinde, I am so pleased that you like my little "make-belief-painting". I have always enjoyed seeing your beautiful photos of your lovely flowers from your garden. One of these days you will join the blogging community and share the beauty with all of us.

  6. Gina, that is a dazzling series of photographs! It was the ruby red flowers that were mysteries to me, very pretty mysteries, too. Adding that pear gave another color bounce to the mix.

    Lovely puzzle. I will try to remember the name Astrantia. xo

    1. Dear Frances, The Astrantia is just a little insignificant flower, mostly overlooked in most gardens. But isn't it interesting how they add just the right amount of interest.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  7. Bonjour,

    Quel bouquet incroyable !... je suis sous le charme.

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

    1. Bonjour Martinealison, I am hoping that you are having a great Summer. Thank you for your lovely comment and thank you also for your visit.

  8. Dear Gina,

    As you may have guessed by now, I know very little of the care of flowers, and I could never guess what is in your pretty vase. Instead, I'm going to make up new names and let you be the judge of whether or not they're better identifiers. I would call the red flowers "Ready Quilt Tulips" and the green flowers "Star Fruit Palms."

    1. Dear Mark, I like your idea of giving flowers a new name when you don't know what they are called, officially. I will keep it in mind when asked about a flower whose name I don't know. I think, that if I say it with conviction it will certainly be believable.
      Besides, I like the new names you have given, Astrantia and Helleborus...much more interesting and descriptive.

  9. I am thinking that some of them are Hellebore's, but not sure of the others. What I do know for sure, is they are all quite beautiful Gina~

    1. Dear Mary, Yes Helleborus and Astrantia and the little blue flower, Forget-me-not. Thank you for your visit and sweet comment.

  10. Absolutely adore the flowers you have featured here looks like a wonderful mixed media painting. Can I just say I love them all? Many thanks for your apron comment, I totally get the way you think! ;)

    1. Hello Jeanne, Your post on aprons was wonderful. Thank you for mentioning such interesting apron sources. I see more and more aprons being sold. I'm delighted that they are coming back into fashion and no wonder, they are so very practical.
